Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Let the sneaks begin!

Many of you have talked in one way or another about wanting to see the signs of spring sprout! We do too at Flourishes! So much so, we had one of our talented artists, Marcella Hawley draw up some flowers that are sure to deliver some spring beauty in your card making!


These beautiful climbing flowers are known for their lengthy blooms, intense shades of red, pink, blue and lavender and come with a sweet and fragrant scent. With those kinds of qualities, who wouldn't love a hand picked bouquet? The next best thing is to create a bouquet yourself!

When Marcella draws her floral creations, we often see the final stamp sets, but rarely do we get a glimpse into what she was thinking when she sat down to create. Recently she emailed me a photo after an afternoon of "play time" and I have to say, I was blown away. Gorgeous doesn't even begin to cover it!

Isn't it amazing to see what an artist can do with a little ink and watercolor paint? Truly stunning in every sense of the word.

Our senior design team has been busy whipping up stunning creations of their own using this set!! You're going to want to visit each and every one of them! And, don't forget, this set along with two others will be released this Friday night -- March 13th-- at the tail end of our Release Party set for 8 to 10 central in the Flourishes Forum on Splitcoast. We hope to "see" you there!

Before you go blog hopping.... Do you want to win this set? Be sure to leave a comment on this post telling us what flower Flourishes does not have on polymer that you would love to see in a stamp set! We'd love to know!

Christine Okken
Cindy Lawrence
Faith Hofrichter
Julie Koerber
Latisha Yoast
Laura Fredrickson
Leslie Miller
Stacy Morgan
Jan Marie Caruso
Nancy Kirk
Sharon Doolittle

See you back here tomorrow for DAY 2 of our sneak peeks! Want a hint? Tomorrow's set promises to be a "go to" when you need to add an elegant flair to your cards!

Until then!


  1. MARCY!!! Oh my heck! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!! If you feel the need to get rid of this, you can send it to me and i will frame it, seriously >"<

  2. OH MY!!! Those are just stunning!!! I am speechless!

  3. This is beautiful. Looks as if this will be a set that I will be purchasing. I would love you to do a set with pansies. They are one of my favorite flowers, I just love their little faces.

    Elaine Allen

  4. Oooooh! I love those sweet peas! As for flowers you don't have sets for - there are too many to name! But maybe start with tulips? or Forget-me-nots? or snapdragons? or....oh I better quit now! ;o)

  5. I am addicted to Marcella's designs, she makes me feel like if I am an artist!!!!! I love the new stamps... wow!!!
    I'd love to color tulips with my Copic markers.

  6. Hi Marcy....gorgy! Yes, if u feel the need to mail that set off...can u send it to moi? Your work is lovely! I too am a sucker for tulips...I just don't color as well as all of you! YET!!!!!! Ty for the chance..can't wait for the next reveal ...Cher

  7. The Sweet Peas are gorgeous makes me long for summer and the sweet scent of sweet peas. My next favorite flower is pansies and there bright cheery faces. I love your floral stamps they are so pretty water colored. TFS Ann Lind

  8. WOW - those are so pretty! I love them - I may have to get that set too. Thanks for the chance to win.

  9. Oh my, Im in awe!!! I would love to get my hands on that one! So beautiful. I would also love to see a set with tulips!

  10. How beautiful is that! They are one of my favourite flowers, just planted some seeds last week. That, at least, doesn't stretch my colouring skills.
    A lot of my favourite flowers are in your sets already, like magnolia, lavender, poppies. But I don't think you have the Escholzia (California Poppy), and I just love freesias, too. I know you already have some tulips, but more ornate ones. I like the simple plain shaped ones. Are the little ones Parrot heads?

  11. WOW, that picture is amazing! I love the new stamps!
    And for the question of the missing flower, I haven't found a set yet on your website with sunflowers, my favorite flowers!

  12. hi , Gorgeous rubber stamp , i love to see some real nice teacups with fairy's rubberstamp from your brand .

    greetings and hugs brigitta

  13. Beautiful set, can't wait to place my order. It reminds me of when I used to grow sweet peas and their wonderful scent, In a condo you don't have those luxuries to plant

  14. Let me say this out loud, Marcy is my very favorite stamp designer. The photo of her "sketch" is just gorgeous. Boy, would I LOVE to win this set. Thanks for the opportunity.

