Saturday, June 6, 2009

June's Limelight Designer...

With June comes a fond farewell to Michelle Woerner, our first Limelight Designer to grace the pages of the Flourishes Newsletter each Sunday! We really feel Michelle lent so much creativity here and we've heard from a lot of you that you have loved her fabulous less is more, more is more creations! So, from all of us in blogland - Thank You Michelle for sharing your time and talents with us! It was such a pleasure getting a peak into your creative process!

With June - we have a brand new Limelight Designer who will be joining us Sundays this month. We're happy to welcome........

Sherry Cheever!

Sherry has such a distinct style. We can't wait to see what she will cook up with Flourishes stamps! I've been following her work since I started blog hopping two years ago and have been really impressed with her incredible creativity! We hope as you spend Sundays with her, you'll be inspired too!

Here's a little bit about Sherry in her own words.......

"I’ve been married to my husband, Lance, for 30 years and we have two beautiful daughters, 23 and 20. My passions are my family, stamping, reading, automobile racing, and gardening; however, sports and art have always been in the foreground. I can’t remember a time when there wasn’t a crayon or a paint-by-number set (even balls, gloves, bats, bikes and skates) around when I was a child. I learned to knit from a neighbor many, many, many years ago, and have continued learning things every since. I’ve been through my needlepoint and cross-stitching phases, as well as my oil painting and water coloring. When I headed out to college, my focus was on receiving degrees in physical education and art. I wanted to coach, but I also wanted to teach art. Unfortunately, those dreams never materialized, but I have continued to dabble in arts and crafts over the years. I bought my first stamps in 1997 at a Stampin’ Up Workshop. I stamped a few cards and things for my daughters but never truly was inspired to do much else. I moved my supplies to the basement and there they sat gathering dust for close to five years. In 2003 all things changed for me. I had been working only part-time for a number of years and decided to quit and stay home with the girls while they were in high school. I needed something to keep me occupied during the days and felt the need to start crafting again. I brought my stamps upstairs and started stamping again. I joined Splitcoaststampers where I became instantly addicted to all things rubber and ink. Currently I am an Alumnus of the Splitcoaststampers Dirty Dozen, Design Team Coordinator for Rubbernecker Stamps, and on the Spellbinders Blog Team."

Thanks for the insight Sherry! Stay tuned everyone..... Sherry will be back tomorrow with more!


  1. Thanks ladies! It was so much fun. Congrats Sherry and I can't wait to see what you bring us each Sunday!!

  2. Thanks Julie! I'm really excited to be sharing Sundays with you guys!

  3. Welcome Sherry! We're so happy to have you here! Your work is wonderful!
