Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Season That Sparkles...Day 3!

We hope you've been enjoying this week's sneeks! We can't tell you how excited we are about this collection and today's offering comes with a special surprise by way of an introduction. We have a new illustrator that has joined the Flourishes team. Some of you might already know this "face" in the papercrafting world.....

Becky is what you'd call a scrapbooking superstar! She not only runs her own free on-line scrapbook and cardmaking resource site called PageMaps (it's a gold mine for scrapbooking and card sketches!), but she's the author of a wildly popular idea book - almost by the same name - Scrapbook PageMaps: Sketches For Creative Layouts. She's literally traveled the world teaching scrapbooking classes. Come on - who can say they've taught in Dubai, New Zealand or Tokyo? Becky can! She's a graphic designer by trade, which means it's only natural to see her creativity flow like this through the creation of stamps for cardmakers! With the flick of her pen, she gave life to a well-loved character that is about as heartwarming as they come.

This stippled Santa is so classic and as you'll see when you tour the Design Teams' blogs today - can be done up in an ornate way, with a touch of gold or even just stamped in one color. He looks absolutely perfect each and every way. Becky also designed a coordinating background called Holly that takes that beautiful leaf cluster in Santa's hat and makes it into a background that you can use for so many different things around the holidays!

Before you hop on over to the DT's sites, we wanted to share some of Becky in her own words!

Q.What's fun about creating images for stamping?

A. The creative possibilities are endless, not only in the actual creation of the stamp designs themselves, but what card makers and stampers do with the designs. I'm not a very good stamper, so I am constantly impressed (and pea-green with envy!) when I visit stamp galleries and see what crafters are creating.

Q. What inspired you do illustrate such a beautifully vintage Santa Claus?

A. As a lover of anything and everything vintage, nothing beats a charming, old world Santa. It also allowed me to work in one of my favorite mediums-stippling with a rapidograph pen!

Becky even made a darling card using the Holly background to share. It's fun. It's festive! It's perfect for the holidays! Don't you love all the little extras?

Thanks Becky for the introduction and a fun look into the creative process! If you like what you see here, take note, Becky is already working on her next bit set! Stay tuned! It's another set with a vintage and very classic feel!

Want to hop to the rest of the DT and see what they crafted for this classic? Head on over to see.....

Leslie Miller
Christine Okken
Julie Koerber
Latisha Yoast
Laura Fredrickson
Stacy Morgan
Cindy Lawrence
Sharon Doolittle

Do you want to win this set? All you need to do is leave a comment here on this post and you'll be in the running! will draw a number and we'll have the winner in tomorrow's post!

Now for the winner of yesterday's goodies! drew the number 72, which means Melanie wins!

Melanie said...
What a beautiful stamp set! The cards made by the DT are just stunning! Thank you for the chance to win.

Melanie, all you need to do is email us at and put The Holly and the Ivy Winner in the subject line. Be sure to share your snail mail address and we'll go and slip those stamps in the mail for you!


  • Did you see our A Season That Sparkles Challenge? If you play, you will have a chance at winning all SIX of our new releases for October. That's one valuable prize - you could even call it an early Christmas present! Click HERE for the details.

  • Mark your calendars for our RELEASE PARTY coming up this Friday! It's our power hour of fun with games, goodies, and prizes up for grabs! We'll host it in the Flourishes Forum over on Splitcoast HERE from 9 to 10 PM Central Standard Time. As the party wraps, all of our sets that we peek this week will be put in store for your shopping pleasure!

The fun continues tomorrow right here! We wrap up the week with a beautiful set that has a real homespun flair. Come back and see the second offering from the ever-so-talented Marcella Hawley! See you then!


  1. OH MY.... this is what I have been hoping for and it's here. A real looking santa and isn't he just the most beautiful, smiling and happy face you could ever see. Thank you Becky and Flourishes for the chance to win this set.

  2. wonderful job by your design team yet again! Thank you for the fun and the peek at Becky! I know who she is ... I have a few of her items ....

  3. This has to be th4e most beautiful or should I say hansome Santa image I have ever seen!

    Just amazing image, I sure would like a chance to win this set!