  15. Beautiful~Gorgeous! You should NEVER ask a gardener what she wants...LOL...I would love to see pansies, hydrangea, flowering almond bush and lilacs! Guess I wishing for Spring! I want to oder the daffodil Spring set, but will wait for this new release, as I might have to add it tomy order!

  16. Georgous!!!!!!!!The mind is whirling already with possibilities on how to use this stamp. I'm a sucker for sunflowers.

  17. This is gorgeous - a definite must-have. Sweet Peas are among my very favorites. My all time favorite however are pansies and violas - they have the sweetest faces and present so many many color variations.

  18. love this new set would love to see tulips

  19. Oh, this is absolutely beautiful. I will most assuredly get this if I am not the lucky one to win. I love those sweet peas! As for flowers you don't have sets for, I would like to see tulips and sunflowers. Thanks.

  20. Incredible, amazing and beautiful! Let me see...sunflowers would be nice. All the Flourishes flowers are so pretty, I can't wait to see what is next! :o)

  21. looks like another gorgeous set! love the sneak peeks, omword! i'd also love to see sunflowers, daisies (drawing a blank on if you already have these!) and simple tulips!

  22. How beautiful is that image? I have alwaays loved Sweet Peas

  23. AW beautiful!!!!! I'd love to see violets. I love tulips, I could go on and on. What a wonderful site you have.

  24. I can't wait to see what you all have in store for us this month in stamps!
    I would love to see a set of big gorgeous Gerber Daisies! Think of the color possibilities!
    Also would love to see what you would do with hydrangeas. Gerbers daisies the most tho. Have a wonderful God blessed week girls!

  25. I love this image, it is absolutely beautiful. I love all the spring and summer flowers but I really love Dianthus and High bred Impatients for my borders. I am a flower freak though and I do just love them all. Pat

  26. OMG!!!! This is drop dead gorgeous!!! I want it, LOL!!!!

  27. Oops! I was so blown away by the sweet peas I forgot to say what flower to mention. Pansies!!! We need pansies!!

  28. Oh my gosh!!! these are the most beautiful flowers I've seen in a while. Can't wait to get my hands on these little babies.

  29. Absolutely beautiful! Just aadded this set to my wish list. Some of the flowers that I would like to see with the 'Flourishes' unique touch would be - orchids, geraniums, hydrangeas and snap dragons.

  30. The sweet peas are gorgeous! I'd love to see what Flourish would do with a sunflower...=)

  31. That is so pretty! I would love to own that set that is for sure. Plain shaped tulips are always nice to have on hand.

  32. They are beautiful as are most of your sets and I will be buying this one.

  33. Marcella's sweet peas look REAL and I love that! Seeing this on Julie K's blog made me think of my Grandma. I like anything old fashioned that says "country garden" like snap dragons and moss roses and delphinium. Something a chubby little hand is going to pick and race into the house clutching.

  34. The Seet Pea is my all time favorite flower and Marcella is one of my favorite designer and illustrators. It's only fitting that she would develop this marvelous stamp. If I inhale deeply, I'm sure I can savor this Sweet Pea's sweet aroma. Heck, I even named my dog "Sweet Pea". As far as responding to your contest question - I would love to see a Gerbera Daisy in polymer.

  35. Wow, LOVE these sweet peas! I'd love to see pansies done like this!

  36. Wow, that's gorgeous! Marcella Hawley is my favorite designer, hands down. I'd really like to see violets and pansies in a future set.

  37. WOW!! this set is GORGEOUS love sweet peas, this set brings back alot of childhood memories. How about a set with trumpet vines or morning glories, love them all!

  38. Ohhhhhhh my gosh. This is a gorgeous stamp. wow wow wow
    gotta have it.

  39. Oh! I love, love, love those sweet peas!! Thank you!! Can't wait to see more pretty flowers to welcome spring...

  40. Oh My these sweet peas cards are gorgeous! Pansies would be a neat flower to have!

  41. Love ALL the examples I've seen with this set. Great coloring. I would love to see a columbine stamp.

  42. Oh my, can't wait to get hold of this one! Thanks for the chance to win.
    You already have a lily (my favorite flower), but would love to see pansies or petunias. :)

  43. This is an absolutely beautiful design, and I love what each of the Design Team has done with it! Sweet peas have long been one of my favorite flowers ~ I would love to have this stamp. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

  44. Oh my goodness! This is simply gorgeous! Sweet peas bring back such sweet memories for me and these look simply gorgeous watercolored! As for other flowers. . . lilacs are my other favorite!

