Sunday, October 5, 2008

Featured Stamper #20!!

Another week, another featured stamper and this one hit just the right note with each creation she entered this week. You're about to see and I am sure you'll agree!

This week's Featured Stamper is...........
Latisha Yoast!
I love the soft colors of this first card. The pink and green are so fresh together and the flowers Latisha added are just too fun!

This one is one of my faves this week. Brown and yellow with these stamps? Who would have thought? But, isn't it a beautiful card? Just so crisp and elegant looking!

This last card is just the epitome of classy. I love the soft decorative paper, the polka dot ribbon and the contrast of the background stamp. Fabulous!

Thanks Latisha for some great entries! Your name will be thrown in the hat for a free stamp set of your choice. The drawing will be November 1st!

If you missed the action in the forum this week, click HERE to see some of the other wonderful cards that were posted for FS entries. They are sure to inspire!

We also have some other big news! The winner from last month's drawing for a free set is.....

Laurie a.k.a. Virgo5!

Congrats Laurie and thanks to everyone who plays in our weekly challenges! We love to see what you come up with! See you next week!


  1. Congrads to the winners your cards are just lovely...

  2. Thank You Julie
    This made my day, not such a bad Monday after all :)

  3. Congratulations Latisha! your cards are beautiful!

    and thanks Flourishes!

  4. Wow! Awesome stuff! Congrats to the winners!