  4. Thank you Becky and Flourishes for the chance to win this set. Amazing image, I would like a chance to win this set!

  5. So exciting to see your beautiful stamp sets! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  6. Gorgeously Vintage!!!! That snowflake card is fabulous!!

  7. Great new set. Love the Santa. Look forward to seeing more art work from this artist.

  8. If this Santa doesn't get a person in the Christmas mood, then I don't know what would. He is just wonderful. Thanks for a great face to love year after year. This one is a keeper Becky. wonderful!

  9. Such beautiful stamps and such talent. Flourishes always inspires me. Go girl!


  10. Beautiful cards ladies! I love the vintage look and this set is going to be on my must have list! Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. the santa image is absolutely stunning. thank you for the chance to win this set

  12. What a wonderful Santa! I discovered Page Maps a long time ago, but I didn't know Becky was such a talented artist. She has captured all the magic of Santa's face in her design.

  13. very nice, love all the design team cards - perfect as usual

  14. Wowzers!!! This image is totally vintage...just like in the old days, this Santa is absolutely perfect!!! Way to go DT!!! Lovely images!

  15. What a perfect Santa and the holly background is just what I've been wanting. Congratulations, Becky, your debut at Flourishes is wonderful. I look forward to seeing more of your stamps. Thanks for the chance to win.

  16. I might be too late to enter, but I'll try. I missed the last contest. All of your stamps are so beautiful. The cards your team makes with them are incredible!

  17. What an expressive Santa... and fun !

  18. I Believe!!!! :) This set looks amazing!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!! :)

  19. Do I want the set? You betcha! So classic and beautiful. Great job snagging Becky for an illustrator.


  20. What a beautiful santa image.
    I love it, just viewed a sample card at Scrapnextras blog and her card is absolutely elegant.
    Thanks for sharing and look forward to putting some of these images on paper


  22. Kudo's to your design team but most important to Becky. This is the best Santa I have seen. Thank you for a chance to win. Keep up the good work Flourishes.
    aka MaryAnn

  23. This set is wonderful! I collect Santas, and I especially like the old-fashioned kind. I love the detail in the santa's face. Becky is going to be a great addition to your team.

  24. OMG! What a beautiful image it looks so real. I would love a chance to win this set. It would be perfect for cards for the craft fair that I am doing in Dec.

    Thank you for the chance

  25. Another beautiful set - thanks so much for the chance to win it! All your releases this month are to die for!!

  26. What a wonderful DT you have! This is a beautiful set and I can see it selling out fast. This month's release is going to be HUGE! Love them all.

    Ad K.

  27. Flourishes has only the "best"! Welcome Becky!! Love your Santa!!

  28. I collect Santa stamps.The vintage look makes me feel nostalgic.

  29. I love, love, love this Santa! He is a definite "must have"! Thanks again for the chance to win!

  30. honestly I have to say that I am in total awe..this newest set has me in a must have mood it is totally amazing....AND WHAT THE TEAM Has come up with all I can say is beautiful..I definitely will be ordering this set soon, but thanks for a chance to win it first

  31. That Santa is fabulous! I can't wait to see the dt peeks!

  32. Super cards by all the design team! Love vintage!!

  33. What an amazing Santa. He is wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win.

  34. What a wonderful Santa. He really make the card. I loved all the design teams cards, can't wait to try it myself.

  35. I love this Santa! What a great idea having the holly stamp seperate to use in different ways.

  36. This is THE perfect Santa in my mind........very traditional. Yet another fabulous set!

  37. What a fabulous image of Santa! Beautiful work! Can't wait to see all the new stamps this month! - Mary R.

  38. What a beautiful image! All the DT cards are gorgeous! thank you for the opportunity to win this!

    Melissa.Banian at

  39. It's so wonderful to have a happy, smiling vintage Santa to use now. So many are so serious - this guy is wonderful and jolly! thanks for the opportunity to win this. Great job and wonderful design!
    Kris, Wadsworth, OH

  40. NOW I believe in Santa Claus!!! You have brought Santa back to life with this image. His true spirit shines through with the kindness in the eyes and the innocence that we want so much to pass on to our children. You have made a renewed believer out of me!!! Bless you for that in a day where believing can be so difficult. True artistry at it's best!!! When is it coming off the assembly line again???