  45. Love this! I would love to see Gerbera Daisies!!!

  46. What an absolutely gorgeous set! For sure I will be buying this (if I don't win it)! I think you have now covered ALL of my favorite flowers!

  47. Wow Marcy - Most beautiful card! I would love to win one of those as sweet peas are so delicate and well........ sweet! I would love some snap dragons for the future!

  48. I love the new peeks. I'm a pansies girl myself. They come in sooo many colors now. Thanks for the hope of spring!! Here in New England it's still winter and gray. Lillies are a close second.

  49. Wow, what a prety set. How about some tulips or daisies?

  50. Wow! I love this set. Can't wait till Friday.

  51. Love this set!! I'd love to see hydrangeas, geraniums, crocus, and since I live in Texas, bluebonnets. Cathy

  52. SOOOO breathtaking. I'm lovin' it!! Great job.

  53. Gorgeous, gorgeous stamp, and the samples are awesome! All the above flowers mentioned would be great on stamps, especially sunflowers or Gerber daisies because of all the color possibilities. If I don't win this set, I will HAVE to purchase it. Keep those lovely stamps comin'!
    Shirley L.
    Roseville, CA

  54. This is an incredibly gorgeous image! Your DT is amazing!

  55. Marcy, What a terrific job on these sweet peas! I just love them.
    All your stamp sets are sooo incredible. Oh Delphiniums, snapdragons and gladiolus these flowers a my fav's. I guess I'll be buying the new sets on Fridays!
    Can not wait to see more!

  56. Your sweet peas are absolutely perfect in every way. They look so real. They are the bomb!!! I would love to see some lily of the valley and sunflowers. Thanks for the chance to win.

  57. Oh my goodness! This is a gorgeous stamp! A must-have, for sure! My favorite all-time flowers are old fashioned Cosmos......pansies are right up there, too!

  58. Love the Sweet Peas! So springy and vibrant! I'd love to see a tulip set; as they are my favorite flower

  59. Swweet peas are one of my favorites! Thanks for creating these, and I'd love to win them. As for flowers, how about pansies? or a christmas cactus?

  60. Love these sweet peas! I love all the Flourishes flower stamps, actually, and will be adding these to my collection, one way or another!

  61. Oh, my goodness ... wipe the drool off my desk ! So BEAUTIFUL ! As for flowers , I vote for ALL OF THE ABOVE !

  62. Absolutely, breathtakingly GORGEOUS! I'd love to see some tulips in the mix of your already fabulous flower stamps... and I'd LOVE to win these sweet peas, for sure!

  63. The sweet peas are stunning! I definitely need to add these to my collection.

    There are lots of flowers that I think would be awesome as stamps. Some of my favorites are bachelor buttons and portulacas (moss rose). I think the portulacas would be really fun to color since they come in all sorts of wonderful combinations.

  64. WOW!! Gorgeous! As for what to about some sunflowers!

  65. This card and all the DT's cards are wonderful. I know this is a MUST HAVE set! Thanks for this opportunity!!

  66. I love the new set!! Gorgeous!

    How about adding a pansy or violet set?

  67. WOW, WOW, WOW!!! I love these sneak peeks! I can't wait to see the whole set!!!
    I would love to see a Southern Magnolia, or a Dogwood...I just love the blossoms those produce! :D

  68. Oh my gosh...sweet peas. When I was a youngster I picked sweet peas for a grower selling to the flower market.

    I love this set!!

  69. All of the Flourishes flowers are gorgeous...but these, oh, these Sweet Peas have got to be my favorite! That is some amazing watercoloring! I LOVE it!

  70. OK.... I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. YOU GUYS ARE MAKING ME FEEL SOOOO GOOD and I needed that today! :) Loving your suggestions for the new flower sets... pencils and sketchbooks and flower catalogs in hand....itching to get started! Thank you for the ideas and keep 'em coming! ~m

  71. What a beautiful set! I would love to win this.

  72. Such talent boggles the mind! Absolutely gorgeous. I'd love to see Flourishes put out some hibiscus stamps. ~chris

  73. Such lovely coloring - they look so real that I could pick one!!

  74. Sweet peas alway remind me of my mother. She didn't "do" flowers except Sweet Peas. I grow them for my mother.

    I'd love to see Columbines in a stamp. Beautiful colors and shape.


