Monday, October 20, 2008

Flourishes Featured Stamper #22!

I buckled again! I couldn't pick one winner for the Featured Stamper this week! Once I show you their projects, I am sure you'll see where I was coming from! Too much talent! So, without further ado... this week's Featured Stampers are...... Lois and Michelle!

Lois created this fabulous pocket card with dual tags that are just a perfect fit for the new All That Glitters set! I love her coloring on this creation!
Her second card uses the City of David set and is just so crisp! I love the pop of color on the wise men's clothing!
Michelle created a beautiful card using some Basic Grey paper and the Summer on the Patio set! I love the fold that she used! The saying, "Just because is actually from the Siberian Iris set!

Here's a look at her card from the side so you can see the way it folds! Isn't that fantastic?

Gosh, there were so many fabulous creations this week! Want to see some of my other favorites?

This one from Laurie just pops (no pun intended)! Those poppies are colored terrifically. Pair them with polka dots and a fun Spellbinders tag and this is one lovely card!

This card from Liz is just so soft looking! I love the muted colors she chose! It just makes the flowers in the Mixed Greetings set look so serene! That pop of brown ribbon is nice too!

Thanks everyone for some fabulous Featured Stamper entries! Michelle and Lois, you'll be entered for our October drawing for a free stamp set! Keep those creations coming! Week after week - you inspire!

Until next time....stamp and flourish!! ;-)


  1. These are all so pretty. Congrats ladies, wonderful work!

  2. Congratulations to Lois & Michelle, you both deserve it with your lovely creations!

  3. Congrulations...Your cards are just outstanding!!!!
