Friday, September 11, 2009

The Feel of Fall -- the final day!

This year, more than a million women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Some will win the fight... others won't. Truth be told, not one of us will live our lives and not be touched in some way by this disease.

That's why when the wheels started to spin about a set that Flourishes could use to help others, "thinking pink" was just a natural for us!


This spunky and fun set was what happened when one designer's idea collided with the talent of one of Flourishes' artists. I'm proud to say, I'm that designer. When you have an idea, and you have a friend that is one the most talented ladies in the industry - Marcella Hawley - you bounce ideas off of her! When I shared my "concept" of subliminally hiding the breast cancer awareness ribbon in different feminine images, she just took it and ran with it. The result is a set that sisters, moms, aunts, friends, grandmas and YOU can use to share encouragement to those facing breast cancer or to honor those who have survived it. It's a way for us to stand together to help eachother "fight like girls!"

When the "Flourishes" i.e. Jan, Nancy and Sharon talked about this set, they knew they wanted to use it to help others in the fight. That's why a portion of each stamp set sold will go to
help STAMP OUT breast cancer and support Susan G. Komen for the Cure. This grassroots effort has, to date, invested more than $1 billion in the fight against breast cancer. Susan G. Komen for the Cure is an effort that is working to save lives, empower people, and energize science to find a cure. We couldn't think of a better group to join in the fight! If you'd like to read more, simply visit

Our Senior DT doled out some Pink Power and created some really fun creations! Be sure to stop by and check out...

Christine Okken
Faith Hofrichter
Julie Koerber
Latisha Yoast
Laura Fredrickson
Leslie Miller
Stacy Morgan
Nancy Kirk
Sharon Doolittle

Want to be tickled pink and win this set? All you need to do is leave a comment on this post! will draw a number and we'll announce the winner tomorrow!

Now to the winner of yesterday's drawing! picked the number 49 which means Sharon D. is the WINNER!

Sharon D said...
What a charming set! Love the cottage!
Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:07:00 AM

Thanks for playing Sharon! Just email us at and put The Feel of Fall Day 2 Winner in the subject line! Don't forget to share your snail mail address so that we can get your stamps sent right out to both of you!

DON'T FORGET, you still have a chance to win all four new releases by entering our Feel of Fall challenge! You can read all about it HERE! The contest closes today at 4PM Central... so hurry up and get your entries in!

We hope to see you tonight at our POWER HOUR RELEASE PARTY!!! It's sure to be a rip roarin' good ole time! It starts at 9 PM Central over in the Flourishes Forum on Splitcoast! And remember, all four new sets will go live in the Flourishes store - just as our power hour wraps up!

See you then!!!


  1. You're right that this disease hits all of us in some way. It's wonderful to know we can make a difference in someone's life by purchasing this set. Beautifully done ladies in design & a cause!

  2. This is such a good cause and well worth supporting. I would love to be in the draw for this great prize

  3. Oh what a beautiful the pink ribbon within each image!! Such a wonderful cause, so nice to know that a portion of the proceeds will be going to support it!

  4. Wow! This is amazing set. I can't wait to order this set.

  5. I need this set just for the name! What a great cause- thanks for the chance to win!

  6. This looks like a wonderful set.

  7. Now this is totally adorable!! Thanks for the chance to win - love this! Love the pink ribbon, what a great cause, these days we all know someone who has been touched by this disease! God bless you!

  8. What a corker of an idea, this is one terrific stamp set.
    Love it.

  9. This set is wonderful. If I don't win, I'll be purchasing it!

  10. What a sweet set! I'm not much of a pink-and-frills-girly-girl myself, but I definitely know ladies who love to receive stuff like that!

  11. This is an awesome set! It's wonderful that the set will help support a good cause. My husband's daughter, two of my cousins, and a friend have all 'fought like a girl' and so far 'won the fight!' Thanks for the chance to win this amazing set.

  12. This set is fantastic. This disease can strike yound ang old alike. I have lost friends and family, and I have friends that have survived. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.