  75. Oh my... the new set is just stunning! And isn't 'sweat pea' just the greatest flower name?? Mark me down as wanting one. I would love to have some gladioli to work with. They come in so many wonderful colors, I can only imagine what your artists would do with them! {crossing fingers!}

  76. So gorgeous....

    I would love to see my favorite flower the Dahlia. They are so gorgeous and I think they would be fun to color.

  77. This is just so gorgeous!!!
    I would LOVE to own this stamp set!!

    The flowers that I didn't find that I would love to have are Phlox, Lily of the Valley, snapdragons and grape hyacinth.

  78. Just outstanding! I will have to have this set - Sunflowers, tulips, and california poppies a few of my favorites. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  79. Wow! This is gorgeous. Looks like a "must have" set.

  80. I forgot to tell you that I would like to see a peony in a stamp set. It is a very popular flower used in oriental art.

  81. Well Marcella must have been reading my mind because I've been searching for sweet pea flower stamps lately! I will definitely be getting this set. I'd love to see hydrangeas and morning glories, and regular or Japanese Iris. Thanks for the chance to win! And I love the original watercolor, wow! What inspiration.

  82. Oh I love these new stamps one of my most favourite flowers, I would love to win them if I dont I will definately be back to buy them. I think it would be nice to see pansies or even carnations.

  83. Marcy, pack your bags, include cases and cases of s.p. set, then, establish a booth at Sweet Pea Festival, Bozeman, Montana! Your work is so out there! Certainly you would go home lacking product but heavy with greenbacks! Smell the sweet peas' aroma while taking in all that lovely color.
    Flower suggestions include the Bitterroot, Montana State Flower, which looks a bit daisy like and is a low groundcover in various colors of whites, and pinks in the wild. It is a freedom lover!!just like Montanans. Lily of the Valley is a great inchie and background flower for novice and experienced crafters. L.V., May's birth flower enhance cards or scrap pages for many occasions.

  84. These flowers are just beautiful! I also love peonies!

  85. What a gorgeous new set! I am going to go broke buying all of these botanicals! As for new flowers- sunflowers or apple blossoms (more of a tree...LOL)Thanks for showing this set!

  86. I've always been more of a wild flower kind of person and sweet peas are something I remember from my younger years. It's amazing how different colors and styles can bring out different aspects of the stamps. Love it.

  87. The pansies are just gor-jus. I remember growing up with pansies in my mothers garden. Hummmm.....maybe I should plant some for me. The always smelled so sweet.

  88. Oh I must have those sweet peas! Gorgeous! I would love to see some sunflowers and tulips.eclanca

  89. Ohhhh, I would be thrilled to win this set, 'cause if I do not win it I am gonna have to buy it ! I LOVE Sweet Peas.

  90. Absolutely gorgeous!!!! My grandmother always had sweet peas and these remind me of her. I would love to see pansies in a stamp.

  91. Oh my! So beautiful! I love sweetpeas. I used to pick them as a girl since they grew in a field near our home. Sweet memories!

  92. Hi! These sweet peas are absolutely gorgeous! I love the Victorian look of them. To add to them, snapdragons would be wonderful! Tiger or oriental lillies would be great, too, as would Tanzanias (more for Fall) and Delphiniums or foxglove. Can you tell I love Victorian gardens? Thanks! Kris, Wadsworth, OH

  93. This is just beautiful! I'd love to see hydrangeas!

  94. I cannot believe the beauty of these sweet peas! And I've just realized that my MUST BUYS at Flourishes have reached three! Are there peonies in Flourishes' sets?

  95. Even though I swore I would not buy any more flowers stamps because I already own 2000 flowers stamps...maybe I could have just one more...2001 is a nice number

  96. Pretty! I like it for my niece's bridal shower inv. cards. I'll like to see some bluebonnnets,thanks....Gina

  97. Oh! These sweet peas are just gorgeous! I would definitely LOVE to win the set - but if not will be ordering it!

    I would love to see your artists create a set with Hollyhocks. They are such an oldfashioned flower and bring back wonderful memories of my grandmother's garden.

