Sunday, January 10, 2010

Where Do You Get Your Inspiration?

I am thrilled to be the first Flourishes Limelight Designer for the start of 2010!
I am especially excited to also get back in the stamping "saddle" again. As many of you know I have been on somewhat of a haitus since November. When Julie asked me about the Limelight, I knew that it would be the perfect opportunity to jump back into something I love!

Today I want to share with you briefly about where I get my inspiration for my projects. I tend to use nature and the color found there, as I am sure many of you also do, for the starting point for my cards. Take for example, the card I have made using Seaside Life:

It is rich with deep blues and greens of the ocean, and after a week of sub-zero temperatures, I am dreaming of the time when I can bask in the sunshine and warmth of the Atlantic Ocean again! The somewhat darker colors reflect the current winter season, but with the hope that someday my thermometer will rise above 10 degrees!

One other inspired project to show you today comes from a painting in my living room - also a nature theme, with beautiful color and design. Here is the painting:

and here is the inspired card using the Poppy Patch set:

Both of the cards are watercolored using reinkers and an aqua brush.

I am also inspired by other stampers and their work. You have a wonderful opportunity to browse through the Flourishes Blog and take a look at all of the beautiful creations by so many fabulous designers! Where do you get your inspiration?

I hope to see you back here next Sunday, when I will be sharing with you again. Thank you for stopping by and for all of your wonderful comments on my introduction last week!


  1. They are both gorgeous cards, Judy!! I love how you found inspiration in the painting...just beautiful!

  2. Great job....inspiration ande you gave us all some ideas to us. Again your work in beautiful,

  3. These are just too pretty Judy! I love both but that top card is just over the top beautiful in my book! Thanks for sharing some fabulous inspiration!

  4. Two beautifully coloured and designed cards. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Both of your cards are beautifully inspired, Judy! I'm especially smitten with your Seaside Life card. The colors and design of the layout and perfect placement of the shells make this one of my all time favorite cards with this set. Love it!

  6. Wow!!! Judy, these are BEAUTIFUL! Your work is truly incredible, girl! Fabulous job! :)

  7. Very pretty Judy. Your shells card is so warm and oh perfect! Wonderful job!

  8. Beautiful cards, Judy. Love your
    work. Looking forward to seeing

    Sherry in MI

  9. Wow beautiful cards Judy! I love the slate blues on the sea shells, it gives them so much depth.

    And that inspired background on the poppies is awesome!
