Friday, October 31, 2008

Flourishes Friday!

Happy Haunting everyone! One thing that won't scare you is this post! Get ready to be amazed at another handful of creations that are out of this world!

When I went blog hopping this morning, I had to do a double take and a triple take at Becca Feeken's card. I knew the Cuttlebug embossing folder that she used. I own it -- but how did she get the image all over her card front? After I read her post, I was amazed. She is really too stinkin' creative for words! After you're done reading up here, you'll have to click on over to her site and see how she did it! She has a fabulous tutorial and all! She used the wonderful wreath at the center of her creation from the Poinsettia and Boxwood set and also a greeting from the Holiday Greetings set!
Laura's creation today is crystal clear! I cannot believe how stunning this design is! Oh my! I would never have thought to lay the Clear Cardstock Flourishes sells over a patchwork of patterned paper. I would have thought it would be too busy. Laura proves me wrong with this stunning card using the Spring Ephemerals set! Cindy Haffner took one card layout and did it up three ways! Here's one of her creations with the lovely gold embossed poinsettia (from Poinsettia and Boxwood) and the fabulous decorative paper (Glittered Christmas Paper). If you want to see how she twisted and turned this layout for different creations, you'll find her link on our Friends of Flourishes Blog Roll! Too fun!
And last, but not least is Cindy Lawrence's card! She took kind of non traditional Christmas colors and gave it a fresh new look with this poinsettia. I love, absolutely love the layout of her card! If you want to see another version using the Poinsettia and Boxwood set, you'll have to click on over to her place and see the card she did yesterday! oooooOOOOoo, is all I have to say!

Well, that's it my friends! Another fabulous Flourishes Friday! I do have to say, if you want to hear some truly fun Flourishes news, you'll have to swing back tomorrow. There is so much going on at Flourishes and we can't wait to share! IT'S HUGE! Seriously. It is! :-)
Until tomorrow!

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