Sunday, October 26, 2008

Flourishes Featured Stamper #23

Hi all! Another week - another fabulous featured stamper. This week, we are honored to have two wonderful stampers! When you see their creations, you'll see exactly why I had to choose both of them!

So, without further ado...... this week's FEATURED STAMPERS are.....

Laurie and Christine!

Laurie took the step stair card concept and added beautiful rows of Flourishes poppies! I love the color combo, the way she used the JustRite Times Roman alphabet set with the fabulous accents and the Spellbinders tag. Look at the luscious ribbon! This is just such a classy card!

Speaking of classy cards, wait til you see what Christine cooked up! Oh my! She used the Magnolia stamp that is a part of the Lilac set and she made a wreath with it! It is too gorgeous for words! I love the paper piercing she did as well!

Of course, I love showing some of the other creations that also made the top of my list and this week is no exception! I think Michelle's card is truly stunning! The layout is simple elegance and the colors are just delicious!

Stacy's card is so unique - don't you think? I love the colors and I love how she used just the top of the tulip to add accents down the side of her card! Truly original and LOVELY!

Thanks ladies so much for the fabulous contributions! Laurie and Christine, your names will be thrown into the hat for the monthly giveaway of a free stamp set of your choice! I can't wait to see what everyone cooks up for this week!


p.s. You'll want to stay tuned to the Flourishes blog! This week we'll have some BIG news to share! It involves fresh faces, fabulous talent and even MORE inspiration! Have I piqued your interest? Hope so! :-)


  1. Congrats Christine and Laurie. They are gorgeous and I just love how unique each one is!!!

  2. At first I was marveled to see such a blog.Your blog is sparkling. Meet me at

  3. Wow! These cards are lovely. I can`t even pick a winner. Wonderful variety of beautiful cards.

  4. Congrulations, the cards are so so outstanding...

  5. Congratulations ladies, both your work is fantastic.
