Monday, March 30, 2009

Timeless Tuesday!

It is time for Flourishes Timeless Tuesday Challenge(FTTC9)!!!! Thanks so much to all of you who played along with us last week with the embossing challenge. Keep reading to find out who won last week!!!

For those of you who are new to the site, the Friends of Flourishes blog team are bringing you exciting and different challenges each week. Everyone can PLAY and anyone can WIN! Make sure you continue reading to find out how.

This week Dee Jackson is hosting the challenge. She is challenging us to Go Green!!!! What does that mean? Well, it means that you have to find something to redo, to reuse, so you can say you recycled!!! I know you have many items that were created that did not quite make it on a card and you stashed it away for another time. Also, there are all kinds of non-craft items in the home waiting to be reused for something crafty. So, the time is now!!!! Let us go green and recycle those items!!!! We can hardly wait to see what you do!!!!!.

Come with me and let's see what the blog team created with the Go Green challenge!!!!

Up first this week is Silke Ledlow. She is using the I Love Roses and the
Mixed Greetings sets. I love the colors and layout she chose. Everything from the tearing shimmerzed edge to the shimmerz colored roses is just beautiful. Love the cut out dimension on the roses. Love the button with the ribbon detailing, too. For her go green challenge, the piece of green cardstock is a leftover from another project and the ribbon is recycled from a birthday party favor. This wonderful ribbon was used to tie the treat bags. Beautifully done, Silke!!!

Becca Feeken is using some warm earthtones to further celebrate our go green challenge. She is using the Chairs For You and You Are Invited sets. I love that the Chairs For You set has more than just chairs in the set. This beautiful plant with urn is one of the pieces in the set and Becca has arranged and colored it beautifully. Love how she added some gem detailing to the plant and the card. For the go green challenge, Becca is recycling cardboard backing from some packing. It's the brown background on her card. Love the pop of the big organdy with satin piping bow to finish off her beautiful card.

Next up is Betty Wright. I am using two stamp sets. One of the new releases this month Timeless Quotes and I Love Roses. I am using just the rosebud image and I have paired it with the friendship quote. I have used some of the Basic Gray Porcelain dp. For the go green challenge, I am using a jeweled hairpin that used to belong to my daughter. I tucked it in behind the ribbon knot. I did add little pearls in the center of the jeweled flowers to coordinate with the accent pearls I used.

Cindy Haffner is using the Fantasy Floral Garden set. She has combined it with some beautiful papers and colors. Love her cut out and dimensional flower. It is beautifully colored, too!!!Cindy's attention to the details is amazing. She has little punched flowers and butterflies and little pearl accents added that just makes this card wonderful. For the go green challenge, Cindy has reused this image from a stash of colored images she keeps on her desk and she is using some buttons she cut off of an old blouse she no longer wears. Wonderfully done, Cindy!!!

Be sure to check out each designer's blog links for more specific card details.

The Winner for Timeless Tuesday Challenge FTTC8

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:37
Timestamp: 2009-03-31 01:46:56 UTC

Ravengirl (Toni) is this week's winner!!! Congratulations, Toni!!!!

You need to email:

By the way, if you still do not have our lovely Timeless Tuesday blog button

for your blog, check here for the codes.

We have another special for you this week. In honor of the Go Green challenge we have the clear stamp cleaner and scrubber on sale!!! We chose these items because we need to keep our stamps cleaned and condition so we can use them a long time. Flourishes is offering this sale for only 24 hours so you must hurry!!!!

Now, it is your turn to play in our challenge!!!!

Here are the rules!!!!

  • Anyone can play whether you have Flourishes stamps or not. Of course, if you have Flourishes stamps, by all means, use them.
  • Use code word FTTC9 when linking to SCS or public gallery.
  • Leave a comment on this post with a link to your creation. Please give a direct link to your blog post so we can see the Flourishes challenge post and not just the generic page. To get the full link, click to read the comments. Another page will open that will have just the one card and your comments. Copy and paste that link here in the comments section. If you use either your blog link or online gallery, please give an active Flourishes Newsletter link.
    You can combine this challenge with as many others as you want.
  • The challenge runs from Tuesday, 12:01 am until Monday at 8 pm EST.
  • Enjoy yourself!!!

We cannot wait to see what you create!!!!

As always, thanks so much for stopping by!!!!

Your Flourishes Friends!!!


  1. Beautiful cards girls! I will see if I can play tomorrow!

  2. Stunning cards ladies!! Here is my card:

  3. Believe me when I can wait to see what I created BUT I did give it a go. Love the gals cards but then I always do. Pat
    I am at:

  4. Love all the beautiful cards - This team is amazing!
    Here is my card.

  5. OMGoodness, these are all so beautiful!!

  6. Wonderful cards, wonderful blog and challenge! My card for the challenge can be viewed here:

  7. Great idea to reduce, reuse, and recycle! I'm forever using bits and pieces from somewhere else!

    My card is here:

  8. Beautiful cards. I love a green challenge because I'm forever grabbing things I think I can reuse in my stamping.
    My card is up in the SCS gallery:

    Sandy (stampingwriter at SCS)

  9. Here is my entry for this week's FTTC9 going green. I've used yarn for fibers ever since I found this ball of it I wanted to use to knit a scarf:

    Thank you for the fun challenge.

  10. It's always great to see these wonderful samples every week. They really get me motivated. Here's my card for this week:

  11. Love the thought of going green it inspires you to get out those scraps of which I have loads

  12. Forgot to leave my link

  13. Beautiful cards!! Here's mine for this week:

  14. Beautiful samples, ladies. This has got to be one of my favorite challenges. It should be done at least once a month, seriously! Well, here's my card:
    Thank you!

  15. Wow, DT Girls, great cards! You are all awesome and inspiring. I made this card for the challenge.

    Hugs to you all, Linda

  16. Beautiful cards. And it's always fun to rummage through the trash! Actually, I rummaged through my closet and came up with this --

  17. I had some Top Note Die Cut paper laying around for about 6 mos- I used one in this card-

    thanks again for a fun challenge!

  18. Beautiful cards as always from the DT - Here's my card at

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  19. Another great challenge! Here is my card (finally).

  20. Here is my first card for this challnege - I just LOVE recycling...and I have recylced lace is my card:

    Thanks for looking
    Lovely Linda

  21. Here is my second card for this challenge, I have recycled lace:

    Thanks for looking!

  22. Here is my third card for this challenge with recycling!!

    Thanks for looking!

  23. and my fourth card....sorry to bulk upload, but I am on a borrowed computer due to changing servers:

    Thanks for looking!

  24. My card is here

    My reused "green" item is a green can tab used as the ribbon buckle.

  25. I finally got my card done! All the DT cards are amazing.
