Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Flourishes Stamps--- day 2!

Welcome back to day 2 of our sneak peaks! Be sure to stay tuned all the way to the bottom of this post for news about our Spring Sale!

Today's little pleasure includes a fun way to build your own garden treasure. We introduce to you....
This sets features topiary parts and allows you to pick the foliage and the pot to create your own "scenes" in such a classic way! It's another elegantly drawn set from Marcella Hawley.

With yesterday's little lesson on Nasturtiums, I thought I'd give you a little research on these garden beauties. Did you know the Latin word for a landscape gardener is topiarus from which the word topiary is derived? This type of gardening has been practiced for at least 2,000 years and was used in the gardens of the wealthy from early Roman times through the 18th Century. It had a short period of being out-of-style and was then revived during the Victorian era. Now, we have some elegant topiaries that are just as pretty -- and they don't even need to be watered! ;-)

Want to win this set? Simply leave us a comment telling us your favorite summertime treat! If you have a recipe you feel inclined to share -- that's ok too! Delicious food and stamping - is there really anything better?

Now to the winner of yesterday's drawing! We loved reading all your favorite things to do in the summer. It gave all of us some fun ideas! Thanks to, the winning number was 64 - which means the winner was.....

eggette who said...
I am basically a listener or a quiet person so I love sitting out on our deck with the kids and grandkids just listening to them gab!!

To claim your prize, all you need to do is email us at and put Nasturtiums Winner in the subject line. Be sure to give us your address and we will get your stamps right out to you!

Now hop on over to see what fabulous creations our Senior Design Team has to offer!

Christine Okken
Cindy Lawrence
Faith Hofrichter
Julie Koerber
Latisha Yoast
Laura Fredrickson
Leslie Miller
Stacy Morgan

When you make your way to Faith's place -- make sure to wish her a Happy Birthday!!!

News to remember: Don't forget our release party is set for this FRIDAY from 8 to 10 PM central time over in the Flourishes Forum on SCS. And, if you want a chance to win all three sets being released - try our challenge HERE!

Spring Sale! Now through May 21 everything - yes everything in the store is 10% off! All you need to do is use this promo code: rsc99

Thanks for stopping by. We'll see you back here tomorrow to unveil a new set drawn by the talented Lauren Pope that is perfect for the guys in your life -- with a special focus on dear ole dad! See you back here then!


  1. My favorite summer treat is fresh cherries.

  2. My favourite summer treat would the green popsicle on a hot day outside by the pool or if I am really having the perfect the beach!! Love the new topiary stamps!! they are awesome!!!

  3. Strawberries is my favourite summer treat:) I simply love them!

  4. My favorite summer time treat are juicy strawberries, diced up and served with vanilla ice cream!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My favorite summer treat is strawberries, I love them!

  7. I love all cool drinks and food for summers but ice cream is top of the charts!

    This stamp set will sure help set up a nice garden molded to suit everyone. Wow, this time, the sets are sounding better and better with each preview!

  8. I love cherries!!! You can only get good fresh cherries for 3 or 4 weeks a year so I cherish them when I can get them.


  9. My favorite summer treat would be all of the wonderful fruit of the season, and one of them made into a beautiful cobbler. Happy Spring and summer to come. Love the new topiary stamps, just beautiful.
    Patty R.

  10. My favourite summertime treat is ice cream and fresh fruit - raspberries. Living north of the Canada USA border much of our fruit comes from other places, but when it is freshly grown the flavours seem so much more intense

  11. My favorite treat is blackberries! Of course, all of the fruits and berries picked from the trees and vines are so good but blackberries top the list!

  12. My favorite summer treat is going to Rita's water ice stand with my 7 year old daughter Sophia. We sit on the bench right outside the stand and chat for a little while. A memory to cherish:)

  13. My favorite summer treat is Strawberries, and I love using them in a Strawberry Delight Jello that I make all the time in the summer:)

    Love the new stamps they are sooo pretty!!!


  14. I love strawberries picked right out of the garden! -Mary R

  15. My favorite summertime treat is icecream. Love to go to the icecream stand and get a creamy! Yum.

  16. My favorite summer treat is a mix of ice tea and lemonade. Love the new sets!

  17. My favorite summer treat is ice tea and lemonade love the new sets.

  18. These are gorgeous stamps...I'd love to win one. My favorite summer treat is iced tea--nothing quenches a thirst like it.

  19. My favorite treat is summer fruit. I love watermelon and peaches the best! Peaches that are so sweet and juicy that you have to eat them bending over so that the juice doesn't get all over your clothes. And sweet, cold watermelon.....yummmmmmmm!

  20. What a cute set! My favorite summer treat is ice cream. That's the only time of the year that I buy that treat for the family!

  21. I love blueberries and cherries and of course Ice Cream cones.

  22. I love fresh summer fruit - strawberries, blueberries, cherries, peaches - freshly picked on the farm. I don't mind the heat or the mosquitoes - it's all worth it ;)

  23. My favorite is all the fresh fruit and veggies that you get in the summer ,can't choose just one. LOL!

  24. My favorite summertime treat is watermelon. Nothing beats a bowl of fresh cold watermelon on a hot summer day. :)

  25. Oh I love this set! I grow nasturtiums every summer! These flowers will grow anywhere! : )
    My favorite treat in the summertime is ice cold watermelon! Soooo refreshing and oh so good!