  13. When I was thirteen years old, my mother died from breast cancer. It is so nice that you are supporting this cause. The pink ribbon within each image is so clever, and I love the sentiment-Fight like a girl.

  14. What a great set for a very great cause!

  15. I have a pink ribbon set (from another maker) at home already, but I definitely want yours as well! Can't help but try my luck before I go and buy it.

  16. This is the prettiest "fight breast cancer" set I've ever seen. My mom is a 20-year breast cancer survivor, but my MIL died of the disease. Such a wonderful thing you're doing by donating a part of each sale of this set to the fight!

  17. Just celebrated my ten year anniversary as a Stage IIIB breast cancer survivor....I LOVE PINK! This set is wonderful..thank you for the chance to win!

  18. This is the best set I've ever seen for sending messages of hope and comfort to anyone affected by this dreaded disease. Thanks so much for creating such a beautiful set and for the chance to win!

  19. What a fabulous idea. My Mom had breast cancer 20 years ago and she's still fighting like a girl! So I'm thrilled for the opportunity to win such a wonderful stamp set.
    Beth Greco

  20. what a great idea and great set and great cause - very good -
    Thank you for your generosity.

  21. This is the best cancer awareness set I've ever seen! What a fabulous idea carried out with Flourishes signature style. Love it! -Mary R

  22. What a wonderful set , timely and so worth supporting. So wonderful to finally have something to stamp for our suffering sisters. The Lord bless you !

  23. What an absolutely great idea and cause!

  24. A beautiful set for a great cause!! I love all images I've seen here!!

  25. I wear pink! Way to go, Julie and the Flourishes team!! Winning would allow these sets to be working in an IHS homeless program where I help with after dinner activities when supervised homework is complete. Parents always are included at their leisure as this may be their one opportunity to 'have fun' all day or night. mtstamper23

  26. Oh my goodness! This set is just perfect! A friend had her first chemo session yesterday....the Komen foundation paid for her wig! You Flourishes are the best!!!! Can't wait to order it & start using it..Thanks, Laurie

  27. This is going to be a great set. I love it.

  28. So glad that Julie's ideas were so beautifully translated by Marcella Hawley. Your support of the fight against this devasting disease is such a great thing. Bless you all.

  29. Thank you for your generosity in donating to such a worthy cause. I currently have several friends and several more acquaintances going through treatment for breast cancer and they are all young women. Ladies, please get your mammograms! Early detection and treatment are key.

  30. What a wonderful and timely set. This disease deserves attention and what a wonderful way to do that. Love the images!

  31. What a fabulous idea! I love the subliminal ribbons...and a great cause to support.

  32. This is an awesome set, and the cause is so worthy! Can't wait to get my hands on it.

  33. I love the sneak peaks of this set, can't wait to see the whole set. Also so wonderful to be contributing to a good cause and enjoying our craft. Thanks for the chance to win.

  34. Oh I can't tell you how EXCITED I am to see this set!!! It is wonderful!! Every year I sell "pink" cards to raise money for the Montreal Weekend to End Cancer 60K walk. My friend has participated for the last 3 years, and I know this set will sell a lot of cards to help support her and this important cause this year!! I know I'm not alone in doing this kind of fundraising, so this is the set that will just keep on giving!! Thank you so much Flourishes!!

  35. This is a MUST have set. I knoe too many women facing this fight.
    God Bless you all at FLourishes for creating this fabulous set tot help with the fight! Go Girls...hugs..

  36. What a wonderful set. I have had a family member and close friend die from Cancer within the past 2 months so this set really hits home. Thanks for the chance to win.

  37. Oh my gosh; I love, love, love this set - can't wait for the release party - gotta make a purchase TONIGHT!!!

  38. I am just thrilled with the "Fight Like a Girl" set! I am a survivor and now do what I can to support others who are fighting like a girl. I can't wait to have this set. They are by far THE BEST stamps I've ever seen for The Cause.


