Sunday, May 31, 2009

Limelight Week 4 with Michelle -fun with yellow

Hi everyone, it's Michelle and welcome to my last post as your Flourishes Limelight designer for May. What fun it's been hanging around here and a big THANK YOU to everyone who stopped by and those of you who left such lovely comments. Every single one is appreciated!

For my last week, I didn't do a set of MIM/LIM cards. Instead, I did some fun bright cards using yellow! Just cause yellow makes me happy! My cards all use the same ingredients, ie. pattern paper, rhinestones, dies, and ribbon -making it easy to get a couple cards done fast!

This first card uses Coffee With Friends in a different way. I stamped the coffee mug and colored it by doing a couple swipes with 3 copic markers. The flower "stem" is actually one of the steam images! The flowers are from one of my Prima jars and they have Kaiser rhinestones in the centers. The pattern paper is from DCWV Citrus matpack. FUN! I usually do something a bit more elegant with this coffee set, but I love to do a "floppsy doodle" card from time to time. By the way, floppsy doodle is just a funny term I use to describe cards that are a bit whimsical.

This next card uses the Summer Blossoms set. I have mentioned before, I love the images from this set! I thought it would be fun to turn the "stem" image into a kind of whispy grass with rhinestones on it! I used the same pattern paper pack, ribbon and Top Note die. Aren't those dragonflies the cutest? They too have a yellow rinestone on them. For the buttons, I actually (gasp!) hand sewed them to the panel! When I was finished, I used an orange marker to outline the Top Note piece and went over it with my Stardust Clear pen, making it extra sparkly! You can click on the card for a closer look.

Thanks again for stopping by. It's been such a pleasure and great fun being the Limelight Designer!!


  1. Both of these cards are like a breath of fresh air, clean and crisp. Love them!

  2. The above comment was from me. Ooops, I hit the wrong button.

  3. Oh isn't it lovely to feel Spring! Your cards are fantastic and full of sunshine.

  4. Thank you Michelle for sharing your creative side with us this last month. Oh how time flies when we are engaged...and you certainly did that for all of us at Flourishes....and all the followers of FLLC. You are the color have made us smile, refreshed and bright. Come back any time, and keep us Flouishing!

    Polymer Hugs,
    Jan Marie

  5. Love your 'floppsy doodle'card Michelle.
    I do 'etty metty foo' cards myself!!
    Hope you come back soon to share your designs with us.
    Margaret in the UK.

  6. Michelle, I totally missed these on Sunday...obviously my loss! Love what you did with the top note die,and that creative coffee cup with the flowers...amazing! Both are to die for and really offer a cool take on each of the sets! You rock girl! You deserve to be in the Limelight..what a fabulous month for us!
