Sunday, July 29, 2007

The News is Great!

News continues to be great here at Flourishes. The banner ad on SCS looks very pretty and the website is all we could have hoped it would be. We were buzzing around like bees in a hive as we were getting the last minute details completed. The gallery is grand and I love the fact that each designer has her individual sweet is that? We will also have banner ads on 1 August and sponsor the SCS newsletter that day. If you have not subscribed, you really should, the tutorials there are always great and it is free. The Dirty Dozen Fan Club is also holding a special week of challenges. Again, if you are not a Fan Club member, this is a good time to join. The talent is awesome and you will pick up so many tips and ideas to add to your art.

Now for more great news! Ta Daa! - our Design Team member Sharon Johnson's card (notimetostamp) was selected as one of the favorites of the week on Splitcoastampers (SCS). Here it is for you to see. You can leave a comment on her gallery at SCS........I hope I am going to be invited to her house...the cake looks good enough to eat!

Nancy Kirk, one of the 3 Flourishes, is posting to give away some blog candy so you will want to visit her blog and get your name in the hat....check her out at Seaside Creativity.

Our gallery now has a customer gallery for your own creations using Flourishes Sets. If you would like to place your favorite in our general customer gallery, please send them to us at

Thank You each and all.

Jan Marie


  1. Sharon's cards are always so beautiful and elegant!!! And the cake tastes good at her house too!!!

    I played around with the Cake Decorating 101 set during my last visit to Sharon's, and just had to order it!!!

    Thanks for all of the inspiration, Sharon, and looking forward to more of the same!!!

    SCS aka: DeborahLynneS

  2. This is beautiful! I think I need this stamp set!

  3. Fabulous card! Sharon is the Queen of details!
