Monday, February 8, 2010

Some Hellos.... Some Goodbyes....

When we first started the Friends of Flourishes team, we thought it would be a way to give YOU more inspiration. What it created for us, was an extended "family" here at Flourishes. And, over time, this group launched our fabulous Timeless Tuesday challenges and we've really all now got the FTTC bug!

One of the "faces" we added last year was the ever-so-talented Kimberly Crawford. Her scrappy style is all her own and it's really helped us all see that Flourishes images are truly timeless and can be used with virtually any style! That's why it's with sadness, we bid Kimberly a fond farewell. Her family is moving in pursuit of a new job and a new life and let's just say, life will be a little crazy for her in the coming months. We wish her all the best!!! We'll miss you Kimberly! Of course, you can always check in on her HERE at her home on the web -- For The Love of Paper.

With that sad goodbye comes a few "hellos!"

Last fall we introduced you all to Maki Jones and told you that we would be adding her for a three month stint as a guest designer. Well, we all decided (pretty early on) that we couldn't let her go! The funny thing is - we were all so comfortable with her on the team, we forgot to tell all of YOU that she was sticking around for good! :-) She's is such an uber talented member of the team and we're so glad she's not going anywhere!

The next face is a new one to some of you but... if you play with the Timeless Tuesday Challenges, you've probably seen her work a time, or two, or three.... playing with the team! Please welcome.....
We are so overjoyed that Barbara said "yes" and decided to join our little group here on the web! Her style is so beautiful and her coloring skills are over the top fabulous! You can check out her blog HERE, if you want to see for yourself! Since Barbara is a new addition, we thought we'd have her share a bit about herself!

I live in South Central Virginia, right on the North Carolina line, in Martinsville (think NASCAR) with my husband and best friend, John, and our nine (yes, 9) rescue cats. I'm a registered nurse, currently working as a nurse manager for a home health agency, but I'm hoping to retire at the end of this year. I've always been a crafter--I can't remember not either doing some sort of needlework or craft, even as a child, and was inspired by both of my parents to be creative with my hands. I also love to garden and that's why I need to retire--I don't have enough time now to do all the "fun" things I want to do.

I got into stamping in a round-about way. I started a small scrapbook about five years ago for an annual event we hosted and never expected to go much further with it. But while looking online for inspiration for layouts, I ran across blogs with cards and other paper crafts. I'd never done that and it looked like fun so I bought some stamps and supplies at a craft store and made some simple cards. Then I found a Stampin' Up demonstrator who taught me a lot and the rest, as they say, is history--I was totally hooked. I found Splitcoast Stampers and studied all the galleries, learning from every card I saw and never looked back.

I've been a huge fan of Flourishes stamps from the beginning of my stamping "career". I am so excited to be sharing my work with you and I'm so honored to be a part of this incredibly talented Fans of Flourishes team--it's literally a dream come true!

If you want to see these ladies in action, all you need to do is come back tomorrow when they launch another Timeless Tuesday challenge!

If you still want to be in the running for all the fabulous Timeless Tuesday Anniversary Prizes, it's not to late to whip up a card or two to enter the challenge! Just click on THIS post to find out all the details! The challenges close tonight at 6 PM Eastern!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Looks like VERY fine additions to your team! Congratulations!

  2. Welcome to the team, Maki and Barbara! WooHoo!

  3. It's sad to see Kimberley go, she was a wonderful part of Flourishes. Welcome to Barbara and Maki of course! I'm sure they will bring us a lot of inspiration!

  4. Welcome to Barbara and Maki! I'm sure they will bring us a lot of inspiration!

  5. Congratulations to Barbara and Maki. I subscribe to both their blogs and they are super talented.
