Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Winter CHA Top Ten Countdown: #8

This next high point with CHA isn't about a product... it's about a person! Maarten from Daylight. I stopped to discuss the lighting issues we've been having in the Flourishes studio especially with photography, and he was the most delightful and helpful chap. Can't you just see how darling he is?

If you'd like to check out what Maarten was up to at CHA, you can check out Daylight's full line of natural light lamps HERE. We love the fact that these natural light lamps produce a full spectrum of light so that when we are using those fabulous colors with our Flourishes stamps, we can see every one of them! So congrats Maarten for making our top ten! Maarten, next time you are in Florida, stop by for tea please!


  1. Jan Marie - you look so cute! What a fun picture!

  2. Customer relations in great public relations while assisting a potential client toward product understanding....Wowzers! How refreshing! What a find!! A total gem to share on Flourishes!
