Friday, October 3, 2008

Flourishes Friday!

TGIF Everyone! It's that time when we look back at all the fabulous things our Friends of Flourishes did this week out in blog land. I mean to tell you, the offerings just seem to get better and better each Friday! Since tomorrow is World Cardmaking Day - you might want to let these ladies inspire some of your weekend creations!

I love the rustic green and shades of brown that Cindy used for this card. It is perfect for fall! That ribbon is just lushious and I love the way she colored the tree from the Forest of Trees set!

Joan Bardee was at it again making magic with a paint brush and her Twinkling H20s!! The watercolor wash that she created in behind her coneflower silhouettes is done with those bright sparkly paints! I love the soft look she created! And, did I mention that Summer Botanicals is one of my favorite sets? Joan did it up well!

I actually gasped when I saw this next creation from Laura Fredrickson! She said her Bird and Vine set might not ever see white paper again! She is loving it on the decorative paper and I have to say-- I am too!! All those little extras she included like the punched edge and the ribbon and bling make this card sing!
Cindy Haffner took a Christmas image from the Flourished Christmas set and did it up in a non-traditional way. Her card makes you think a little out of the box, doesn't it? I think it looks very regal and rich and I love the swirls, flower and charm she added to give her card a little something extra!
Last week Becca made a lovely cone decked out with the Bird and Vine set. Today, it's a Victorian fan. Oh my! Where does she come up with this? I want to be inside her creative brain for just an hour or so! I am sure that is all I would need to be completely overwhelmed!! For directions on this fan and to read a little more about the history behind them, you need to travel over to her blog!
If you want to see any of the other ladies' creations, you'll need to grab a cup of coffee or tea and plan to "stay awhile!" All of their links are off to your right under the Friends of Flourish Blog Team! You won't be sorry!Thanks again ladies, your work is just off-the-charts fabulous!


  1. They are all awesome! Oh you girls just ROCK!

  2. All I can say is WOW! These are great examples of what you can do with Flourishes stamps! Thank you, Ladies!
