Friday, November 6, 2009

Favorite Things Challenge!

It's amost time to unwrap the latest batch of sets from Flourishes! And, to get ready, we are issuing you a challenge! We call it ... the Favorite Things challenge. How does it work? All you need to do is be inspired in some way by the words of the decades old Christmas favorite from the Sound of Music! Be sure to tell us which line of the music inspired your card! :-)

Here's just a snipet of the lyrics....

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels
Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
These are a few of my favorite things

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into springs
These are a few of my favorite things

Want to see how the Design Team was inspired by these lyrics? Yours truly (Julie) immediately thought of brown paper packages tied up with string......

Stacy thought of girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes with this creation... pure elegance!

Cindy dreamt up some silver white winters that melt into spring!

Laura had the brown paper packages tied up with string running through her creative mind....

And so did Latisha! She has the string... and the brown paper for her inspiration!

Christine crafted up some beauty with raindrops on roses....
And last but not least, Leslie took the silver to the max in this silver white winters serene scene....

We hope you have as much fun as we did with this challenge! For all the official details on the DT's creations, be sure to visit their little homes on the web.....

Julie Koerber
Cindy Lawrence
Christine Okken
Latisha Yoast
Laura Fredrickson
Stacy Morgan
Leslie Miller


Simply make a card inspired by the 'My Favorite Things' lyrics. Use Flourishes stamps if you have them but if you don't... feel free to play! We'd love to see what you cook up and better yet, you'll have a chance to win some! The challenge will close Friday, November 13th at 4PM CST. When posting your card, please leave your link below using Mr. Linky. If you upload to Splitcoast, please use the KEYWORD: FLLCNOV. Keep in mind, in order to be in the running for the grand prize -- which is our ENTIRE NEW RELEASE for November-- you must link up using Mr. Linky. We can't wait to see your creativity!


  1. Julie am I blind, I don't see a mister linky on this posting?

  2. Thanks Karen! We had a linky malfunction when we scheduled this post! Thanks a bunch!

  3. Thanks for fixing this, just added mine and the DT ones are just awesome!! I really love the silver trees, I may have to case that one for some cards this year.

  4. Beautiful cards. Great challenge.

  5. Great challenge, ladies, especially since my daughter starts rehearsal for our local production of Sound of Music. I linked my entry.

  6. What a fantastic idea...and your DT cards are just beautiful...I couldn't even pick a favorite if I had the lyrics...geez how can one many good ideas there...thanks for such a fun challenge!!

  7. What a wonderful song for this challenge. I sang it every night for my daughters, and now my twin 3-year-old granddaughters ask for "the happy song" when they come for sleepovers! Thanks for the ideas!
    Kris, Wadsworth, OH

  8. Gorgeous cards from your team and followers! I'll have to get working on mine!

  9. What gorgeous samples for this challenge, and what a fun way to take inspiration for a card! Thanks for always keeping us creating with new ideas!!

  10. Beautiful DT cards! The entry's are gorgeous as well!
    Loved the theme of this challenge!

  11. Oh wow, absolutely STUNNING creations from the DT ladies!!

  12. Despite the very inspiring samples, I am afraid my Dewdrops on Rose is a bit of a sad card. I'll have to take another look at my Flourishes stamps with the song in mind!

  13. What a fabulous challenge :) The DT samples are so amazing. I don't have any Flourishes stamps but I've made a card and Mr-Linky'd it up :)

  14. Wow, what an AMAZING challenge, thanks for letting us play! I would love to win so I can get my hands on some of your wonderful stamps.

  15. WOW...Thank you so much for this challenge. I don't own any Flourishes stamps, but I loved doing the challenge. The DT cards were beautiful.

  16. This was such a fun challenge that I wish I had started earlier so I could do more lines from the song! Wonderful idea!

  17. I've just linked my card - sorry I forgot to earlier x

  18. Loved this challenge. Fantastic group of cards!

  19. Woohoo! My first Flourishes challenge. Thanks for letting me play.....

  20. What a wonderful challenge! Thanks for letting us play along!

  21. What a fun challenge!! Very creative and inspiring samples! So glad I found Flourishes.

  22. Oh I so enjoyed this challenge thanks so much.

  23. Another fun challenge from the creative geniuses at Flourishes.

  24. Loving these sets; they are all gorgeous. I decided to use Gerber Daisies for copper kettles and poison ivory for cream colored ponies. A little touch with Copics and voila!

  25. I just got in under the wire -- about an hour to go. The samples are beautiful -- and I love that song! Can't wait for the release party!!!

  26. Oh my, due to the time difference here in Hawaii, I hope I made it in time. I was inspired by the warm mittens, girls in white dresses, snowflakes, and silver white winters. This was such a fun challenge!!!

  27. I've been trying to upload my card onto my blog and now the Mr. Linky is giving me a hard time. :*( I hope I'm not too late. Just in case Mr. Linky doesn't work, here's my post on my blog:

    This was such a fun challenge!

  28. These new sets that will be released are just breathtaking. I can hardly wait to get my hands on them. And the cards that your designers have done are so special and really show these new sets off. I am so impressed!

