Monday, September 29, 2008

Flourishes Featured Stamper #19!

Happy Monday everyone! A new week - a new "Featured Stamper!" We had fabulous entries this week! It was hard - as usual- to pick. But, one card really struck me for the layout and design. And so... without further ado....

This week's Featured Stamper is......

Stacy Morgan!

I really loved what Stacy did with the Bird and Vine set. It's a cool monochromatic look with a very interesting layout!

Don't you love the patchwork effect and the way she tilted the image to the side? I also love the fancy ribbon woven underneath. It's a lovely card done up with one of my favorite sets!

Stacy's second entry was something that I thought was just a perfectly crisp and clean card with an interesting color scheme for the holidays. She used the Rejoice set. I love the accent row of stamps and pearls along the sides!

Congrats Stacy! Your name will be thrown into the hat for a stamp set of your choice. You won't have to wait long-- the drawing will be this Wednesday! Keep those submissions coming ladies! I think I have said this a time or two - but we love seeing all the wonderfully inspiring creations that you come up with!

Until next week!!!