Monday, January 12, 2009

Celebrating Home 2

The upcoming release Celebrating Home gave us reason to have a challenge between all of us Flourishes. This challenge was to create using something that inspired us from our home. The has been fun and created some very special cards as well as anything but a card.

Lathisa is in the midst of a move, but still found time and creative juices to put together this fun frame that inspired her while she was shopping.

Very nice indeed, Latisha!

Betty Wright gave us this wonderful card and her inspiration here.

Christine Okken has a great invitation to dinner at her home. This is lovely tied to the beautiful silver that inspired this wonderful card.
Look at the beautiful scrolls in her flatware....what beautiful inspiration. Oh Christine, just what time and day are we invited ?

Cindy Lawerence choose to use these as here inspiration:
She says "This is one of two topiaries that sit on the fireplace mantle in my bedroom. I love 'em! :)
Here's the card I created: "

Here is the inspiration I is my kitchen. I really like the colors and patterns that make up this room. It always makes me smile.

So here is my card. I tried to capture the whiteness against the starkness of my kitchen. Coffee with Friends is something that happens a lot here so the set was so apropro for the card. The Cuttlebug folder give the texture to the back layer. The Markie's Mom (yeah Faith) inspired dots on the edge of the black keep texture going. Most of all I love the cups with the embossed images. The dash of red and tinge of green give my card vibrance and life.

Viola! Another great day of sharing with you. I am so glad you stopped by the Atelier at Flourishes.

I'm hoping that your day will be filled with blessings and that your mojo will be overflowing.



  1. WOW!!!
    This is some amazing cards. Thanks for the creative and inspiring MOJO!

  2. Gosh, I don't know which my favorite would be!!! I think it is so fun seeing the inspiration piece and the card it inspired!!!

  3. Heather Slack
    Stunning, I just LOVE the black white card.Your cards all have that WOW factor , makes it hard to choose.!!!
