Wednesday, March 25, 2009

These are a few of our.....

Favorite things!

Have you ever wanted to take a peek inside a designer you admire's stamp room and see which items she just "can't" live without? Well, I did! I wondered what Leslie loved to add to cards and what Laura stocked up on -just in case! All the girls' answers gave me a glimpse into their stamping style. So much so, I thought I'd share!

Leslie's Favorite

Leslie Miller told me when Flourishes sent her some of these little beauties, she never realized just how much she would fall in love with flat backed pearls! Did you see THIS card and how much those three little pearls added to Leslie's already fabulous creation? I did!

Faith's Favorites

I probably don't even need to tell you Faith Hofrichter's picks! They are written all over her cards -- literally! She is known for her "Faith Dots" that she creates with her Inkssentials pen and actually has had to buy this black and white sheer polka dot ribbon in bulk! You can see what I mean in THIS card!

Cindy's Picks

I had to laugh when Cindy Lawrence told me what she loved the most. RIBBON! Organdy sheer, pure silk, and rich velvet -- didn't matter, she loved it all! Just look at THIS card, and you'll see the fabulous dash of sophistication Cindy adds -- with ribbon!

Laura's Love

Laura Fredrickson is known for the way she mixes it up with decorative paper. Did you see THESE cards? True beauties! She used not one, not two, but five different papers from the Basic Grey Porcelain and Euphoria lines! No wonder she can't get enough of Basic Grey!

Christine's Fave

Christine Okken is a designer that has such a way with Spellbinder's Nestabilities. She shifts the shapes, layers them and always ends up with a one-of-a-kind layout. THIS is what I'm talking about! I can't wait to see how she uses the new dies that are on their way to the Flourishes store!

Julie's Sleeper Hit

My pick (Julie Koerber) is one that is kind of a "sleeper" in the store! Did you ever check out the teflon bone folders? I swear - it is THE best bone folder you will ever lay hands on - it creases the paper perfectly with no feathering what-so-ever! Nothing will stick to it either - so if it comes in contact with glue or paint -- no worries! Comes right off!

Latisha's Pick
Ok, this next pick is a cheat on my part! Latisha Yoast is actually off soaking up the sun with her kiddos right now! But, like Faith's picks, it's pretty easy to figure out what are some of Latisha's faves! She loves fun ribbon and .... buttons! Just check out THIS card to see for yourself! Too pretty!

Stacy's Favorite

If you've seen Stacy Morgan, you know, she rarely creates without ribbon - rarely! And, when she reaches for it to tie it up or make a bow, only the best satin will do! Just check out THESE beauties! Ooo la la!

I hope you enjoyed taking a peek at some of our designers' must haves! Like I said, I was curious enough to ask -- and eager enough to share!

Happy Wednesday!



  1. This was fun to see what everyone favorite goodies are. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I second the Kaiser craft pearls and also their bling, I love all of the colours. And they are Aussie as well. My friends and I are visiting their outlet this Saturday, so our purses maybe light but the car boot fill be full, lol.

  3. Spellbinder's are one of the many great inovations that have come along. We just received a message that our shipment should be arriving in the next couple of weeks.

  4. This is a fabulous look inside of the DT craft space and viewing their favorites. Just great! Thanks for sharing all of this info.

  5. What a fun way to show case some neat goodies!

  6. No wonder I love the DT so much, their favorites are my favorites!!! I so love your stamps!!!

  7. What a great idea this was to share the DT favorites! I'd say we're all pretty much the same on the things that we love! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  8. Thanks for the list. I had no idea about some of this stuff. I just have to go out and find them now.
