Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Let Me Introduce You


I have developed some of the very best and special friends here in Pensacola. Two of them, my roommates, are Gigi and Chloe. I had begged the Flourishes to have my very own stamp set. Well, one day Lauren Pope was here when they stopped by at Flourishes. She really liked them both and went home and started drawing. That was how Gigi & Chloe got a stamp set and I could start my own group...kind of Sophie's Choices. I love my friends and the cute set Lauren created.

Join me all the way to the end of this fun time that I want to share with you.....At the end you will have a special message from me.

Want to see the set depicting these two fun gals? ... OK!

Lauren really captured their personalities.

Gigi is from a small town on the Georgia/Alabama line. She is perfectly Southern, if you know what I mean! She speaks with a very heavy drawl and she is so very sweet. She dresses perfectly every day, all day long! She loves to have have everything match and has a closet full of clothes with all the accessories to go with each and every item! No Kidding, now she knows that I am writing this and sharing it with the world.

Chloe is a free spirit and loves bold colors especially if they are stripes! She has gone green in a big way! We have all learned to be vegetarian a day every week. She is very different from Gigi in that she carries burlap or net bags to do her shopping, Gigi prefers to shop in boutiques and collect their bags. That is what she does for Going Green!

Well the girls came over to Flourishes and we made up a project with the new Gigi & Chloe Stamps. Jan, bless her heart, was there to give us lots of help and we could not have done it without her...she's the best! Yeah she's my boss too! LOL

Here is the cover of the project.........

And now for the BIG surprise inside......

Aren't they the cutest paper dolls you've seen in a long time? Jan showed us how to do this and we had the best time. Now none of us are as good as all of you, but we will get better in time. The images of Gigi and Chloe are stamped first in PTI paper then on an image layer and glued on. Why, it seems as though we could not color well with the Copics onto the PTI. The image layer worked much better. Then the dolls were still not stiff enough so we stamped the image on watercolor paper and glued it all together with ZIP glue. Then we used a scrap of watercolor paper and scored it in the middle and glued one side down. We then colored the hair, faces, legs of the images, but left the rest white, like slips.

Then we set out to create our own outfits for our girls! OH MY, was this fun! Jan let us go through her scraps and they are so cute! We first stamped on the PTI paper and then onto the papers chosen for the paper piecing. Again we glued them down with the Zip glue. Of course Gigi had to make her outfits match. Look closely at the yellow skirt and top, there is a chain belt for Gigi's outfit! Gigi used the tiny gold transfers from Flourishes...too cute!!!!

OK, I know you want to know just how these girls will hold there cute dresses on. Going Green Chloe, solved that problem for us; being the consummate recycle I know she had brought along some re positional glue that had come on some advertisement in the mail, but she also brought along a much more available package of re positional glue tape. We were cooking with grease!

Please leave me a note and let me know what you think of Gigi & Chloe. Then you will have a chance to win your own Gigi & Chloe set! You until Sunday, April 5th midnight CST when I'll pick a name out of the bowl and let you know the winner.

Here is one last look at the girls put into the storage position...Oh, did I have fun with this different post . I hope you did too.
Now hop on along to all of the Flourishes Designers that are joing me to introduce you to Gigi & Chloe. I cannot wait to see what they have doen with the girls!

Christine Okken
Cindy Lawrence
Faith Hofrichter
Julie Koerber - D.T. Coordinator
Latisha Yoast
Laura Fredrickson
Stacy Morgan
Sharon Doolittle
Jan Marie

Kisses on each cheek!


  1. Sophie this is so stinkin cute and creative! I love the set! Your friends sound like a lot of fun! Enjoy your release!

  2. Love the stamps, and what a cute project!

  3. Wow! This is so awesome. Your project is amazing.

  4. I love this card and the stamps set too. This is exactly my SIL and niece style. I often stamp with my niece. I would surely know how fun it would be to have this set for me and her! Thanks for a chance to win!

  5. oh, how cute are these girls!! and great sentiments, too!

  6. This is absolutely adorable! What a fabulous idea. I still can't resist "paperdolls", .... I love paper piecing and this would just be so much fun. This was a great project!!

  7. Oh I love paperdolls! They were my favorite toy because I could make my own outfits! I love how you turned this set into paperdolls! Your friends sound like fun, and what a blast you must have had playing together with this set! TFS and thanks for the chance to win.

  8. What an adorable set. My daughter just loves the paper dolls. Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  9. Sophie -

    These are adorable. Imagine, paperdolls for big girls!! Just love them.

    Elaine Allen

  10. This is such a cute set!

  11. Very sophisticated and classy!

  12. Very cute and very fun. I used to play with paper dolls and I am sure my daughter would love them!

  13. Wow, it's been a long time since I've played with paper dolls. One of my favourite past times. Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs, Nellie.

  14. Wow, it's been a long time since I've played with paper dolls. One of my favourite past times. Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs, Nellie.

  15. Very hip ladies! Somehow I think they have a knack for getting into trouble...

  16. Gigi and Cloe are just too cute. Who wouldn't love to have them. I know I would, hint, hint. wink.

    Have a wonderful stamping day and a Happy April Fool's Day!

    Trish in Wisconsin

  17. Harriet Skelly (SCS hskelly)Wednesday, April 01, 2009 3:22:00 PM

    This stamp set is awesome and your project is so cute!!

  18. this is so brilliant, reminds me of my daughter shopping luv sue x

  19. I absolutely love Gigi & Chloe!!! They're so adorable and current, and I love the phrases, too.
    Oh, how I would LOVE to win this set!!!

  20. These girls are too sweet!! Love their fashionable look and what a fabulous paper doll storage kit! Oh, I do wish I had a little girl of my own! But my niece will love it and I would love playing with these as much as any little girl!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Oh my gosh, these two are so cute, love the fact they have there own personality! I also love that this is "all about shopping" Great cards!!!


  23. Those are just about the CUTEST stamps and that paper doll portfolio is darling. I bet your gal pals are in seventh heaven because of "their" stamps! I would love to win my own Chloe & Gigi. Thanks for the chance.

  24. Very cute! I love the whole paper doll idea and the "girls" are just too cute!

  25. Sophie, I love this set! I also think that the drawing of you would make a great stamp. Thanks for a chance to win this adorable set.

  26. The stamps are so cute! It's so wonderful that they made this set for you!!

  27. These gals are really cute! Great idea... friends shopping :) Would make some cute cards!
