Friday, October 24, 2008

Flourishes Friday!

This week's Flourishes Friday is all about the glitz and glimmer of Christmas. These ladies have outdone themselves---again!

Laura Fredrickson's card has a copper flair to it! She used the new Poinsettia and Boxwood set, just released this month along with the new Glittering Christmas papers. You have to love the sparkle this paper delivers! I love the way Laura embossed and watercolored her poinsettia. It is just so rich looking! The sentiment is from the Holiday Greetings set.

Cindy Lawrence continues the rich and elegant look with her use of the new All that Glitters set. I actually gasped when I saw these cards. From the embossed base to the decorative corners and the fabulous coloring - these cards have it all!

Cindy Haffner did a fun criss-cross card to make this little reindeer pop off the card! Her muted colors are just rich and the layout is too fun! FYI: Did you know this reindeer from the Flourished Christmas set is a tad bigger and a mirror opposite of the reindeer in the new set Sleigh Ride! There are tons of possibilities there!
This last creation from the lovely Becca Feeken is actually a set. She used the small poinsettia in the Flourishes Poinsettia and Boxwood set to create some paper weights and blank note cards for a gift! Can you believe she used votive candle holders for her paper weight? You'll have to click on her blog to see how she did it!

A special thanks to our team who continually inspires! If you want to see more in depth instructions, just click on their name on our Friends of Flourishes blog roll!

We do have a bit of sad news to report. You might notice there is a name missing in our weekly Flourishes roundup. Recently, Joan Bardee resigned from the blog team because life is just too chaotic right now. If you are a follower of her blog, you already know that she has a lot on her plate! We are just lucky to have spent a short time with her and we've already told her our door here at Flourishes is always open!

With Joan's goodbye comes a few "hellos!" Two very talented ladies will soon be joining the Friends of Flourishes Blog Team! These ladies have inspired me for a while now and I am absolutely sure they will inspire you too! Stay tuned for the official announcement!


  1. Wow! One card/project is more beautiful then the next. They are all gorgeous!
    Hugs and smiles

  2. Oh my, look at these cards!! They are amazing. NOW you have a rockin' team and I'm sure your new additions will be fabulous as well.

  3. WOW! I gasped and oohed and ahhed so much I began to hyperventilate! Absolutely gorgeous creations ladies!!
    Susan F. (PSU_Mom)

  4. Wow, these are all so stunning! Beautiful and so inspiring!!

  5. These cards are just breathtaking. I love Flourishes stamps. I just got my order the other day and I can't wait to play. Thank you so much for sharing all of these beautiful works of art.
