Friday, January 30, 2009

Fans of Flourishes, we are on the dawn of a new day here on the Flourishes Newsletter. We hear all the time, "Oh, I love that image, but I am not sure I could color it that nicely! It takes an artist to do that!

Well, we are here to tell you that anyone can do it - and we want to show you how! Get ready for a new Friday feature called Flourishes Focus. It's a time when our designers will take time out of their day to show you how they do it!

February is all about color! Coloring techniques, tips and tricks to make your cards larger than life! And first up are Christine, myself and Laura! We'll be dabbling in different mediums to show you just how easy it is!

Here's a glimpse into what we want to share!

So, join us next Friday as we kick off Flourishes Focus! We want to help make this a class room of sorts and we would love to see your "homework!"

For those who love a good challenge or two, I should warn you -- you will need to come back on Tuesday as we kick off a whole new fun-filled event with our Friends of Flourishes team! They're conspiring as we speak to come up with some creative fun that you are sure to want in on!

Have a great weekend!
~ Julie


  1. thank you this will be a great thing for all of us that are not as good with coloring cant wait

  2. That sounds like a lot of fun! Can't Wait to see what you gals present in your classroom :)

  3. Oh this is so fun! I can't wait to see what you are all cooking up!

  4. Thank you. I love all of your stamps but I am colouring challenged, lol. I feel more comfortable colouring in small images/areas than larger ones that look best with shading etc. I need help,lol.

  5. This sounds like fun! Looking forward to it!

  6. I have always loved to color and also play with paper dolls. I did give the latter up tho. I think color is the reason why I stamp just so I can put different colors together. See you next Friday.

  7. I have always loved to color and also play with paper dolls. I did give the latter up tho. I think color is the reason why I stamp just so I can put different colors together. See you next Friday.

  8. I am so excited to finally get a chance to learn from the pros! Your designers are so talented and it will be so awesome to learn their own special techniques. Can't wait til Friday! :)


  9. I think this is going to be great. I too look at the beautiful art work and really wonder HOW I could EVER do this? I can't wait! Thanks :)

  10. Sounds like some great things coming our way. I would love to see some colouring tips by the designers. Fantastic idea everyone.

  11. Thank you! This sounds like so much fun. I am going to do my best not to be working so I can learn some fun stuff!

  12. I can't wait for this....I NEED help. And you have such beautiful designs as well
