Thursday, November 26, 2009

A time to give thanks!

Give Thanks
…for the moments in life that worth celebrating with a handmade card.
…for the fun we have crafting together.
…for loved ones that inspire us to make beautiful paper crafts.
…for life.

This week, as I prepare for Thanksgiving, I realize how very much I have to be thankful for. Many of you don’t know this, but I recently underwent surgery to fix an issue with my stomach. Scar tissue from a previous surgery impacted my insides and doctors said had I waited a few more days, I probably wouldn’t be with you.

What many don’t know is – 3 years ago when Flourishes began, it was because of other health problems. This company had always been a dream of mine and I didn’t want to fade from this world without giving it a try. I joined forces with two fabulous ladies ~ Sharon Doolittle & Nancy Kirk, who helped me get this company off the ground. Because of them and because of my fabulous design team, this company has exceeded my wildest dreams. I have incredible artists who continue to amaze me with their stamp concepts. I have customers who send cards with Flourishes stamps that just knock my socks off. Each one of these people stands like rays of light in my life. There are so many people who contribute to Flourishes’ success and in the process, inspire me beyond words.

Today, I thank all of you! I thank my artists. I thank my friends and I thank my fabulous design team (it’s the best in the business hands down!). I offer a very special thanks to our Friends of Flourishes blog team who offer challenges each week that continually inspire creativity. All of these ladies have let Flourishes shine in new ways and helped us reach out to more people with our beautiful images.

So stop by our team members and give them a little love this Thanksgiving. I know I will! Flourishes is a better company because of all of them!

Julie Koerber
Latisha Yoast
Christine Okken
Laura Fredrickson
Stacy Morgan
Leslie Miller
Cindy Lawrence
Cindy Haffner
Betty Wright
Maki Jones
Silke Ledlow
Dee Jackson
Becca Feeken
Kimberly Crawford

So as you sit down to Thanksgiving and count your blessings, what will you be thankful for? All the best to you and your family on this special day!


  1. We don't celebrate thanksgiving here in the UK, but I wish they did, it is a perfect time to take stalk and be thankful..I am glad your surgery went well Jan, and also that your business is going from strength to strength...may you have and your team have a fantastic year ahead...Hugs Avril xxxx

  2. Happy Thanksgiving and blessing to all of you. I'm thankful for my family and friends and I'm thankful for all of you, your stamps are the BEST!!! and so are all of you!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving from Canada...hope you can share a wonderful day with family and friends.

  4. Bless you Jan, I'm very thankful for being on your wonderful team. Thank-you for all you do for us, and so glad you are home and recovering.

    Hugs Cindy

  5. It's been so rewarding getting to know your DT members and seeing their beautiful creations that keep inspiring all of us with the weekly challenges. I'm thankful that you're recovery is going well, and of course for Flourishes beautiful stamps! Happy Thanksgiving and best wishes to you!

  6. Thank you for sharing this today Jan Marie! I wish you health and happiness and continued success. You do have a wonderful team behind you, and a fabulous company. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Jan Marie! I'm so glad your surgery was a success. You are a truly amazing lady who has given us the opportunity to purchase wonderful stamps and products. I'm thankful today for all that you and your team do.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family both your own and your Flourishes family. It is by far the best company I have ever used. What a treat to use my Flourishes stamps because I know they just can't do up other then the best. Keep on going and so glad you are on the mend. Hugs, PAT ADAM

  9. Thankful you are still with us!!!!
    I wish you a speedy recovery!!!!

  10. Hugs Jan! I hope you had the best of the best Thanksgivings surrounded by family! :-)

  11. Jan Marie, thanks so much for all you do and my prayers and {{{{hugs}}} are with you while you recover! I am so very thankful to be a part of not only a Wonderful stamp company but also a wonderful team of designers!!!

  12. I am truly thankful for discovering your gorgeous stamp sets and hope to continue my collection with more and more...Your botanical sets are simply divine!!!

    I'm happy you are recovering...Hopefully, people will remember this so they can get the proper treatment if they begin to have abdominal problems... Unfortunately, I have been hearing too much about scar tissue/adhesions impacting the bowls and leading to death... However, if people are aware of the possibility and get to the doctor on time, surgical intervention cures quickly. My own sister, mother of a fourth year med student and neice of a man who died of this, was deathly ill for a few hours a month ago, but with a quick diagnosis, good treatment and arthroscopic surgery, she was up and active after a night in the hospital,and hosted a wonderful family and friends' Thanksgiving dinner for us all on Thursday. There truly is a lot to be thankful for this year.

    Hugs and thanks, Carol F

  13. Happy belated Thanksgiving - Jan Marie!!!

    I'm so thankful that I was asked to be part of your Team and I will always be grateful for this opportunity!!!

    I hope you get to enjoy this weekend and make some wonderful memories with friends and family!!!


  14. Jan Marie, I'm a little shocked reading this post, I obviously had no idea you've suffered from health issues. Your reasons for starting your company made me a little teary. Well I am SO VERY GLAD that you are around and recovering and blessing us with your WONDERFUL company. And your generosity continues to amaze me - I also wanted to thank you for your donation to the Color Throwdown challenge, which I'm THRILLED to have won!! Thanks again and great big hugs to you!!
