Monday, August 3, 2009

Flourishes Timeless Tuesday (FTTC27)!

Hi all... Julie here! I am sitting in for Betty who had a serious computer melt down yesterday! We hope she gets it fixed soon! It's not fun when our "friends inside the computer" get disconnected! ;-)

A big thanks to everyone who played last week in our monochromatic challenge hosted courtesy the lovely Deena Perreault! Be sure to keep reading to see which player won from last week's drawing for a $10 gift certificate to the Flourishes store!

Now to this week's challenge! This Timeless Tuesday your DH might even appreciate... because it is all about hardware! When we say hardware, we mean any kind of metal! It could be eyelets, brads, frames... you name it! This one is so open ended that we just know we will see everyone's creativity channel off the charts!

Now let's get to our own hardware hotshots!

This first card done up by Cindy Haffner uses some of the fabulous hardware in our Flourishes Finishing Touches line. I love how she gathered the checkered ribbon to make that little metal accent really pop on her card! Speaking of pop... don't you love the way she accented one of the berries (in the Strawberries set) on her card by popping it up?

Silke Ledlow has one classy creation with this beautiful metal tag adorning the front of her card! I love how she just used the word Friend from the Strawberries set and then paired it with the gorgeous parrot tulip from the Thank You set!
Kimberly Crawford took the metal to the max on this creation! She used the Spellbinders Butterfly Impressabilities to deboss an image onto an Art Engraving board. What's magical about this is - you sand away the black surface revealing the metal color underneath. Isn't that the coolest thing ever?
And, Dee Jackson was subtle in her use of metal by decking out her card with three little square brads on this beautiful lemon creation using the Life, Lemon, Love set!
If you'd like to know more on how the FOF designers created their cards, just hop on over to their sites for the official details!

Now for the winner of last week's drawing! Flourishes Timeless Tuesday Winner(FTTC26)! drew the number 9, which means Diane wins!

Diane said...
A fun challenge, and so many pretty cards the design team did! Here is my link to my card

CONGRATS DIANE! All you need to do to claim your coupon code is to email:!

By the way, if you still do not have theTimeless Tuesday blog button
for your blog, check here for the codes.

Now, it is your turn to play! Here is what you need to know!

  • Anyone can play whether you have Flourishes stamps or not. Of course, if you have Flourishes stamps, by all means, use them.
  • Use keyword code FTTC27 when linking to SCS or public gallery.
  • Leave a comment on this post with a link to your creation. Please give a direct link to your blog post so we can see the Flourishes challenge post and not just the generic page. To get the full link, click to read the comments. Another page will open that will have just the one card and your comments. Copy and paste that link here in the comments section.
  • If you use either your blog link or online gallery, please give an active Flourishes Newsletter link.
  • You can combine this challenge with as many others as you want.
  • The challenge runs from Tuesday, 12:01 am until Monday at 8 pm EST Enjoy yourself!!!

We cannot wait to see what you create! As always, thanks so much for stopping by and playing Flourishes Timeless Tuesday Challenge with us!

I know I speak for the entire team when I say... thanks from all your Flourishes Friends!!


  1. Great samples made by DT!
    Here is my Card to join this week challenge



  2. Her is my card for this week...beautiful cards as always....thankyou so much for my gift new card with metal can be seen here

  3. I always look forward to Tuesdays!! Love these challenges and today I discovered on my blog how often my cards are flowers. And who makes them better than Flourishes--no one!!! Here's my card:

  4. Not heavy into metal but joined in anyway with the use of a small zipper pull. Fun challenge as usual. Pat is where you'll find my card.

  5. I always love looking at the DT samples on your blog. This week's are some fab eye candy! So happy I was able to play along this week.

    Here’s my entry

    My hardware, in case it is hard to spot, is the red diamond brads between the lace flowers.

  6. Love your samples! Here is a link to my project. My little bees have metal, copper antennae.

  7. Fun to pull out some hardware out of my stash!! :) Here is my card:

  8. All cards are absolutely gorgeous!!

    Here is my take:

    I combined other challenges including FLLCBDAY :)

  9. Wonderful samples -- so much variety.
    My hardware is pretty subtle, so you may have to look for it:

  10. Love all the samples and great challenge! Here's my card:

  11. The cards are beautiful as always! My card for this week is here

  12. I love your stamps, and the designers this week gave such a treat to the eyes...thank you gals!!
    Here is mine using Seaside Life:

  13. Gorgeous DT cards.
    Great challenge this week.
    Here is my card.

    Karen x

  14. Beautiful hardware, everyone!! Here's my card.

  15. Great cards by the DT!! Here is my card.

  16. Hi! I'm so excited to have gotten to play this week! I don't own any Flourishes stamps yet but I have been wanting them forever and I'm hoping to change that soon! :) Here is my card:

  17. It took me until Friday to get my card done, but I did it. I used my new favorite violets for this one.

  18. So many great cards! Here is my take on the hardware challenge:

  19. I had time to make a second card--this one has *much* more prominent hardware! Here it is:

    Juicy Citrus

  20. I had a great time with this one
    Here is mine

  21. Love the DT cards and Here is mine

  22. Finally joined in the Tuesday Challenge. Lovely bunch of cards ladies. Here is my card:

  23. Fun challenge, ladies!! Here's mine:

  24. Mine is somewhat hard to see but there is a gold ribbon slide. Here it is

    PS. Lovely artwork dt!!

  25. I finally got my card done!!! I hope you like it! Thanks for the great DT inspiration cards!

    Love You

    Lesley :)

  26. Hello,
    this is my entry:

  27. Whew, been spending so much time all week trying to fix my computer that I didn't think I'd get time to make a card for this - just squeezed one in :D

  28. Wow, amazing cards! The DT did it again! Here is my card for the challenge:
