Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stampers Dream Weekend-Faith & Becca

Welcome inside the Atelier at Flourishes...we're just setting up for the first Stamper's Dream Weekend. Take a peek at the table and chairs as we set up.

It's was Saturday and we were ready at Flourishes to welcome the 17 lucky stampers that attended. Here's how we looked just ready to say hello! This is a picture of the filled goody bags for the first day of class.

After some time to chat and have morning coffee we settled into our very full first day.

First up was Faith. We stretched her limits showing that even Faith could teach a simple--well simple by Faith's standards-- card. Here is the morning star at her intro to the class.

We all made three cards....two that took us right to the point of making our own Faith "Dotty" signature cards...she even taught us her signature of perfectly lining up the dots.

Look at our finished Faith cards. She was great to share this technique with us.

After our beautiful and delicious ladies luncheon, Becca Feeken took the stage to groom us in her elegant and very stylish feminine cards.
Again we made three just luscious cards...but some will have to wait to be seen as we used the soon to be released March sets. Here is a look at a very proud stamper and her Becca card.

Viola! That is the smile of pure satisfaction, wouldn't you say? Tomorrow we'll feature the Sunday session and our Copic certification class.

Thanks for looking inside at our Saturday session.



  1. I WAS THERE, it was a totally over the top weekend. The cards were so much fun and so gorgeous and the teachers, owners, and students were all awesome. Everyone there was fun, it was so cool to meet the designers and flourish gals. Jan Marie opened her home to us and it's gorgeous and Mike her DH is just a sweetie. The classes, the food and the entire weekend was beyone anyone expectations!!! By the way, Faith, Markie's Mom is a riot, she's really funny, Becca is very quiet and reserved, and both their cards were awesome!!! If you were not there you really missed out!!!! Thanks to everyone or a "dream" weekend, it really was a dream come true

  2. WoW the table and chairs are just to cute. There were some lucky stampers to be able to have fun with these creative stampers. Love the cards.

  3. I am so sad that I could not attend. From all the posts I've seen, it looks like it was a once in a lifetime event. I hope you are considering doing it again some time!

  4. can you see me turning green LOL
    looks like a lot of fun. Love the cards

  5. I'm so glad you shared some photos! All of us who couldn't join you were just dying to find out about all the fun we missed! I can't wait until I can make it down to your neck of the woods!! ;-)

  6. Thanks so much for sharing these photos! It looks like you all had a WONDERFUL time!

  7. Oh girls you look like you had such a wonderful time! Sniff, just wishing I could have been there too! :)