  98. Oh my. Beautiful. I would love to see my home province of Newfoundland Canada's provincial flower on a stamp - the pitcher plant. It is such an unusual plant - carnivorous and all.

  99. While those sweet peas are gorgeous, I'm missing my favorite plant, the hydrangea!!!!! Next in line would be an African violet, carnations, and gladiolas. Please, please give us the ever-lovely and regal hydrangea.

  100. I've been trying like a madwoman to draw a decent calla for the past hour. Giving up, I am. So - callas would be great :)
    Bye, Kitty

  101. my fav in my garden is phlox comes in many colors and can be short or tall your stamps...D

  102. This is exactly the kind of images I want to find when I shop for stamp sets. This is beautifully done. Keep them coming and I'll keep buying.

  103. All the sneek peeks were wonderful! This set is beautiful. I would love seeing pansies, geraniums or old fashioned hollyhocks. I'm off to check out under the sofa cushions for some extra cash- LOL!
    Ad K. []

  104. I love sweet peas! In fact, that is what we call my daughter. I discovered a flower called Frangipani when I was in the South Pacific over nine years ago. They are very pretty, delicate and sooo fragrant! I think this flower would fit nicely into a tropical flower set!!!

  105. The sweet peas are amazing!! I would love to see some orchids. Think of the possibilities!

  106. WOW! Marcella is one amazing artist! I hate it when ladies do this but please pick me!! LOL

  107. Oh MY! I've only just discovered "Flourishes," and now I'm sorry I already submitted an order! Although I LOVE all I've ordered, I wish I'd waited till your new stamps were released. These sweet peas are a MUST HAVE for sure! I grow perennial sweet peas at my summer place, and LOVE their intoxicating scent. Would love to see a box of geraniums on your to-do-list. ;)

  108. I love the new sweet pea stamps. Gorgeous colorings. Can't wait to see the other sets. Thanks for the opportunity to win this set.

  109. I saw Leslie's sneak peak of the Sweet Peas first; Gorgeous image/Beautifully colored! This is another Flourishes 'Must Have' set for me...
    Joyce Munro

  110. Those sweet peas are gorgeous! Would love to have that drawing! How about having some velvety pansies?

  111. This is one stunning stamp. Beautiful. I will have to say pansy's would be a great flower to feature..they were my grandma's favourite.

  112. These are just beautiful - my favorite of course it pansies - any set with pansies would be great!

  113. So pretty! Hmm, do you have lilacs already? Love those. And daffodils are my favorite "cheer-me-up" flower.

  114. This is so beautiful....truly one of the best yet. This is a 'must have' set. One of my favorite flowers is the Southern Magnolia....such an elegant fragrant flowers.

  115. How gorgeous!!! As a gardener I just love flowers and the beauty they bring in the garden or in the house. Sweet peas have a warm and homely cottage feel that you have captuted so well...would love to have this set....thank you for the opportunity!!! Personally I would love to see hydrangea's, followed by geraniums and them daisy's... but I would love to see hydrangea's done as only Flourishes can!!

    Lovely Linda

  116. Beautiful! Amazing talent. How about daisies for a future set of flowers? Pink, yellow, white, cream, lavender, etc.

  117. The Sweet Peas are so great! I fell in love with Cindy's card. I'd like to see a set with daisies & carnations would be fun.

  118. OH YES, I would love to win this set! It is to DIE FOR!! For a flower that I would love to see in a stamp would be Gladiolus, Mums, or Columbines.

  119. So pretty! Love all of the sneak peeks. I'd love to see tulips, sunflowers, and orchids.

  120. i would love a sunflower set for fall!

  121. These sweet peas are amazing!!! Could you do something similar with hydrangeas, please? I would also like to see a set with mixed flowers-like tulips, roses & lilies; also a wild flower mix.


  122. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I love sweet peas! This will be in my collection soon! How about a stargazer lily as a new addition to your stamps? Thanks for the chance to win.

  123. I would love to see a sunflower stamp set...they are such happy flowers or perhaps pansies... they would be so much fun to color!
    The sweet peas are absolutely gorgeous!So Yes... send them to me!

  124. Wow! That stamp is gorgeous! I would love to see a daisy or black eyed susan done up as a stamp.

  125. The sweet pea stamp is fabulous but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do it justice like the designer did. I looked at your stamps (and I'm going to have to go back and order something soon - I just can't decide) but what I would like to see some spring bulb flowers; i.e., tulips daffodils, irises, crocus, hyacynth. I think they would be beautiful in watercolor like the poppies.

