Monday, September 14, 2009

Got sketch?

Hi all and Happy Monday!

If you needed a little extra inspiration to kick off your creative week, we might have just what you need! This week, Flourishes is happy to sponsor the sketch over at.....

2 Sketches 4 You!

It's a really fun sketch drawn by Kazan Clark! Want to see?

If you enter, the lucky winner of the Card of the Week will win two, yes TWO sets from Flourishes! You can check out all the official details HERE.

And, while you are there, be sure to check out all the fabulous designs that the 2S4Y Design Team created using Flourishes stamps! I was blown away!! Just click HERE to check it out! :-)

This friday our own Senior Design Team will be rocking this sketch, so you will have to come back to see our take on this fun design!

See you back here soon!

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