Thursday, December 11, 2008

Festive Flourishes Friday with a challenge!

Hi all! Hope you liked last week's challenge that we threw in! Well, we are back with another one this morning!

This Flourishes Friday is all about the crisp and clean winter white - dress it down with a monochromatic theme or dress it up with a sparkly flair. It's up to you! The only requirement is using one of your favorite Flourishes sets! If you want to play along, simply leave a comment on this post or upload your card to Splitcoast using the keyword FFFC2. Keep in mind, we’ll be doing this fun Friday challenge all month long and there will be a special drawing for those that play all four weeks! Details on what is up for grabs -- to come!! If you are just joinging us - track back to the first Flourishes Friday challenge on the first Friday of this month. You can make up past challenges to qualify for the giveaway! The first week's challenge had the keyword FFFC01 (that is a zero not the letter O).

What inspired the challenge this week? It was this card below by the talented Cindy Haffner. I loved how she created texture and dimension with an embossed background and the floral element from the new Thinking of You set creates a soft, crisp, clean and serene look. So, the gals all decided to follow in her footsteps and stamp it out in winter white!
Want to see how others interpreted this challenge? Be prepared to be blown away! First up is Becca. Do you even recognize the stamp she used? I actually scratched my head and said -- what stamp is Flourishes? Oh my! She used the Flourished Oval to make a flower!!! Check out the full set HERE so you can see! Amazing!
Christine Okken grabbed her I Love Roses set and made this breathtaking beauty! Oh my! It was like this set was made just for her! I love the layers, the texture and the gold accents. It's a real stunner!!
Christine's second offering is a card featuring the All That Glitters set. She creates a winter wonderland with stunning shades of white and blue with rhinestones... OOOoooooOOO la la!
Kimberly's card takes the branches from the All That Glitters set and makes them razzle and dazzle with a dose of sparkly embossing powder -- just like a branch with fresh fallen snow!! Her simple design is accented too with lovely pearls! Can you say elegant?
Betty's take on the winter white challenge is "clearly" stunning! I love how she added the beautiful flourished element onto the clear cradstock and then added in some gilded details with the golden rose, the gold sheer ribbon and plenty of little gold peals! It's a real WOW card!!
There's nothing like the soft look of a poinsettia dressed in white and that's exactly what Dee captured today! I love the layers, the pearls and the poinsettia background she created as well! Do you see how she personalized it with her Just Rite stamper??? How fun is that?
Here's a peek at all the dimension Dee created with her card!
And, last but not least....Latisha created this peaceful scene with a lone evergreen (Forest of Trees) waiting to be decked out for the holidays! I love the sheer ribbon and the clean and simple layout! I can see making one of these beauties in the comings days as I rush to get my cards out-- couldn't you?

I hope you enjoyed our walk through this Flourishes winter wonderland! Why don't you try your hand at winter white? Don't forget to link here or upload to SCS using the keyword FFFC2! Remember, participate in all four challenges and free stamps are up for grabs! We'll unveil next week what the winner for the drawing will receive!

Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. These are gorgeous! I so had to look at the oval one to see what set too, awesome job ladies! Will have to play later tonight or tomorrow!

  2. Beautiful cards all. Here's my card (not sure if it shows up as a link, but I put the keyword in).

  3. All the cards are so stunning, what tremendous talent you all have.

  4. hey, it's my first time playing in a Flourish challenge! here's my card:

    these samples are amazing!!!!

  5. Gorgeous elegant cards! I got birthday money from my DH today and HAD to order the new rose stamps. I hope you get the "Tree" Stamps back in. I have to add them to my Flourish collection! Love the beautiful designs you all put together. Thanks for inspiring me!

  6. What beautiful cards!! I just love white cards, I really need to make them more often!

    Here is the winter white card I made:
