Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sneak Peek -- Something To Celebrate!

It's a new year and it ushers in a new way Flourishes plans to host its releases! On the second Wednesday of each month - we'll begin our Sneak Peak Countdown to our Friday night release. It will give you a chance so see all the creations from our fabulous designers, and you'll have a shot at winning the set featured each day.

Today's set is.....
And, we have a lot to celebrate with this brand new set! It is fresh from the hands of our newest artist, Lauren Pope.

Lauren is a professional illustrator whose work can be found in everything from children's books and school text books to the world of fashion. As a child, she could be found sitting before open comic books, sketchpad in lap, pencil in hand, diligently honing the skills that would mature into the tools of a true artist. She earned her B.S. and M.A. degrees in Commercial Art at Pensacola Christian College. Her award-winning work has been featured in venues such as the Pensacola Museum of Art in Florida, the Greenhouse Gallery in San Antonio, Texas, and the Roundhouse Gallery in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Lauren’s artistic flame can be ignited by a walk through a garden, a trip to the farmer’s market, or a chance encounter with a captivating human face. To look at her original work visit her etsy site HERE.

If I had been looking for a new artist for Flourishes the very last place I would have expected to find her was at my dining room table. We hosted a birthday party for a young friend of ours and told her to invite some of her friends. Lauren and her hubby were some of the delightful friends we met that night. Lauren and I talked and someone told her I was into art...(hehe) well not her way I soon found out. She wanted to see Flourishes stamps. I saw the love in her eyes as she touched and poured over them. A few days later she came over to talk and brought a small sampling of her art and I was excited at what I saw. I perused her etsy shop and then talked with her later and told her that I could not identify her definitive medium or style. She replied that she hadn't either. Needless to say that now months later I think she and I both know her new medium (she says it makes her smile) and I know that it makes me smile as well. I hope her work will make you smile as well.

I asked Lauren to develop a birthday set for Flourishes. As we talked and set up the standard and concepts for the set she gleamed and I caught a bit of mischief in her eyes. When she sent us the first "rough outs" of the set we knew that this was a charmer, with a timeless look but certainly for today's papercrafters.

Looking above at the collage, can you get a glimpse of Lauren's creative style? Here it's just a sneak peek, but travel to the blogs of our designers and you'll see Lauren's work in living color...

Julie Koerber
Sharon Doolittle
Christine Okken
Cindy Lawrence
Faith Hofrichter
Latisha Yoast
Laura Fredrickson
Dee Jackson
Nancy Kirk
Jan Marie Caruso --OH that's ME!

Before you go blog hopping, here’s your chance to win this set! Just post a comment to this entry and we'll randomly select one person to win. The candy will move quickly - we'll announce the winner for the Birthday Celebrations set tomorrow. But, don't worry, more chances to win are on the way. We'll be giving away the sets revealed in our Thurdsay and Friday sneak peeks as well! So, be sure to stop by each day to comment.

Have you checked out our Celebrating Home challenge? (Details on that challenge can be found HERE) Take part in this challenge and you can win all three of our new sets this month. The winner will be announced at our release party Friday night from 7pm - 9 pm Eastern time over at the Flourishes Forum on Splitcoast. That's where we'll reveal all the new sets and give you an opportunity for more prizes!

For those of you who love the work of our artist Marcella Hawley, check back tomorrow for her set that celebrates life in a whole new way!

Yes, you will have to come back tomorrow and see what Marcella has in store for us.

Viola! That makes for another great day of sharing with you. I am so glad you stopped by the Atelier at Flourishes.

I'm hoping that your day will be filled with blessings and that your mojo will be overflowing.



  1. I can't wait to see the new releases - I feel like I'm being tortured! I'll be checking every day and appreciate the blog candy opps!

  2. Whooo Hooo!! Sneak Peeks!! Thanks for a chance at some of this fabulous candy.

  3. these look adorable! can't wait to see the rest!

  4. These do look like lots of fun to colour. My granddaughters just said, Oh nan they are so pretty.
    Sounds like they will get plenty of use here.
    Looking forward to seeing the others in the next couple of days.

  5. Congratulations Lauren Pope on your new venue. Have you been warned about the addictive qualities of rubber stamps?

    The new birthday set looks great. I'll look forward to seeing all the new stamp sets on Friday.

  6. What a small world! I've purchased a few of Lauren's art pieces (and she did a wonderful sketch for my grandmother that made her cry)! She's been one of my favorite artists for a while and I'd love to try her new stamp set!

  7. Flourishes stamps are so pretty! I am lovin' this sneaky peaky at your new release! Thanks for a chance to win!

  8. The sneak peaks look wonderful! This looks like a fun set of stamps! Thanks for the opportunity to win some blog candy :)

  9. A chance meeting can bring unexpected pleasure to a lot of people. I need this set.

  10. I am new to Flourishes stamps. This new stamp set sets endless boundaries to what I can create and it will work for grandsons as well as grand daughters. Can't wait to see the other sets in the release.

  11. Oh wow this is fab thank you for the opportunity
    love tasha xx

  12. This set looks so cute. Can't wait to see the rest of it!

  13. What a fun set -- love the cake and balloons! Thanks for the chance to win them.

  14. Wow! New stamps and a new artist too!
    I am so expecting some wonderful things to come in the near future.

    Would love this beautiful BD stamp set.

  15. Love sneak peeks! Can't wait to see the yummy new goodies!!

    Thanks for the chance at the candy - I am in need of some birthday stamps!!

  16. Love it! Sneak peeks are so exciting. Thanks for the chance at winning one.

  17. Wow, that is an amazing story of how Lauren came to design for you! It was fate! The stamps look awesome, I especially love the handwritten greetings :)

  18. Can't wait for the new releases. Ann Lind

  19. Can't wait to see the new sets! Amazing how a chance meeting could evolve into stamps (lol)! Great partnership!

  20. Whoo Hoo! Adorable stamps and a chance to win! Thanks so much!

    Elise H

  21. My granddaughters would love these! We often bake cupcakes together and these would make great cards for birthday parties.

  22. what a great teaser, can't wait to see it all, thanks!

    queendragonfairie at yahoo dot com

  23. Love them! Can't wait to see more.

  24. Oh wow...this looks like a FUN set!!! Can't wait to see the whole thing!

  25. Oh, what great blog candy. Thanks for the sneak peak and a chance to win it!

  26. Man I should of gotten up early. hee hee So far I love what I see! Whohoo!!

  27. What a great sneak peek! Very exciting to see a new artist's work!

  28. OMGosh...I'm so excited to see the sneaky peekies....bring 'em on!

  29. What great new stamps and a very talented artist. Congrats to you both.

  30. Looking forward to your new releases. I love sneak peeks--they are enticing--and I guess that is the purpose--LOL. Thanks for the blog candy offer too.

  31. I am so excited to see all of the new stuff

  32. Love the new birthday set! The dt's cards are wonderful!

  33. Very cute set--we can always use new birthday sets.

  34. I can't wait to see all the new releases!!!! TFS the blog candy.:-)

    Gail H.

  35. Great set, just love to win! Hugs, Moni

  36. Wonderful new stamps!! I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the release. Thank you for the chance to win.

  37. I'm so excited. The excitement is going to be overwhelming by Friday. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome set.


  38. What a neat set! Can't wait to see all of it. More Flourishes sets to add to my growing list!

  39. Can't wait to see the rest of the new stamps!!

  40. Jan Marie and Lauren,
    I am eager to see this release as the sneak peek is very intriguing. This looks like some great rubber stamp art!

  41. I really enjoyed seeing everything your design team created for this fun birthday stamp. The more I see of Flourishes stamps, the more I like/want/need them.

  42. I love sneak peeks and I love Flourishes... I have just received two sets I ordered and I am very very satisfied with my 2nd purchase.

  43. Congrats to Lauren on joining in the addictive media of stamping. Love your new B-day release, I'll be waiting for the tomorrow's release with 'cake' breath since I wanted to lick those yummy cards.
    Super job Lauren & Flourishes! ~C8>

  44. I just love this set! I can't wait to see what else this designer has in store for future releases!

  45. Oh such great stamps! Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  46. This is so exciting and it was good to get acquainted with the new artist on the block!! Welcome, Lauren. Can't wait to see you art!

  47. Yea, so excited for the new release. Thanks for the chance to win.

  48. I love sneak peeks. Flourishes stamps are always great, so is this one.

  49. Loving the new designs!
    Emma x

  50. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  51. Can't wait to see the rest of the new sets!

  52. I think I like this one already.

    Thanks much

  53. Cute birthday set! Can't wait for tomorrow's sneak peek.

  54. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the release. Thanks for the chance to win!

  55. The sneak peaks definitely peak my interest. I am looking forward to seeing them in full force. Thanks for the peaks and the giveway.

  56. Can't wait to see the rest of the new sets because I really love the Birthday Celebrations!! Lauren will be a real asset to Flourishes :-) Thanks for the chance to win.

  57. From what I see so far, this is the best Birthday set I will own! These cross the line for both adults and kids! Glad you ladies saw the gleam in the designer's eye and went with your instincts!! We applaude you! thanks for the chance to win also!

  58. Sneak peeks are so much fun! A chance to win this cute set is wonderful!

  59. Fabulous new artist! Love the peaks so far!!!

  60. Looking forward to seeing the set :)

    Nice story on how you met Lauren!


  61. Oh! From what I see, I LOVE! The balloons, banner, cupcakes -everything!! Can't wait for tomorrow.

  62. These are too cute! Can have alot of fun coloring these in.

  63. Lauren's work looks fabulous!!! Thanks for the chance to win a set!

  64. I love Flourishes stamps! I also love birthday stamps! What a perfect combination!

  65. WOW - whilst blog hopping looking for stamping inspiration I found your blog (which I have now bookmarked) and also notice the blog candy.

    I hope I'm not too late to join?

  66. Can't wait to see the rest...these look wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win!

  67. I like what everyone has done with this set. Thanks for the chance to win.

  68. How exciting! I love sneak peeks! Hope to win!

  69. The set is wonderful. I make many b-day cards. A new set... now that's a great idea.

  70. What a celebration set sneak peek!
    Art is so fun, esp. yours. Wowzers!

  71. newsletter click here doesn't work
    Registering for the drawing is not possible. FYI

  72. Very Pretty Stamps and a very cute set!! Thanks for the opportunity!!

  73. Oh! My! what a fun looking set... Lauren is a wonderful addition to your team... this set looks like it would be so much fun to play with..
    can't wait to see whats coming next!

  74. Oh boy, oh boy. Everything looks so great. I'd love to be the lucky winner!

  75. I think it's fabulous that you found your new artist right at your own dining room table! It just seems so "right" to me, somehow! :) A huge welcome to Lauren! I really like the sneak peeks I've seen so far, and can't wait to see the full release on friday.

  76. Fun, fun! Congrats Lauren! You've joined the best!

  77. I just found your site and I love what I see - can't wait to see the new releases!

  78. What a cute set. There is something for every kind of birthday card!

  79. I am very excited to see the sneak peeks! Can't wait! Your new artist looks fabulous!

  80. Wow A New artist and Free stamps. How exciting. The sneak peeks are adorable. I can't wait for the release party.

  81. Oh I can hardly wait to see more ... it looks fabulous so far!! It cracks me up how giddy we all get with sneak peeks. Life gets crazy and I love the art community with all the excitement over little things.

  82. Oh, Wow, love what I have seen so far!

  83. I love the sneek peek of this birthday set! It looks so versitile!

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. I can't wait to see them. I love to see new stuff . And who doesn't like getting Stuff. :)

  86. I love the psneak peeks. Thanks for the chance to win!

  87. congrats lauren!! love the new b-day set.

  88. In the treadition of Flourishes, I am sure the new sets will be beautiful. I'm keen to see them.

  89. I don't have any Flourishes stamps but love what Faith creates on her blog with them.


  90. The samples with this set are so cute!

  91. So glad to get the sneak peaks! Thanks for the chance to win.

  92. Can't wait to see the new release. looks great from what I can see...

  93. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win this blog candy. Love the sneak peeks of Lauren's creations.
    Love the cake image!!!

  94. Sneak peaks!!! Awesome. Can't wait to see the new releases!

    Sheila A

  95. Fabulous stamps...I'd love to win them.
    Karen x

  96. Wow! The birthday set looks great! I cannot wait to see the other releases.

  97. Those are awesome. Can't wait to see the rest.


    (Pattie's passion)

    I Scrap So All Moments Are Remembered!!

  98. The new stamps look great! Timeless, as you said. Mmm, would love to win them :) Thanks for the chance!
    Bye, Kitty

  99. I love the new Tweet Home set! The images are wonderful and it looks like a very versatile set.

  100. Oooh - I love this set. I'm excited to see the new releases.


  101. Looks like you've found a wonderful new artist. Congrats to Lauren. Love the great images!

  102. I love this set ... who am I kidding I love all Flourish stamps! See you all on Friday!

  103. Gorgeous birthday set. Thanks for the chance to win it. Can´t wait to see the new releases.
    x Natasha x

  104. I hope I am not to late to be in the drawing for the birthday stamps. They are so cute- glad you found a new young artist to show to more people.

  105. How very exciting, I love the "sneak Peek" and can't wait to see more. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to "win" delicious blog candy.

  106. I always say, you can never have too many birthday sets, especially cute ones like that. Love it!

  107. It is so enlightening to hear how you discovered this artist and to hear about her background. In my mind, you can never have too many birthday stamps and this one will be a great addition.

  108. Thanks for the chance to win. Looks neat!

  109. I always look forward to your new sets! I checked out Lauren's WEB site - what talent! Thanks for sharing...

  110. I'm excited to see the new releases. I am still seeing all of Flourishes as"New". Love all of what I have seen so far.

  111. These sneak peeks are great! I love a good comfy chair, it just makes me feel all warm and at peace with the world!
