Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hot Summer Sets -- Day 2!

When you think of summer, who doesn't think about kicking back and relaxing with a glass of fresh squeezed lemonade! Well, being that Flourishes is located in the heart of citrus country, we know that this is a part of summer we relish! We knew when we put our artist Marcella Hawley to work on a summer fruit set that this one would have people puckering up with joy!


This set is full of fun with a number of lemon images that are sure to please gardeners, cooks and those that just see lemons as a slice of summer! Our designers have been busy at work squeezing out some of their creative juices! So, be sure to stop by and see what they whipped up using this tasty set!

Leslie Miller
Christine Okken
Cindy Lawrence
Faith Hofrichter
Julie Koerber
Latisha Yoast
Laura Fredrickson
Stacy Morgan

Do you want to win this set? Simply leave us a comment here and we'll announce the winner first thing on Friday! Speaking of winning sets... did you check out our Easy Breezy challenge HERE? All you need to do is create a ten minute card and link it on THIS post and -- you're in the running for the drawing for all three of our new release sets!

Now, to the winner of yesterday's Waterlilies set! We had so many comments and most of you said you loved this new set! Thank you! We love it too! And... drum roll please... the number was 23 which means the winner is....

Etha said...
ohhhhh Koi!!!I have ponds but no lilies, too high :) Love what I see from this set, so pretty!

Etha, email us at with Waterlilies Winner in the subject line. Be sure to include your address and we'll get your set sent right out to you!

FYI: Before I go-- don't forget the Flourishes Power Hour! It's our fast paced summer release party over at the Flourishes Forum on Splitcoast! We know you all love to be outside and have more family commitments - but we don't want you to miss out on the fun! So join us for an hour of reveals, games, chat and fun! The party starts at 9 PM Central on Friday, June 12th!

We can't wait to share our set coming up tomorrow. It has tugged on our heart strings more than you will know! Stay tuned......


  1. Oh boy first again. What I can see of this set it's a beauty. Our lemon tree is just full of lemons right now. Congratulations Etha, and I know you really wanted that set.

  2. This set looks like fun. After all when life gives you lemons make lemonaid.

  3. Oh, this looks gorgeous! I've had lemons on the brain lately with all the sunshine around here and these look so fun to create with.

  4. Oooo lemons and limes cute! Thanks for doing this giveaway =)

  5. I live in citrus country too (central Florida), and I would love this set! The lemon topiary looks so cute--and the citrus slices! This is a great month of releases, Flourishes!

  6. OMG - I have been hunting for citrus stamps for months and havne't found ones I've been satisfied with. This sneak peek looks like a perfect match! Pick me, pick me! :)

  7. Wow, another beautiful set! Yesterday night I was coloring some of the latest Marcella's sets till midnight!!! It was not easy to wake up this morning :)

  8. I believe this set will sell out quick! What FUN summer time images! I LOVE it!!! :) Makes me want to make some lemonaid myself!

  9. oh this is my first time here
    I saw markie's mom's blog and I am in love with your stamps
    they are soooo pretty
    thanks sylvia

  10. The lemon's are perfect. I used to live in a citrus grove split between lemon's avocado's and oranges. Talk about a cook's delight. Sure miss it now that I can't just walk outside my door and pick as needed.

    Thanks for bringing back some lovely memories with this charming set.

    And thanks to for offering a free set as blog candy. my fingers crossed.....

    Blessings - Jean

  11. I love the previews for this lemon set! I am always impressed by the realistic look your botanical and nature sets have. I appreciate the chance to win this lovely set! I participate in a lot of recipe swaps and I am always looking for food related images.