  41. I collect Santas - and would love to have this stamp set!

  42. What an awesome Santa! I would love to win him.

  43. The designers did some awesome work - just love this vintage Santa! Thanks for the chance to win another great Flourishes design!

  44. ...and it just keeps getting better and better! Thanks for the chance to win these versatile sets -- and for giving us beautiful samples as starting ideas!

  45. I am in awe with these stamps, especially the old world Santa...absolutely GORGEOUS!!! The design team have out-done themselves this time! How I would love to get my hands on this stamp! ;)


  46. WOW! How beautiful! I love this set, well, just about all the sets! Thank you so much for the chance to win!!

  47. Wow! Love the Santa. He is so pretty done in so many different ways by the design team. I would to add him to my stamp collection!

  48. Oh My!! I am sooo impressed with the look of this Santa.. it looks so vintage, but in a new way! LOL!! Great Work on these images Becky.. Thank you and Flourishes for the opportunity to win these..

  49. OH MY GOSH!! Becky is one of my all time favorites, EVER! I am so happy to hear she's entering the stamping world, WOO HOO! Happy Dance!! I love love LOVE her Santa! He's one of the best Santa stamps I've seen in a long time, I MUST have him! I love all the designers' cards with him, but the vintage-y looking ones are by far my favorites. Now THAT puts me into the Christmas card making mood!

  50. This Santa image is beautiful --- great job Becky! I go to Becky's website often, it is a great resource!

  51. I have been looking for a old fashion looking Santa, it is here finally! Thanks for the chance to win this set.

  52. This is a beautiful set. Love the stippling!

  53. This is one of the best Santa stamps I have ever seen, he is wonderful and on my list of must haves. erb123

  54. WOW, I've been seeing some of the lovely cards made with this amazing stamp, how beautiful! I LOVE this Santa stamp. A true classic Santa, again WOW!

  55. what a great santa stamp you did a great job showing off the stamp on your card.

  56. Wow!! Becky your new set is stunning!! I just smile every time I see this classic Santa face...brings me right back to my childhood visions of Santa (o.k my adult ones too!) Beautiful samples from the DT!! I Believe!!

  57. Wow, this is the most beautiful Santa I have ever seen! Kudos to the illustrator and thank you Flourishes for offering such a gorgeous set! I'm crossing my fingers that I'm the winner. :-)

  58. This is one of the best Santas I've seen! And I love what the design team has done with him. He's so cute you just want to reach out and give him a hug! Thanks for the opportunity to hopefully win this set!

  59. Santa, I Believe says it all. Beautiful stamp. And, Santa, I DO BELIEVE.

  60. Dear Santa, I have been a good girl and would love to win this set! This stamp is magnificent!

  61. Takes me back to my childhood. Yes there is a Santa!! Becky has done a beautiful job.

  62. This is a fantastic santa image. I am awaiting tomorrow night's release party! Thanks for a chance to win.

  63. Gorgeous set! I love that Santa image. He looks like he's checking for naughty or nice!

  64. Holey cow!!! Becky Fleck!!!?? Get out!! She is totally awesome and this Santa looks fantastic!!! Wooohooo to Flourishes for bringing Becky on board!!!

  65. OMG! This is EXACTLY how I would picture Santa to be like and I would love this stamp set to share my creations with everyone! Thanks for the opportunity.

  66. I love this vintage Santa! This is how I always imagine him, and the first time someone has caught the smiling cheery image in a stamp set! Thank you Flourishes for such an awesome set.

  67. I am in love with this Santa! The expression fits to a T what I see when I think of Santa. - Nimmy

  68. This Santa is beautiful! His eyes "speak" to me. I would love for him to grace my Christmas cards this year!

  69. If the sneak peak is any indication, this set is going to be absolutely beautiful! I can only imagine the gorgeous cards that could be made with these!

  70. What a wonderful job for this technique...kudos to you! Thanks too for an opportunity to win this set!!!
    Jan Castle

  71. This is the way Santa has always looked in my imagination. Stunning cards.

  72. What a fantastic design...I'm going to have to get this one way or another! Also thanks for the link to Becky's site and the 411 on her book!

  73. WOW! Your holiday collection is fabulous! Can't wait till Friday. Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful set.
    Mary H.