  126. Wow, Marcy Just stunning.
    Flowers I would love to see, Lillies. I love all Lillies including Tiger Lily, water lillies,Stargazer Lillies. and Calla Lily. These flowers could be so versatile, anything from easter, birthday and sympathy cards.
    Hugs to you all, Michelle N

  127. Those sweet peas are gorgeous! As far as what flowers I would like to see, I have a few favorites: hibiscus, geranium and hydrangea. I would love to see these in a style like the sweet peas.

  128. The sweet peas are just beautiful! Love the samples I've seen! I love all flowers and pansies are such a happy flower! Maybe you could try some of them! Also, I'm from Alaska and Forget-Me-Nots are our state flower, so they'd be great, too! Sue (suen)

  129. WOW! That is just absolutely breath takingly beautiful!! I love all of the flowers sets you have so far. Two flower sets I'd love to see are Violets and Gerber Daisies.

  130. I love love these Sweet Peas and the watercoloring is amazing.

    I would love to see Sunflowers or Lilacs I do adore lilacs.

  131. oh these are SO beautiful!!
    I'm not sure what you don't have, :) I always love to see more animals like dogs, farm animals etc.
    Was that the question?? Now I'm confused looking at the other comments LOL...

  132. I really enjoy all your flower sets, but this one really stands out. It's beautiful.

  133. I so need the sign of spring, it is so cold here I'm starting to think spring will never come. As mentioned by some others I love pansies, especially if they are yellow and purple. Beautiful card thanks for the inpiration for spring maybe it will be here soon.


  134. Oh Wow! those sweetpeas are beautiful! Flourishes seems to have the most beautiful flowers! I can only think of violets or panseys to add to the collection.

  135. I love the new sweet peas in this set. They remind of my grandma, she always grew them in her gardens each summer. Can't wait for these. Lisa

  136. Well, when I posted this morning, I forgot to say what flower I would like to see. Duh! One of my favorite flowers is the pansy. It always reminds me of my grandmother, who grew lots and lots of pansies.

  137. The sweet peas are beautiful!!! I think I'm going to have to get this one!! A flower that I love but haven't seen a stamp for would be "Foxglove".

  138. I love this stamp. It is so pretty and different. I really like Lily of the Valley. Thanks for sharing.

  139. The sweet peas are gorgeous! My favorite flowers are anemones. I would love to see a set with them.

  140. Well you just announced a set with my favorite flower. I grow sweet peas every year. I would love to see what your artists can do with hydrangeas. That's my other favorite flower. Your artists create floral images that are so realistic, unlike anyone else's floral images.

  141. I would love to see a Dahlia. Oh the possibilities for layering!!!!!!


  142. I love the new sweetpea stamp set. For a new flower set, what about one with violas, Johnny-jump-ups and pansies.

  143. My very favorite flower they look so real you can almost smell them YUMMY

  144. oh my... gorgeous!! I am so getting this set, one way or another. :o) I would love to see what magic you could do with a Calla lily, my favorite lily!

  145. Those sweet peas are so real I can almost smell them. I would love to see a set that would include little violets and pansies.

  146. I love these Sweet Peas. They are wonderful.
    There are so many kinds of dahlias - maybe a variety of those might be nice.

  147. Oh how truly gorgeous. I would love to see a set with pansies, or roses.

  148. I'm new at blogging. You have the most beautiful floral stamps one the market. The sweetpeas were great. Maybe you could do a viburnum.

  149. I'm just in awe...
    What a gorgeous stamp and I love how it's been showcased. Simply gorgeous!

  150. Oh my. I definitely need these sweetpeas. The set is just perfect. I'd love to see something with either Lilacs or cherry blossoms -- they just spell spring to me!

  151. This is a set I cannot do without. Again a winner!

  152. Lilacs are my very favorite flower, but gerber daisys would be absolutely beautiful to color. I love the sweet peas you have done and the card is absolutely stunning

  153. Oh my goodness, this is gorgeous! Would love to win it. I would just love to see snapdragons as one of your stamps. Don't think you have that one.......

    Blessings and Thanks

  154. I just love this new set. The sweet peas! These are extraordinary! I'm looking forward to coloring these as soon as possible.

