Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ready to hit the floor

Jan Marie and Sharon are ready to hit the floor running today. Our bags are packed with the essensials, ready to spend a full day finding new things for Flourishes as well as meeting face to face with our current vendors.
We have already found new products, from classes we attended on Saturday, that interest us. We are checking them out today and will be on the look out for many more items.
The raseberry dots are our Flourishes logo luggage tags and oh they look so nice. The black tags are from our class with Dee Guenig. We also attended a Hero Arts class. It was a fun filled day.
We close out the day attending SCS cupcake reception. It was so much fun for meet all the people that we know so well. It is totally amazing how many of us recongized each other!!!! Daven the owner of SCS was there as well as all the behind the scenes folks that keep SCS up and running and the home we love.

We have laid out the maps of the floor, in hopes that we can do all we want to today. We have made list of MUST SEE's and WANTA SEE's...and I am sure we will get distracted by some much great stuff that we will wonder why we made the plan at all.

So we are off....we are out of the door with comfy shoes and our bags ready.

Till Later...

Jan Marie & Sharon


  1. Oh I just know you and Sharon are having such a great time. I told my sister just this morning where you guys were and how I wish I could be there with you! Unfortunately, I have been combating the flu and I even got a flu shot, but it seems to be a different strain of flu. That's why I haven't gotten back to you guys. DO have a lovely time!! I cannot wait to hear what all you have seen and done :)

  2. Oh my gosh, Dee Guening is so fun on TV, I can just imagine the blast you had -- oh, and to meet everyone from SCS -- I am just so envious!!! It all sounds so wonderful!!! Keep us informed -- inquiring minds like to know!!!
