Friday, January 23, 2009

It IS A Flourishes Friday!

Please read my blog entry just below on our Stampers Dream Weekend & Copic Certification Class. This great weekend is Feb 21 & 22 with a Copic Certification class on Feb 23. Just Imagine 3 days of stamping ...with Becca Feeken, Faith (Markie's Mom) and Jan Marie (that's would be me!) and on top of that a bonus Color Theory Class with Marianne Walker of Copic. So scroll down for all the information, data, and how to's. The Copic Class on Monday Feb 23 requires a separate registration.

I don't know about you, but for me this week has just flown by. We are heading into a weekend and our Friends of Flourishes Bloggers are going to give you a feast for your eyes and have your mind swirling with inspiration! Maybe their week didn't fly as fast as mine....LOL

So let's not tarry a moment. We are up, up and away!

Our first stop is to the Atlanta area.

Dee Jackson has posted this beauty on her blog, StampingcuzIluv2. She has the detail on the what and how she made this beauty.

At our next stop over at Silke's blog, My Life, I found this very interesting and inspiring card.

I just love that "ribbon" at the top it works perfectly with Home Tweet Home, don't you think?

It is always a pleasure to stop in at Betty's blog, Stamping To The Wright, she has a perfect place to rest your feet while you are there! Don't you love how she dressed up the Chairs To You set?

Cindy Haffner up in Canada has this beauty to share as well. She is also using the Home Tweet Home set. Be sure to stop at her blog, Cindy Haffner's Corner for a different take on this beauty!

I found this while surfing the net yesterday and just had to share.
This was created by Leslie from Running With Scissors, now that just takes my breath away. So much inspiration, what's a girl gonna do???? Stamp I hope!

Another piece of inspiration was on Christine's blog yesterday....her blog is appropriately named Christine's Creation and this will dazzle your eyes!

Becca Feeken lives so close of Flourishes, but not quite close enough for me today. This piece of inspiration will certainly get your mojo up and running.

Well that our tour for today...lots and lots of inspiration from very talented ladies. Now keep your eyes pealed because next week at this very spot Flourishes will unveil something new that you will not want to will be here in the Flourishes newsletter.

Thanks for your visit to the Atelier at Flourishes. It was a great ride today wasn't it? I hope you enjoyed the view from my point of view.

My wish for you is that I hope your day is filled with blessings and your mojo is overflowing.



  1. These are stunning!! Thanks for the tour; I would not have wanted to miss these. Off to stamp now...

  2. Oh my!! All these cards are so beautiful, and the new stamps are georgeous!

  3. all of these cards are so pretty and well done great job

  4. Great cards all over, very creative and unique ones too! Great job girls!