  26. My favorite summertime treat is sitting out on the screened porch with my kids in the evening. We watch for shooting stars, listen to the crickets and rock slowly on the glider.

  27. Love those topiaries, so elegant. I see a lot of possibilities. My favorite summertime treat is plain old-fashioned iced tea with lemon. Not the kind you get out of a can, but the kind you make yourself, nothing beats the flavor.

    Elaine Allen

  28. This new Topiary stamp set is just beautiful. This is a must have. Great for my Xmas cards with some little red beads and a red bow!
    My favorite summer treat is frozen watermelon on a hot day on my deck down at my beach house! Love it!

  29. My favorite summertime treat is going outside for a cup/cone of ice-cream

  30. My favorite summer treat is fresh strawberries and blueberries.

  31. My favorite summer treat is fresh raspberries! We don't get them here in Chicagoland at a very resonable price...but they are worth every penny for the short season they have here.
    Love this beautiful Topiary set.

  32. I love this Topiary Set Stamps it's so nice. My favorite summer treat is a vanilla soft ice cream cone.

  33. These topiaries look so neat! I don't have a favorite summertime treat.

  34. My favorite summertime treat is watermelon. It is so good fresh in the summer.

  35. My favorite summer treat used to be frozen bananas (chocolate covered of course)! Now I settle for strawberries! I love this topiary stamp!

  36. Another great set ! My fav summer treat is ice cream and lots of it !

  37. This set looks like SO MUCH FUN! My fav summer treat is hands down blueberries. There's a great blueberry sorbet recipe from Cooking Light. Ice cream is my year round fav!

  38. Lovin this set. Fabulous eye candy and so inspiring. I hope some of their MOJO will rub off on me. LOL
    My favorite summer treat would have to be fresh peaches.
    Thanks for a chance.
    Congrats to the lucky winner from yesterday.

  39. Oh my goodness!!! This set is just amazing!! Can't wait to get my hands on it!! :)

    My favorite summer treat is strawberry shortcake!! MMMMMMM!!!

  40. There's nothing like cold watermelon, YUM-O

  41. My favorite summer treat is Blueberry Almond Bars! They are yummy in the tummy! I have attached the recipe!
    Blueberry Almond Bar

    ½ cup butter
    1 (12 oz) pkg. white baking chips
    2 eggs, slightly beaten
    ½ cup sugar
    1 teaspoon almond extract
    1 cup all purpose flour
    ½ teaspoon salt
    1 cup blueberry jam
    ¼ cup sliced almonds
    ½ cup blueberries

    1.) Preheat oven to 325. In a small saucepan melt butter over low heat. Remove from heat. Add 1 cup of baking chips (do not stir); set aside. Grease 9x9 baking pan. Set aside.
    2.) In medium bowl combine eggs & sugar. Add butter mixture to egg mixture; stir just until combined. Stir in almond extract.
    3.) Stir together flour & salt. Add to egg mixture; stir just until combined. Spread half the batter in prepared pan. Bake for 15 -20 minutes or until edges are lightly browned. Remove from oven.
    4.) Meanwhile melt jam over low heat. Spread jam evenly over warm crust. Stir remaining white baking chips into remaining batter. Drop batter in small mounds onto filling. Sprinkle with almonds & blueberries.
    5.) Bake about 35 minutes more or until a toothpick inserted near center comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack. Cut into bars. Makes 16 bars

  42. Berry pies! Fresh from the fields and into a picrust. Yummy.
    This topiary set is so beautiful! Love that we will be able to mix foliages and containers!

  43. What a pretty set! I think topiaries are so elegant. My fave summertime treat is ice cream, soft-serve chocolate to be specific!

  44. One of my favorites is fresh pineapple and strawberries. No added sugar, just plain and simple. And if it is a VERY hot day, an ice cold Coke or lemonade is the best drink you can have besides good ole fashion water.

    I would love to win the topiary set. It is so beautiful and there are so many options.

  45. Oh, I've been looking for a topiary stamp FOREVER - what a GREAT new set!! My favorite summer treat is wild huckleberry pie (that's blueberry pie for you non-country folks!) I used to hate going picking when I was a kid, but boy do I love the results! Thanks for a chance to win such an awesome set!

  46. My favorite summer time treat is fresh strawberry short cake.

  47. I love the topiary set. Lots of possibilities.
    My summertime treat is ice cold sweet iced tea. And strawberries and watermelon!

  48. LOVE the new Topiary set!

    My favorite summer treat: fresh strawberries & cherries & raspberries!!! YUM!