  12. How lovely! This set looks like it will be wonderful!

  13. Love those lemons! Another new set that needs to be added to my collection!

  14. Absolutely love lemons and limes, this set is a must have, I must have it! Love it, looks like sooooo much fun!

  15. This set looks so crisp and summery. Congrats on winning the waterlilies, Etha!

  16. I love lemons and limes and this is a must have set, Yes, I must have it! It looks like soooo much fun!

  17. Oh my, how I would love to win this delicious set!

  18. Wow! Another great set!!! Need more mad money!!! lol

  19. Looks to be a fun set! Can't wait to see all of the set!

  20. great stamp set for summer - now my mouth is watering for some lemonade ;)

  21. Love this stamp set...something a bit different and yet so versatile.

  22. Just love the set. Would be fun to play with, so summery

  23. Mmmmm....lemons. Now who wouldn't want a tall glass of lemonade upon seeing this new set?s

  24. Oh, I love fruit stamps and this set has a wonderful variety. The DT made some gorgeous cards.

  25. this is a beautiful set of stamps....I can see all kinds of applications.

    thanks for offering it

    Kathy L......

  26. i have never wanted a set more! cindy lawrence's card has made me fall in love with lemons!

  27. What a fun idea for summer stamping, lemons! My mouth is watering already. LOL I'd love to win this delightful set. Thanks for the chance.

  28. who knew lemons could be so gorgeous!! wow, wonderful peeks, ladies!!!

  29. These are so fun! I love lemons and limes!

    My DD plays softball and I always take a jug of "lemon water" ! Everyone thinks it's so special! I just cut up fresh lemons in a 2gal cooler jug of water and fill with ice!

    Once in a while I'll use sugar free pink lemonade mix and it's wonderful too! But everyone will see me carrying the jug and say...ooooh is that the lemon water! Too darn funny!

    I would love to win, thanks for the chance!

  30. I love the citrus-inspired designs! Thanks for the chance to win.

  31. Oh I love this set! Marcella has done it again. Beautiful!

  32. Fresh and fabulous ! What a fun summer set !

  33. You so made this set for me!!! I love anything to do with lemons! Thanks

  34. So CUTE! Love what you did with this card. The set is adorable. Thanks for the chance to win.

  35. Your DT has made some incredible projects with this wonderful new stamp set! Thanks for the inspiration all rock!!

  36. Lovin this release a well as the first one !!!Great idea...can think of many uses for this set :)

  37. Another great stamp set, I like the variety of ways the DT used the stamps like making them lemons or limes. Can't wait to see all three sets revealed.

  38. What a great set. Perfect for those hot summer days to cool you off!

  39. This is a beautiful set!! I LOVE lemons and citrus images. Wouldn't this be a great addition to my collection?? Thanks for the chance to win it!!

  40. Lemons are so summer! They bring on visions of time by the pool sipping lemonade or making lemon ice with the kids. This set would be great to make come to my summer party invites. Hope I get the chance to do it!

    Ann H.

  41. Yum! This set looks so good! Can't wait to see the whole thing!

  42. Oh, this looks like it will be beautiful!! Can hardly wait!

  43. Another fabulous set! And your design team did such a great job at putting it to work!

  44. You rnew sets are gorgeous. I love the lemon tree. Thanks for the chance to win.

  45. What a fun set. Thanks for the chance to win.

  46. Ohhh, I love lemons and summer time is THE time for Lemon Ice! Great set.

  47. Lemons, how awesome and perfect for the summer--the examples I have seen look just yummy. Thanks for the chance to win! dar

  48. I am in love with your stamps...received my first order this week.I so want more, and more and more

  49. What a fun and cheerful set! It would be difficult to make a less than stellar card with these beauties!

  50. Gorgeous set - as they all are!! We lOVE lemons in our house and this stamp set would be a very welcome addiction - thank you for the oportunity to play - you ladies are so very generous!!! God bless you!

  51. My son (10yr old)loves lemons in any shape and form and taste. I have been teaching him stamping; he would love this set.
    Katie K

  52. Your stamp sets are always so beautiful and classy! Whenever I purchase your sets, I certainly get my money's worth. This one looks amazing! Best, Curt

  53. WOW! LOVE this set! There is nothing I like better than the bright crisp smell of fresh lemon zest...except, of course, stamping and coloring them!! :o)

  54. I like what I see so far and can't wait to see the complete set. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  55. I see a refreshing glass of lemonade on my desk when I stamp with this new set. So much summer that it could burst...with lemons of course! Thanks for the chance to win!

