Monday, August 4, 2008

Featured Stamper #11

This is my first time to make this decision for Flourishes. The talented ladies that are sharing their wonderful creations have certainly challenged me for sure. But my decision is made...and the envelope says it's

Twinshappy (Stacy)

My decision was not based on any one card that she submitted, but on the nice variety of cards and her wonderful use of the images and variety of applications she used to create these cards. No two were alike and each on their own could have been a stand alone winner! All were done with the same set....With Gratitude

These are all WOW cards and certainly deserve the recognition.
There were other wonderful cards posted, great talent coming forward and sharing, some new and some are our weekly participants. We thank each and every one of you for sharing your beautiful cards. Keep up the good work.


  1. Congrats Stacy! ...I've been a long time fan of her creations!! Hooray!

  2. Congrats to Stacy! I thought her cards were beautiful.
    Will Flourishes be picking a winner from the July Featured Stamper weekly winners?

  3. Thank you, and what nice things you said about my cards. I am so tickled with this. Thank you so much!

  4. Stacy!! These are all so elegant and beautifully done. Each one is unique and yet they would make a wonderful set. Congrats!!

  5. My goodness, these are absolutely beautiful and CLASSY cards!

  6. Stacy - these are absolutely amazing and so beautiful. Congratulations !!!

  7. Wow congrats! What beautiful and stunning work! I love each single one of them, so pretty and elegant!

  8. Congratulations, my friend! You certainly outdid yourself with these beautiful cards. Lovely work!