  39. What a wonderful and brilliantly designed stamp set! I love it! I've had too many friends and relatives to count effected by breast cancer, and I myself am waiting on test results and go next week for a follow up appt for a "suspicious" spot. I urge all women to do self checks and get preventive mammograms, early detection can save your life!

    I love how you're giving a portion of the proceeds to research, thank you! If I don't win a set, I'm going to find a way to purchase it! (My scrap/stamp budget's unfortunately been hit by the economy, but I WILL find a way to get this set!)

  40. Wow, great set and a great cause! Would love to win this set.

  41. What a awesome set! I would love to win it!

  42. What a nice idea. We all want to see an end to breast cancer. The set is very cute.

  43. I just knew there was a special set coming out that was going to be my very first flourishes stamp set!!

    I can guarantee this set will get used every week in my house - you see....I'm a Breast Cancer Care Nurse. I work day in and day out with women (and the occasional man) and their families during their initial investigation stages, right through their surgery and treatment and beyond. I love to make cards for every one for when they have finished their treatment and get to have "their life back" to help them celebrate being a survivor and soldiering through some pretty revolting days. And also to let them know that whilst I won't be seeing them quite as often anymore, they'll still be in my mind and in my heart and definitely still in my prayers.

    I've been searching and searching for a stamp set that I could use for this and FINALLY its almost here!! I can't wait to get my hands on this set. Its an internationally known symbol but is so cleverly disguised in these beautiful feminine images - OH I'M TOOO EXCITED.

    Stamping and making cards is also my own form of therapy. As you can imagine, some days are pretty heavy going and some days just break my heart (whilst other days I get to rejoice too) and on those 'hard' days, I come home and stamp and get creative and let that help soothe my soul and heart. So whilst I get to bless my ladies with a personally made card, I, in turn, get "helped" along the way.

    So thank you Jan, Nancy, Sharon, Marcella and Julie!!
    Love and blessings,

  44. Oh what a wonderful set! They have made tremendous advances since my mother died, at the age of 37, and it's support from people like you who will continue to work to put an end to this horrific disease. God bless you!

  45. What an absolutely fabulous set!! Thanks so much for creating it and for donating some of the proceeds to help fight breast cancer. As a mammographer, I wear my pink everyday and hope that I've made my patients feel more comfortable. I SOOOOO ned this set, my mind is already spinning with all of the ways that I could use it.

  46. one of my coworker just got diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery couple days ago. When it hits you close, you become more aware of the disease.

  47. This a worthy cause and a great stamp set!

  48. Wow what a great way to remember those women who fought the battle and lost and those yet to come. Such a great cause!


  49. I have a friend who has only a short time remaining before this awful disease takes her away from her family and friends. This is a cause that all of us need to support. Thank you for the wonderful images.

  50. What a beautiful stamp set to honor and encourage women of all ages~! I am so glad Flourishes has made this set available!
    Beautiful and inspirational designs Ladies!!

  51. Great set for such a great cause! Thanks for the chance to win.

    Susan H.

  52. What a wonderful set for such a worthy cause.

  53. My friend just lost both of her "girls" about 2 months ago to cancer! She is soo young, late 20's and I have been touched by this set and is on my wishlist now!! Thanks for donating money also to Susan~ great job and keep up the great work designing!!

  54. What a great idea to raise money and awareness my sister is fighting cancer you are all an awesome group it is a great cause

  55. this set is so cute! Thanks for the chance to win.

  56. This is a fabulous set. love it and love the cause it supports.
    We will never forget. 9.11.01

  57. This is one of the best breast cancer sets I've seen. I like how the ribbons are worked into the design, without being overpowering. I'll be purchasing this set.

  58. This is the best breast cancer support stamp set I've ever seen! If I don't win it I will surely buy it! I'm a regular Susan B Komen supporter.

  59. This terrible disease has hit two of my aunts and a good friend is battling it right now.

    I will be buying this set for sure.

