Monday, January 28, 2008

Designer Spotlight - Lisa Silver

This weeks Designer Spotlight is on the creative work of Lisa Silver.

For three years Lisa Silver has been putting ink to paper and creating such beautiful cards and other stamped items while making it look like she has been stamping much longer. She started stamping when a friend invited her to an in-home demonstration which she could not attend, but wanted to support her friend and ordered a stamp set. The rest, she says, is history! She’s been published in The Rubber Stamper and has two pending creations Lisa lives in Missouri with her husband and two children.

Please describe your style:
I tend to think my style follows classic lines. I love to do precision cutting for dimensional designs. I try to review each design for balance. I consider my self detail oriented.

What are your goals or dreams as a designer?
I have always been interested in being part of Design Teams and being published. I think that’s the standard… but ultimately, I want to be known for my style, sought because of the ability to execute and valued for my design ideas. It’s a tough dream to realize since there is so much talent in this field. But, I plan to continuously learn, work to improve.
Do you sketch your projects?
I often have the layout already in mind, but will rarely draw it out first. The only time I sketch prior to working is if I dream the card. My most creative moments are just before I go to sleep… I daydream card designs. LOL! My husband is used to me flipping on the light to make notes. Poor man!
Do you have a favorite color? And a least favorite?
My usual go to color is Rose, but lately, I’ve been drawn to the colors of nature – rich browns and golds.
Bright colors are a challenge for me. I think the traditional jewel tones or earth tones are more my style.
What three tools can you not live without?
My piercing tool/mat, a ruler, and my heat gun are all essentials.
What would you say is your best creative time of day?
I work during the day, so my free time is in the evenings. I try to stamp every evening and on the weekends.
Do you snack while you work?
Not really. I’m always worried I’ll mess up a project from snacking. LOL!
Music, TV, or Silence?
Hmmm… are kids a choice for noise? No??? My preference is a bit of music, although I tend not to hear it when I’m concentrating. Otherwise, the kids turn on the TV in my stamping room and watch something on Disney Channel (or is it the Hannah Montana Channel) or play Nintendo.

What first sparked your interest in paper crafts?
Ive always loved paper and school supplies. My grandma would take my brother and I shopping at the dime store (sheesh I feel old… dime stores?) and would let us pick anything we wanted. My brother would buy some junky toy and I would buy notebooks and pens. Even with that said, I love making something that I can share with others.
What is the most exciting moment in your life to date?
One of the most amazing things I’ve ever done in my life was to have an after hours tour of the Louvre museum in Paris. I was there in October 2006 for a work function and had the opportunity to attend an exclusive supplier event. After a fabulous dinner, we were taken to the Louvre (it was nearly 10 pm at this point) and walked through several galleries to recreate The DiVinci Code book / movie. I will never forget getting to stand only feet away from the Mona Lisa – only 10 other people near me. It was something that I will never forget.
What have you not tried that you always thought it would be fun to do at least once?
I’m not really an adventurous soul… scuba-diving is the extent of daredevil for me. On the other hand, I’d love to be on the Amazing Race just once... to have the chance to see the world.
And lastly, Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us!

I graduated from college with a BS in Chemistry. I worked in a lab for several years and then decided to be on the business side of things by becoming a buyer of chemicals. I now run a Sourcing service as part of a Chemical company, interfacing with pharmaceutical companies, for integrated supply chain management. I’m not sure if it’s surprising… LOL!

To see more of Lisa's work, visit her blog, Silver Stamping and her Flourishes Designer Gallery.


  1. Lisa, what a joy to get to know you like this. You deserve the spotlight.

  2. How fun to get to know you better, Lisa!!! Can't believe you have only been stamping for 3 years -- WOW!!! Your work is amazing and I LOVE it!!! So glad to have you on board here!!!

  3. Pharmaceuticals, huh? I'm surprised! Your work is fabulous Lisa, enjoy your time with Flourishes!

  4. Lisa ~ Congratulations on being in the spotlight!!! Your art is amazingly beautiful and I enjoy each post I receive! Now I feel like I know you so much better. Flourishes is fortunate to have such a talent on their Design Team :)

  5. Lisa, all of your work is beautiful!I am always in awe of the cards and projects that you make. :)


  6. Very interesting and insightful, Lisa! I enjoyed reading about you and having another chance to see your beautiful work. Thank you!
