Sunday, December 21, 2008

Year End Sale coming soon!

Many of us will be very busy this week getting ready for the holiday - the three Flourishes included! We hope the holiday's are joyful for all of you and wish everyone the very best for the new year!

Speaking of a new year, you may know that retailers do a year-end inventory - one of those tasks that have to be done, but we don't like doing!

So - we're having a year end sale so that we won't have to count as much! The sale will begin the day after Christmas, December 26 and continue through New Year's Eve - December 31. What's on sale? EVERYTHING!

Take 10% off everything - you must use code: yearend in the promotion code box at check out to get this discount.

So have a very Merry Christmas and stop in the store on December 26 and save!

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