Monday, August 11, 2008

Flourishes Featured Stamper 12!

I’ve perused the cards submitted for Flourishes’ Featured Stamper many times, but this was the first time I had to pick one of the talented stampers to grace the page of the Flourishes Newsletter!! It was hard! It was so hard, that we have a tie this week!

The Flourishes Featured Stampers are......

Joan's creativity with this first card is what I consider ingenious! This card was made using not only the lovely Lilac set, but, Joan used the foam that is included in our clear plastic boxes to sponge on those lovely golden shades! Yes, you heard me right. She used the foam from our fabulous clear boxes! WOW! Great idea and fabulous results! It looks very Tuscan to me.

The crisp clean style is why I loved this second card from Joan. Make a beautiful stamp your center piece, add some rhinestones and some fabulous ribbon and you have the makings of a wonderful card. I think it's a perfect way to display that lovely magnolia!
Cindy’s cards featured some interesting and elegant details. Both of Cindy’s cards used the Fantasy Floral set. On this card, I love how the ribbon and metal frame serves as a wonderful accent. I also love the black contrast to the soft pink card - just lovely!
On this card, I love how the dots added with a marker and texture added with an embossing folder really compliment the stamped image to make it “sing!” Both are very classy cards!
Thanks to all those who played! Keep those submissions coming! Joan and Cindy, you’ll be entered into the random drawing on September 1st for a stamp set of your choice plus a bundle of the luscious ribbon Flourishes carries in the store! Good luck!!


  1. Congrats to Joan and to Cindy for their marvelous creations. Joan's keen sense for texture and color is phenomenal. I am also impressed with Cindy's refreshing designs.

  2. I loved all of these when I saw them!! Congrats ladies!!

  3. These cards are just gorgeous, Cindy and Joan. Great job! Congrats to both of you!

  4. Oh wow, you really shouldn't have my name in the same sentence as Cindy's! Yikes, I've gone to stamper's heaven!!!

  5. Congratulations, Joan and Cindy!! Woo Hoo!

  6. I'm so thrilled to shar this honor with Joan. Joan your cards rock girlfriend.

  7. Congratulations Joan and Cindy. Both of you made very pretty cards.