  56. Oh, this set is just screaming summer. It looks like a lot of fun, can't wait to see the whole thing!

  57. These are just beautiful! I hope more fruit will be coming!

  58. This set is bound to be a hit for sure. What's not to love with lemons and limes.

    thanks much

  59. Oooh I love the citrus-inspired cake in the photo! Super cute :D

  60. First, I'm so glad Etha won, she's a peach, not a lemon!! I love this set, and the Waterlilies, too! This looks like an awesome release!!

  61. I love lemons, can't wait to see the rest of the set.

  62. Wow!! I love lemons and I loved all of the preview cards made with this set.

  63. The lemon theme is perfect for the season. Yummy!

  64. I love the new lemons set. SO many uses are already comeing to me! Thanks for the chance to win!

  65. What a great set! I love lemons, so summery and tasty. Thanks for the chance to win!

  66. Beautiful images! Thanks for the chance to win!

  67. This is a fabulous set! I loooove lemonade in the summer. Congrats to Etha on winning the other set.

  68. Oh how cute, so fresh and crisp looking....thanks for a chance to win this..hope you pick me {:-)

  69. I love this set, it is so summery. You have such wonderful designers. Looking forward to the release party Friday night.

  70. Oh my goodness what a great set! I already know what my first project will be with it. All the sneak peek samples are so fun too! Thank you for the chance to win it. :)

  71. Love the lemon images and the ideas, thanks!

  72. The Flourishes blog was extra juicy today! ;) Love what all of the designers have done, and again I am blown away by your creativity!! This set looks wonderful and I would love to try it out!

  73. kOh boy, am I going to have decisions to make at the release on Friday! This set is wonderful, thanks for the opportunity to win.
    Beth Mak

  74. I can't wait to see this set! It looks so fresh. Absolutely lovely.

  75. The sneak peek of this set brings back lots of happy summer memories, picking limes in the backyard with friends. What fun!

  76. These new designs are too much!! I am trying to resist my "hide away" money stash, BUT---maybe not. I love all the designer peeks, but am prone to the clean, simple classy looks. I would really love to win - these gorgeous sets. Ok, Ok so does everyone else. LOL

  77. Lemons send a message of fresh, happy, summer and fun. I love lemons and this set looks great!

  78. I LOVE all the new surprises you've come out with, especially the lemon set! What's a great summer without lemons? Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  79. These just scream summer. I love them! Puts me in the mood for a key lime pie, but I'll settle for diet limeade from Sonic.

  80. THUD!!!!!

    hold on, picking myself up from the floor......

    just a minute.....

    I WON!!! I can't believe it :)
    koi koi koi! :) hehe

    thanks SO much!

    The lemons are super cool too, I don't have a single lemon stamp!
    btw, that Faith is a very sneaky and mean person, first she makes us guess right at chat and then she says we're wrong ROFL....

  81. What a great set! It looks so refreshing. Thank you for the chance to win.

  82. How wonderful it would be to have a lemonade right now. Too bad the weather is horrible, but the sample cards I'm seeing are really getting me in the summer mood!

  83. Ahhh, If life hands you lemons... get out his set and stamp your cares away.

  84. I'm just lovin it so far!
    Thanks for the chance to win;-)

  85. I like what this looks like so far! You guys are too much -- thanks for keeping those great images rolling.

  86. fabulous peeks...cant wait to see the rest of this lemoness

  87. I love lemons!! Anxious to see the entire set!!

  88. The set looks beautiful. Reminds me what a wonderful lemon chess my daughter makes.

  89. Pucker up, I love lemons! Would love to win.

  90. Love the set and what all the designers did with it!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  91. the designers have done a great job with this set! very fun!
    please enter me in the giveaway!

  92. I love lemons and limes. This set semms to be great! Thanks for a chance to win.

  93. I love lemons! This looks like another great set just by looking at the previews.

  94. Love the peeks so far! This looks like the perfect set for summer!

  95. Love this set! And would love to own it! Thanks for having a giveaway.

  96. Love this set. It's a hot lazy day on the plantation or a cool drink by the pool. Either way it's a keeper.

  97. Love, love, love the lemons. They are so summer. I'd love to win them too. Jackie

  98. What a fun summertime stamp set! Thanks for the opportunity to win! Another great month of new releases!

  99. What a fun summery looking set, we love lemon-limeade in the hot weather. I would love to win this set.
    Mary In Milpitas

  100. Mmmmm, a cold glass of lemonade (or limeade) sounds so refreshing. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  101. what a summer set, here in NZ its winter would love to make some summer cards, for a least a few mins not think about the cold.

