Thursday, April 24, 2008


The Virtual Convention is on at RUBBERSTAMPCHAT!!

What is a Virtual Convention? It’s an online rubberstamp convention that is taking place at the Rubberstampchat (RSC) forum. The forum will have a special “convention hall” section set up just for this event in the forum.

The RSC vendors set up their 'booth' as a thread in the convention hall section. Then you have until the 28th to see what show specials are being offered by that company. The Flourishes "booth" is located HERE - look for our special convention discount code! So, instead of getting up early to drive to the show and walk around all day in a big hall full of people and only have less than healthy food available, you get to wear your jammies, eat REAL food when you want, not wait in line for anything (including the potty) and shop at your leisure 24/7.
Come join the fun!!

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