  74. This is a gorgeous Santa. Thank you for giving us a chance to win.

  75. Did you hear my jaw hit the floor? I'm sure I'll be bruised...what a gorgeous image!

  76. Really amazing Santa set. Again, the DT have just excelled in their samples! I would love to win this one!!

  77. As usual, a gorgeous set. Thanks for running the contest!

  78. Oh, what a great Santa!. I would love to win this set, thanks for the opportunity.

  79. What a beautiful Santa!!! This release is GREAT!!!

  80. I Love, Love, Love the Santa. This would be an excellent addition to my collection. Thanks for the chance to win.

  81. What a beautiful Santa. It brings back memories of when I was a little girl in the 50's. That old fashioned Santa that evokes such wonderful memories. Becky - kudos and thank you for such a wonderful image.

    Elaine Allen

  82. I love all the sets....but this Santa is just so perfect and somehow Norman Rockwell-y.....I am now rethinking my Christmas cards......

  83. Now that is a Santa!! I LOVE him and would be thrilled to win!

  84. This Santa is wonderful and teamed
    with the Holly's
    just a match made in,
    should I say the North Pole!
    Becky did an outstanding job on
    her creations. Thanks for the
    opportunity to win these stamps.
    Sherry in MI

  85. I have not been disappointed yet in any of the new peeks. WOW! They are all so jolly.

  86. Who doesn't love Santa..........

    thanks much

  87. A great Santa to add to my collection - waiting for his debut, so that I can get him ordered and on his way to my house!!!

    Margaret Peltier

    (who wishes her Google account worked more than one time after setting a new password!)

  88. This set is beyond gorgeous! You can't help but smile when you see his face.


  89. cheese-n-crackers, this set is AWESOME!!!!! so classy and wonderful for simply stunning Christmas cards!!!

  90. FAVORITE! I'm loving all the new stamps. I just can't wait for the release. They are all so BEAUTIFUL!!!

  91. What a jolly Santa. Becky, you did a great job, and I can easily understand why the Flourishes team hired you.

  92. These designs are so amazing. I can't wait until the release party tomorrow to see the complete sets. Santa is just perfect. Thanks for the chance to win this set.

  93. love this sneak & all the inspiration!!

  94. Love this Santa! Congratulations on bringing a fabulous new artist on board. Thanks for the chance to win this new set.

  95. What a fabulous addition to your team! I love the Santa image, just beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win!

  96. Simply fabulous Santa stamp!! Just received my second order from Flourishes....LOVE them!!

    I know I'll be a return shopper!! Definitely got to have the Santa, though!

  97. Beautiful Santa. Perfect for so many kinds of projects.

  98. I love Becky's images, the Santa is so realistic!

  99. Wonderful stamp set and great job by the design tea. Looking forward to the release party.

  100. I always gain so much inspiration coming here!! The Santa is so detailed just the way I picture him still, and the design team did a fantastic job as always!!

  101. I had a Santa face once before but it in NO way measured up to this handsome guy!!(that's probably why I sold it in a yard sale!!) Thank you for creating such a diversified Santa for all our upcoming Christmas cards and thanks to Flourishes for giving us a chance to win!!

  102. Wow..this is the most amazing Santa face I think I have ever seen! I absolutely LOVE IT! Praying I win it too! Thanks for the opportunity!

  103. Oh I love Santa! What a wonderful wonderful likeness you have created, thank you! I feel like a little girl gushing over Santa!

  104. Love all the stamps - keep thinking they can't get better but ..!- and the designers have given us some wonderful variations

  105. What beautiful stamps you have this time. I can't wait to go shopping. TFS

  106. The most beautiful Santa stamp I have ever seen.

    Thank you.


  107. Love this stamp!!!! The cards I have seen made with this stamp are beautiful and love the fact that the cards may have a vintage look to them depending on the technique used. Love Love Love it!

  108. Thankfully I've been following the Flourishes newsletter and artists creations. Everyone of these new releases is a must have. I can't remember being more excited. Thank all of you for the wonderful examples!

  109. Simply wonderful artistry, Ladies. Great work!!

  110. What a gorgeous stamp set! I am crossing my fingers.

  111. fabulous stamp - so realistic. Thanks for the chance to win