  102. This looks like a great set to use this summer. Nice and fresh. No citrus in Michigan. Stamps are our only hope. hehehe Thanks for the opportunity to obtain it.

  103. I love lemons! These are gorgeous stamps and look like they're going to be fun to use. Only one more day!

  104. Looks like a great set! I miss living in a warm climate with my own personal lemon tree!

  105. Ooooo can't you just taste these.... drinks, cakes,drizzle etc
    all my favourite colours!!
    Plus a fab giveaway. Thanks.

  106. This is a nice set for summer and pretty too. Please send it my way! Thanks.
    Nancy C

  107. Congratulations Etha on winning the beautiful waterlily set.
    This Lemon set is equally beautiful and the cards from the DT have been stunning again.

  108. Oh this set is just wonderful. I love lemons & limes! So many ways this set can be used. The DT made such awesome designs with it. Hope I win! Thanks for the chance.

  109. Okay, everthing about lemons is great! You know from "if life gives you lemons", etc., and this set is adorable. I'd love to be in the running for it! Thanks!

  110. I LOVE this lemon tree...thanks for the chance to matter how remote!

  111. What a beautiful lemony set! I just love the taste of lemons! Great cards! Thanks!

  112. What a fun project and a fantastically thoughtful gift for your DH. Love the new image.

  113. I am SOOOO drooling for this set...and the waterlilies...and I am sure it will be the new set tomorrow too ;)

  114. Love the peeks of the lemon set! Would love it in my collection! Thanks for a chance to win!

  115. What a gorgeous set! I live in Michigan and dh and I still have our furnace on - YIKES! Really looking forward to Hot Summer!

  116. This looks like such a fun set with a great breezy, summer feel.

  117. Congrats Etha! I love lemonade so I would eat this set right up. LOL I can't wait to see the entire set.

  118. This looks like it is going to be a winner! Can't wait to see the rest of it.

  119. Oh, pick ME! This looks like a wonderful set for summer!

  120. Oh wow, I would love to win - I Live in Minnesota girls, you are so lucky, no lemon tress here.

  121. ustfuLove the lemons and limes! This set is making my mouth water - oh how I wish they were creative juices flowing! What a fun and fresh set this could be!

    Chris R. from Iowa

  122. Love It! Love It! Anything lemon or lime would be my first choice for dessert. Love them both and how great that with this set I can do either one. Hope I win this one!! Thanks for the opportunity.

  123. All those lemons make me thirsty for lemonade. Beautiful cards by the design team. Thanks for the chance to win . Ann Lind

  124. What a cute set to use for summer. Nothing like a big tall glass of lemonade. :)

  125. I can think of many payouts for a set like this!

  126. I'm going to love this set. I just love anything lemon. I'm really liking what I'm seeing in this release - Nimmy

  127. What a great set for a summer-themed card! Would love to win!

  128. I love lemons. I make a summer pasta salad with tomatoes, basil, boconccini chees, garlic and lemon juice for dressing. No oil! My son eats lemons whole, yes the peel too! Hope I win this set for our lemon lovin' family!!

  129. Love your stamps, love lemons. Would LOVE this set!!! Thanks for producing such beautiful stamps for us!

  130. GREAT!!! I love, love, love this new and exciting set. Can't get enough of it.

  131. I just LOVE lemon stamps and this would make a fabulous addition to my collection!!!

    Yay for Etha - hope you have fun with your set! :)

  132. I love the look of this set! Thanks for the chance to win

  133. Isn't this a beautiful set! Would love a chance to win it! We recently replaced our tableware with a set from Villeroy and Boch, and it's a lemon theme!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  134. Love the children's parade. Saw a simliar print on a card but was told it was a designer paper. Glad to see it is now a stamp. I see so many uses for it.

  135. Great idea, can't wait to see it and the waterlillies IRL!

  136. Would love to win this set - thanks for the chance!
