Friday, February 1, 2008

Cake Decorating Spotlight - Part 1

Over the next two days we will spotlight the Cake Decorating 101 Stamp set and show you some of the fun things we’ve done with this set! The set contains images of cakes, a cake slice, cake plates, pedestals, sentiments and many decorating pieces for a total of 34 stamps!

First, the basics – here are just some examples of how we put together a basic cake:

Stamp the outline cake

Then, mask the cake and stamp the plate and the pedestal

Add a little decorative detail – don’t you just love the little “bling” hanging from the cake plate?

Apply color!!

Here are some great examples from Leslie Miller Tracy Durcan, and Sharon Johnson – a little coloring, decorative paper and ribbon and you have a fabulous card!

Or try this – stamp the outline cake image and make a reverse mask. Then use a decorative stamp to create a design within the cake outline - the reverse mask protects the area around the cake. For this I used SU’s filigree background stamp. Here is a card I did using the reverse mask technique and Basic Grey paper.

Suppose you wanted the cake to look like a slice has been removed? Here’s how:

Stamp out outline cake image.

Then, take the “slice out” stamp (I don’t know what else to call this stamp, so I just call it the ‘slice out”) and place it towards the left hand side of the cake. Because these are clear stamps, you can line it up where you want it very easily.

There it is. A cake with a slice cut out!

Here are some great examples of cakes with the slice cut out from Jan Marie Caruso, Alex Eaton and Tracy Durcan.


Check back tomorrow for Part 2 of the Cake Decorating Spotlight. We will show you how to decorate a cake slice, and show some fabulous examples of “when a cake set is not a cake set” .

In the meantime, be sure to get in on the month long Cake Decorating contest by providing us a link to your cards make with the Cake Decorating Set - see the details from our January 31th post!


  1. What a great tutorial on using this set -- I'm anxious to see what you post next!!!

  2. FABulous tutorial!! I know what I'll be doing this weekend!!!

  3. FANTASTIC tutorial . . . anxious for tomorrow's posting! I JUST received my cake decorating 101 set in the mail today and am excited to "make a cake". This tutorial was very helpful! Thanks! Darlene (SCS:akronstamperdpk)

  4. Thanks for the great tutorial - going to have to wring out my budget and see what I can squeek out of it this month :). By the way I noticed your time clock says Pensacola - I am asuming Florida?- I live in Fort Walton Beach, Fl - Do you have a store in Pensacola? If so get me your addy and we'll be there - this area is very Stamp store deprived, our local stamp group would LOVE to make a field trip!!! :)

  5. Fabulous tutorial - thank you for all of the tips. Here's a link to a card I made a couple weeks ago.