  49. ohhh those are totally cool! I love that the pots and tops are separate, what a neat idea :)
    My favorite summer treat is walking through my garden and snacking on berries here and there, blueberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries and raspberries grow all around - makes for rather satisfying walks in my forest :)

  50. I love these! Please tell Marcella "thank you" for all her lovely sets! My favorite summer treat is nectarines, fresh tomatoes & okra! Then there is always my homemade strawberry pie.

  51. My favorite summer time treat is watermelon, but then again I adore tomatoes. Hmmm...tough question.

  52. My favourite summertime treat is ice cream

  53. my favorite summer treat is watermellon with my kids,

  54. My favourite summertime treat is BBQ burgers!!! YUM! I also love lemonade and fresh watermelon!!!


  55. Watermelon is my favorite summertime treat. That would be followed closely by nectarines, peaches and cherries. Yum, can't wait! Thanks so much for offering the prize.

  56. I love topiaries ! Great samples! My favorite summertime treat is ice cream - my favorite is a local maker called JP Licks here in the Boston area. But I'll eat any brand!

  57. My favorite summer treatS are fresh corn on the cob and cold watermelon. Now I'm getting hungry! That topiary set sounds super, being able to build your own. Thanks for a chance to win it.
    MaryB in Milpitas

  58. OMGosh, I LOVE topiaries!!!
    I think my fave summer treat is a Mango smoothie from Panera Bread!

  59. I'm from Georgia, I will have to say...PEACHES.
    Love the stamps!!!

  60. Favourite summertime treat? Chips (or should I say fries) from the chip wagon. Not sure if that is a purely canadian thing but...

  61. Another great set and a sale! can't beat that! Now off to wish Faith a Happy Birthday.

  62. Fresh cherries from our cherry trees have to be one of our favorite summer treat.

  63. Macaroni salad without a doubt! I got the recipe from my hubby's cousin and put my own twist on it and everyone loves it...but not more than me I think! I could eat it day and night!!
    I LOVE this topiary set! Mix and match-how cool is that?! Yay!!

    Now that I am scanning all the comments, maybe I should have said Strawberries!!!!

  64. I would love a piece of Strawberry Shortcake or Raspberry or Peach pie! Yum!! I can't wait. Oh also a tall cool glass of iced tea!

  65. fresh fruit - cherries, peaches, strawberries ... yum!

  66. A summer treat would be sun brewed tea.
    I love the Topiary Stamp set, especially how you can change the base.

  67. All the fruit, just imagine a cold juicy melon on a hot day! Even better: all berries, especially raspberries or blueberries, picked straight from the bush!

  68. Summer is really a fabulous season. My favorite treat is corn on the cob, yum, yum!! Love the new stamps and thanks for the chance to win some!!

  69. Those topiaries look FAB!! My favorite treat in the summertime is fresh guacamole! Don't know why it doesn't taste the same out of season! :)

  70. My favorite summer treat is a lunch of iced tea, tomato sandwiches and nectarines or peaches. Mmmmmmm, so good and yummy! Love the new sets!

    Ad K.

  71. All fresh fruit starting with strawberries, then raspberries, cherries, peaches - served with vanilla ice cream on the side, and home made lemonade with mint leaves to drink.

  72. My favorite summertime treat is watermelon.

  73. I love icecream. I am always cold so only in summer can I handle the coldness.

  74. I love peaches or raspberries. Take peaches and add blueberries that is even better. If I am going to a potluck or barbecue - I make a super awesome potato salad or my cold sauerkraut salad. The later sounds a bit gross but it has a sweet/sour dressing and when it is chilled it is very refreshing and different!

    I am loving the new sets!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  75. my favorite summer treat is real gelato.... we have an awesome chef in town that makes and sells it.
    I usually mint mixed with a a fruit such as mango or lemon. yum

  76. Favorite summertime treat? Ooh, ice cream, cherries, watermelon, fresh lemonade, there's just so many!

  77. Hmmmm . . my favorite summertime treat - juicy peaches - even better with vanilla ice cream!

  78. My favourite summertime treat has to be slushies, I know you could probably drink them anytime but who would want brain freeze in the middle of winter :)


  79. My favorite summer time treat is an nice ice cold glass of Mojito, a Cards Magazine and relaxing by the pool.

    Love the new Topiary stamp set as I used to make them myself out of dried roses.

  80. My favorite treat is fresh fruit with yogurt and granola! Then a nice cold glass of iced tea!

    LOVE the topiarys!!! :)

  81. My favorite summer treat would be fresh strawberries and whipped cream!!

  82. The topiary set is really lovely and I can picture many classic elegant cards using this set. My fave summer treat is lots of fresh in-season fruit. A nice light dessert is just using green grapes, drizzled with a little honey and sprinkled with fresh mint. Let sit for at least an hour before eating so the flavors can meld. It's really delicious and refreshing.

  83. My favorite summertime treat is a fresh fruit salad with a dipping sauce made of raspberry jam and vanilla yougurt.

  84. I love orange soda with a scoop (or 2) of vanilla ice cream with an orange sherbet swirl in in it. Yummy!


  85. Ooh, summer! My favorite summer time treat is cut up strawberries and blueberries mixed in vanilla cool whip! Yummo!
