Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Sweet Love Story!!!

You’ve heard all of us at Flourishes mention Marcella Hawley from time to time. I’d like to introduce you to her today. Marcy is the artistic talent behind so many of the beautiful images in Flourishes stamp line, the latest being our series of beautiful botanical images. Marcella Hawley was founding art director of Mary Engelbreit’s Home Companion, a pioneering art-centered decorating magazine. Previously, as assistant to the art director at Martha Stewart Living, she was part of the creative team that launched Martha Stewart’s premiere television show and Weddings magazine. Now home in St. Louis, Missouri, Marcella is a devoted gardener, illustrator, decorator, and maker of things. Husband Patrick Hawley is her partner in life and business, as web developer and IT maestro for MHCreative. They have two children, Tallulah and Finn. For more information on her work, please visit

OK, so that’s who Marcy is on a professional level. Some pretty impressive names listed on her resume, but on a personal level, she’s just like the rest of us – a devoted wife and mother who loves her husband and her children – and she’s also someone who likes to have a little fun! And in that vein she nominated her husband, unbeknownst to him, as the Hottest Husband of 2008 through Redbook Magazine. And Patrick OBVIOUSLY is hot, as he was one of the finalists in the contest!!!! Huge Congrats!!! to both Patrick and Marcy!!! How fun!!! You can see the Redbook article along with an adorable photo of Patrick and their children by clicking here.

We at Flourishes are so honored and privileged to be able to work with both Marcy and Patrick. Patrick was instrumental in helping Flourishes get their original site up and running and he still lends a technical hand from time to time!!! Not only is this couple hot, hot, hot!!! in many respects, but they are a part of what makes Flourishes what it is today, and we’re so pleased to share this fun news with you!!! Thank you, Marcy and Patrick, for your part in Flourishes success!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Now I think that is a true love story that is so hot it sizziles.....maybe that contributes to her wonderful art. Congrats to is quite a honor to be in the top six hubbies in America these days. I raise my glass to toast both of you for making a good marriage, and Patrick for the key role in this great union!

    I also applauded Redbook magazine to devoting a part of their issue to marriage and the key component --the husband. BRAVO!
