Sunday, August 17, 2008

Flourishes Featured Stamper #13

This week's Flourishes Featured Stamper comes all the way from the Land Down Under! Drum roll please....

A.K.A. "happy little stamper!"

When I saw Michelle's floral creations, my heart literally stopped. Her use of color and the layouts she chose for both of the cards she submitted were just perfect!

Take this lilac card - don't you love the rusty colored accent she added outside of the flowers and on the tag? It's so pretty! I also loved the embossed piece which gives this card some pop and pizazz! It's so lovely, you can almost smell the lilac - can't you?
Michelle's next creation was this beautiful Magnolia card. The trio panel in a pink and brown scheme is eye catching. I loved the complimentary patterned paper she used! And, she didn't forget my favorite - a touch of sparkle with a trio of rhinestones!
Michelle your cards are fabulous and we're happy to honor you as our Flourishes Featured Stamper. You will now be entered into the random drawing on September 1st for a free Flourishes stamp set of your choice plus a bundle of luscious ribbon. Good luck!

Thanks to all those who played! Keep those submissions coming- we love to see all the beautiful things you create with Flourishes stamps.


  1. Congrats Michelle! Your cards were wonderful!

  2. Hats off to you Stacy...your cards are wonderful and such an inspiration to others. Thanks for sharing and now bask in the glory!

  3. Congrats Michelle! These are wonderful!!

  4. Michelle, I love this card too! i saw the others on your site and way to go!

  5. Congrats, Michelle. I love your cards. Beautiful job!

  6. Absolutely beautiful cards Michelle. Congrats on being chosen Featured certainly have the talent.

  7. Hi Michelle, congratulations on your award, that's great. Your cards are beautiful.
    I'll be a regular visitor to your blog site too and was surprised to see you have just started, so I haven't missed out on too much. Look forward to seeing some more of your cards.
    Cheers from Perth Western Australia
    PS: Couldn't leave comment/s on your site as no option for Name, there's only Google/Blogger or OpenID which I don't have.

  8. I'm late posting because I'm trying to catch up on some of my fav blogs, but just had to comment on your cards, Michelle! They're beautiful! I'll definintely be visiting your blog as well! TFS!
    Susan :-)

  9. Gorgeous work! I am inspired!
