Thursday, December 6, 2007

Introducing our Guest Designer

Flourishes is happy to announce its first guest designer, the talented Lisa Silver. Many of you know Lisa from SCS (aka Silvergirl) or from her blog, Silver Stamping. She lives in Missouri with her husband and two children and works for a chemical company. She described her syle as classic and detailed. Lisa will be designing for us for the next few months - we can't wait to see more of her artwork! Please join us in welcoming Lisa to the Flourishes team.


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Lisa's beautiful work. :)


  2. Lisa, Welcome!!! I am so, so happy to have you here with Flourishes as a Guest Designer!!! Your work is totally awesome and I KNOW you'll be a perfect fit with the Flourishes images!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with!!!