  60. What a great idea for such a worthy cause. Can't wait to see the whole set. Thanks!

  61. What an awesome set! As a breast cancer survivor of 11 years and creator of a group of ladies who make cards for $$ to donate to Susan G. Komen, I am totally AMPED [I think that's the right word Jan used] to see a set like this! We have been using the pink ribbon and lots of buzz words -hope-faith-love, etc- but this will open up many new avenues for us. Good job team!

  62. Such an awesome stamp set. Love the subliminal ribbon idea and it is so wonderful that you will be donating some of the stamp sale proceeds to The Susan G. Komen foundation. Hooray for you! As usual, the DT is so creative.

  63. I just left a message and for some reason it listed me as anonymous. It was the message after b. skyles and I left it at 1:2800 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2009.

  64. This set is fabulous. And unfortunately, I seem to need something like this too often. Love, love, love it.

  65. Great set and a wonderful cause that hits far too many of us, directly and indirectly through family and friends. Thanks for the chance to win.

  66. Great interpretation of the familiar pink ribbon, especially in that dress! Also love the sentiment, "Fight like a girl."

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. How gorgeous!!!! I love that you incorporated the ribbon into wonderful girly items! Great job!

  69. A truly wonderful stamp set and for a great cause. Am in awe of all the teams talent!


  70. Wow, what timing this was to come across this wonderful blog. Yesterday I learnt that someone I have worked very closely with for the past year has been diagnosed with Breat Cancer. She is to start treatment next week and I was looking for some inspiration for a card which would mean something to her and to make her realise she is not alone :-(

    I would love to be in with a chance for this great cause and want to do my bit to raise awareness.

    A very sad Sarah x

  71. This set is so beautiful. So many people are touched by this awful disease, and it's worth supporting to find a cure.

  72. What a wonderful stamp set, with such creativity using the pink ribbons, too. I would love to win this set - the cause goes straight to my heart!

  73. oh I love it!! that dress is da bomb!! great minds together makes for super stamps :)

  74. What clever ways to use the classic pink ribbon to help stamp out that terrible disease.

    Love this stamp

  75. what an amazing cause to be supporting. I remember how it felt when I first found a lump - devastating. enough can not be done to raise both funds and awareness. thank you! :)

  76. I love this set. Being a breast cancer survivor and having several friends touched by this disease, this set will make a difference for many women. It may be by sending a card designed using this set or maybe from the donations you will be making as a result of purchasing this set. Any way you look at it, it is a win-win situation. I get a great set (which I will definietly be purchasing if I do not win) and many are help through the programs that exist because of donations. Thank you.

  77. Love the 'girl' set! I think it's great that it is in support of such an important cause! Thanks

  78. There has long been a need for a stamp set like this! Bravo to all who worked together to create it!!!!

  79. It is great to know that by doing something we love (crafting, that is) we are helping to support the fight against this disease and the more cards we make- the more folk get to know this.
    Thank you so much for the chance to win this lovely set of stamps.
    Best wishes,

  80. WOW! Great stamp set for an even greater cause to support!

  81. I love how the ribbon is 'hidden' in the images! And who wouldn't want to fight it like a girl. Clever and beautiful!

  82. WOW What a Fabulous set!!!! I love it!! Please sign me up!!

  83. As a one year survivor (got my one year follow up results today!!) I am always on the lookout for ribbon stamps. This set has captured my heart!!

  84. I have been waiting for a stamp set like this. It is beautiful and for such a great cause. I would love this set.

  85. rosaria stoops rosariastoops@aol.comSunday, September 13, 2009 12:59:00 AM

    i would love to win this set!!! i do the breast cancer 3 day walk for philly and this would be wonderful set for me!!!! pick me pick me!!!

  86. This is such a good cause to fight for but remember there are so many other cancers also, so listen to your bodies and have problems checked out. If one doctor does not have the awnser find another one that can help. Don't wait until it is too late. Yes my life and family has been touched by the cancer word, many times, fight this cancer and other cancers. This set of stamps are wonderful, it yells softly fight this, be a winner of life. Thankyou Ladies, for doing just that.