  155. How gorgeous! The stamp set sounds just beautiful.....can't wait!

    June at

  156. Marcy, this set is just beautiful! I love the "ruffley" look of all the small blooms...just beautiful. My favorite flower, and one I'd love to see in a stamp is the Angel Trumpet. I have a wonderful one in my back yard...just georgeous. Love this set!

  157. This card is Beautiful!!!!! I just love the sweet peas. My second favorite flower. The first is peonies!

  158. This is just lovely. Any chance you have a hydrangea hiding there too?

  159. This is a gorgeous stamps set. I love flower stamps. Thanks for a chance to win

  160. This set is phenomenal and I hope I win it! I love the daffodil and poppy sets...

    Since I love doing floral watercolors I'm always looking for more! How 'bout Gerber daisies or hydrangea? I'm not sure that I've seen those yet.

  161. These sweetpeas are just beautiful, I can not wait till they are available. I would love to see some forget-me-nots or some wild flowers that are large enough to be watercolored.

  162. What a beautiful card! Sweet peas are one of my favorite flowers! My other favorite is hydrangeas....they come in such wonderful colors!

  163. The new sweet peas are so pretty and feminine! My flower choice would be 'forget-me-nots." I was born and raised in Alaska and, if memory serves me, this is their state flower.Whether it is or not I love this delicate little bloom and have been looking for a large sized one for quite a while; I love the artistic style of the sweet pease and think forget-me-nots would be lovely! Thank you!

  164. OH GOSH THEY"RE Gorgeous!!!! Sweet Pea is my all time favorite flower! And this stamp really captures the beauty of this delicate, fragrant flower!!!

  165. Oh my, this is just gorgeous! I would love to see some Gerbera daisies or sunflowers! Your watercoloring is just so yummy!

  166. OH Wow! I want this one soooo bad! This is amazing!!!
    Keeping my fingers crossed!
    Can't wait to see everything!

  167. Wow! Is Marcella an artist or what? That is gorgeous! I would love to have 1/10 of that talent! Well, I would love to see gardenias and stephanotis in polymer. I carried these along with roses (which you already have) in my bridal bouquet and they were so pretty and smelled heavenly! My mom carried 2 dozen gardenias in her bouquet in 1949. I wanted the same bouquet, but it would have cost $250 (in 1992)! It wasn't in my budget! Love your stamps...keep them coming!

  168. Wow - Sweet Peas - they were my mother's favorite flower. We tried to find them for her funeral but they couldn't find them. I want this set!!! I can add it to my book about my mom! Hope I win!

  169. Sunflowers and Gerbera Daisies (but not together - two different sets). I would LOVE to see what Marcella would do with those two. After that, tulips - a whole set of them, not the one fancy one that is in the thank you set.

  170. Snap dragon and hollycocks would be may faves to see as stamps.
    You are making me anxious for spring.

    thanks so much for the chance at a prize.

  171. I would love to see some violets. They are just one of my favorites and hard to find.

  172. These are exquisite (as are all your floral stamps!) My favorite fall flowers are mums, and I would love to see mum images of the same caliber as these! Now I'm off to order the peony set -- absolutely my favorite!!

  173. Orchids orchids orchids!!! Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous set.


  174. Gorgeous! I love these flowers! What flower is missing - good heavens I am not sure. Hey, it is still winter here and I can't remember all our spring flowers my husband grows. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  175. Oh I just love the sweet peas! Would love to see more floral stamps in Morning Glories, Hibiscus, Gargenia ...I love them all! Thanks for a chance to win!

  176. I love this set! It is simply beautiful. Oh, My. I totally love flowers. You can make all of them and it would be ok :)

  177. This set is so beautiful. I would love to see a set with violets.


  178. The Sweetpeas are BEAUTIFUL. I would love to win these because my Granddaughter's nickname is Sweetpea - it has been since the day she was born. Hope I win!

  179. Your designers are so talented. I am jealous of how well they color in the stamps. My favorite flowers are pansys and second favorite would be gerber daisys. I would love to see stamps sets that includes those flowers. Thanks and keep up the good work.

  180. So dainty, Just love it!!

  181. Beautiful stamp set and I can just smell the sweet peas now!!! How about giant hibiscus flowers from perennial hibiscus and some hosta leaves?
