Monday, August 25, 2008

Flourishes Featured Stamper 14

Isn't this blog widget beautiful? Well, in addition to having your name entered for a monthly drawing for a free stamp set, this is what you will "win" when you are chosen as our Flourishes Featured Stamper! We hope you "wear" it on your blog with pride!! If you email me at, I'll send you a full resolution copy!

Now onto the submissions! Wow, the caliber of cards submitted for week 14 was just amazing! Tough doesn't even begin to describe choosing one!! There were many who had multiple entries and all were amazing. We had wonderful "scenes" this week of lemonade on the patio, wine in the dining area, flowers on the table and more! If you are ever searching for inspiration on "making a scene" with your cards, you need to check out Week 14's Featured Stamper submissions!

So, without further ado...

This week's Featured Stamper is.....
Christine Okken

She did a fabulous gift set centered around coffee and used the bright colors from the bag of coffee for her color scheme. I love how perky it is (no pun intended)! The green, turquoise and black just pop and the polka dot ribbon adds some punch as well!

Here's a close up of the card she created....

And here's a closer look at the tag!

Well, just to give you an idea of how hard it was to choose, I had to share some of the other submissions!! This one below by Stacy a.k.a. Twinshappy also took my breath away. the detail with the three dimensional wine glasses and the brads added for the look of a chandelier chain. oooOOOo la la!

Stacy did another "scene" she called Flowers on the table. I love the layout of this card, the ribbon and who could forget the rhinestones on the edge of the table! The details in this card are so fun! And finally from Stacy, this summer snowflake card. I love the crisp color and simple elegance. The paper piercing gives this card a little something extra! I love it!
May I now direct your attention to..... Lisa Zappa! Oh my, look at this set of pretty peonies water colored up with pizazz. I love the subtle background she water colored. It really set off the flower. And, that paper is perfect! She drew upon all the colors in the plaid when she colored her flower! Perfect!

Christine, you'll be entered into our drawing September first for a stamp set of your choice! Good luck! To the rest - keep those submissions coming! We love to see just how you use Flourishes designs! We are continually inspired by what we see!


  1. Wow! I am so going to case some of these. Gorgeous gorgeous work. Congrats~

  2. Congrats Christine, I love the gift set you did also! Awesome work!

  3. Wow - these are all just great! Congrats Christine - love the bright colors you chose!

  4. Congrats, Christine. Your coffee set was gorgeous!

  5. Congratulations Christine. Each and ever one of your is just over the top! You certainly are deserving of being our Featured Stamper! I hope you will post your new badge on your blog with honor!

  6. Way to go Christine, that shade of blue makes the whole card pop!

  7. Excellent cards Christine. Congratulations, You deserve it.

  8. Great logo! I want one... Congrats to Christine on a great project and thanks for sharing a peak at those gorgeous cards.
