Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Timeless Tuesday Fun Starts.... Soon!

Flourishes Timeless Tuesday Anniversary Celebration!

It all Starts Tuesday!

February 2, 2010

You won't want to miss it!

It is Celebration Time for Flourishes Timeless Tuesday Challenges! The week of February 2-8, 2010 marks Flourishes Timeless Tuesday's ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! We have some wonderful challenges planned for the week as well as lots of amazing prizes! Please mark your calendars to play along with us to celebrate one year of Timeless Challenges!


  1. Way to go FTTC!!! I have played almost every one. The challenges are always so fun, and the samples always so beautiful and inspiring. Thanks for making this a year of fun for all of us, and here's to many more for you. I'm looking forward to the fun. Wish I didn't have to work tomorrow, but I'll be here every chance I get!!!

  2. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! I look forward to joining in on the celebration!!

  3. How awesome is that......Congratulation on your anniversary....and I look forward to your challenges.....
