Saturday, May 16, 2009

ALERT Reported Problems At Checkout!

Hi Everyone, I am hearing comments of difficulty in obtaining the discount on the current sale we are having at FLLC. Here are some tips you need to know and follow to insure you obtain the discount.

1. The code is rsc99.

2. Place your order as normally done.

3. Sign in and on Step 1 you should now have a block that ask s if you have a promotion code, you will see this after you have typed in your name and address. ENTER the code. Proceed to Step 2.

4. Here you will have a visual of your items in your cart and on the lower left hand corner you will see (for this sale)

May 2009 Virtual Convention. This confirms that you have placed in the code; however the discount does not show here but will later, after you have paid and completed the transaction.

I hope that this will make your shopping experience less stressful and certainly more exciting. This sale will be active until May 21th, 2009.

Happy Shopping!!!!!


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