Monday, February 9, 2009

A belated welcome!

You all know the name Betty Wright and have seen her fabulous work right here many a time on the Flourishes Newsletter. But, behind the scenes, this woman has been a dynamo! When she joined our Friends of Flourishes team she jumped right in with both feet and had an energy that was definitely mega watt!

So, when the Friends of Flourishes team wanted to start hosting a Tuesday challenge, it was a no-brainer for Flourishes to say to Betty - "You Go Girl!" She's now the Team Coordinator for the FOF Team and she is heading up these fun weekly challenges.

So, join me in congratulating Ms. Betty for her new role with Flourishes and, of course, if you have suggestions on challenges you'd like to see here -- she's your gal!

Speaking of Tuesday -- that's tomorrow and-- yes-- another challenge is brewing! Make sure to come back to see what the team has in store this week, and who won last week's challenge!

See you back here tomorrow!


  1. Yeah - you go girl!!! I'm so honored to be your on your team!!!
    Thnk you for all you do!!! Hugs ~S~

  2. Welcome Betty. I enjoy seeing your work and look forward to seeing what comes in the future.

  3. Betty, I am so glad that you have taken on this challenge of the Blogger..what a great leader and cheerleader you are! Congratulations!
