Monday, March 24, 2008

He Has Risen Alleluia!


We wish you and yours all the joy and blessings that this Easter and Easter tide season hold.

The card today captures all the simplicity and majesty that is rightfully due our King. The focal point is the message of the day. To keep focused on the real topic at hand...I choose beautiful colored papers....the gold brushed paper holds the majesty of the celebration and the white paper is a new "silver Ice metallic". It has a whitter appearance and slightly more sheen. The only ink used was Encore metallic gold. The Silver Ice paper was embossed with a new Cuttlebug folder and I am very pleased with the result...great definition. The ribbon is also truly fit for a king, a metallic gold wired edge ribbon....a straight forward card that allows the message to be delivered.

The 3 Flourishes wish you and yours the Happiest and most Joyful Easter.

Jan Marie, SharonD, and Nancy

He has truly risen! Happy Easter from the 3 Flourishes. Join us in the celebration of this joyous occasion and celebrate the entire season of Eastertide....from now until Pentecost Sunday We hope that you day was filled with joy and celebration, and of course good food!

Today's card is a simple one of majesty yes fit for a risen king! In keeping it simple the message is the focal point. The card is made up from very special papers each on their own.....brushed metallic gold and the silver ice metallic paper ( a new paper that is whiter and has a bit more sheen). I embossed it with a new Cuttlebug folder..and I must say that I was very please with the results. The only ink used is Encore Gold Metallic and the touch of ribbon is again a metallic gold with a wired edge.

From SharonD, Nancy and Jan Marie the happiest of Easter Blessings!

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