Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday Focus... Distressing

Happy Friday everyone! Stacy here today with your Friday Focus and its *Distressing*. Most of you know my style is very clean with lots of white space. However I have been known to throw some extra's onto a card. So I am going to show you *my* levels of distressing that I do on cards and still keep with my clean and crisp feeling that I love.

I have kept the cards all the same so you can see what each one looks like with different levels of distressing. I have used the beautiful Lace Heart set as well as some Finishing touches for each card.

Here is what I consider a light distressing. I have only distressed two corners on both panels. It adds a little bit of texture but keeps it still very clean and smooth. Now, I use an actual tool that is called a Distressor, but before I had this tool I just used my scissors and that works well too.

This is my medium distressing. I did the two panels on this one. Still keeping the idea of some extra textures but not over doing it.

Here is what I consider heavy distressing. I ruffed up all the layers except the card base. Still very much to my clean style, but adds a little more for the eye to see.

And, below is a group picture of the cards so you can see the big picture!

Whether you like to rough up your edges just a little, or you like to take it to the max, distressing is a fun way to add a little extra interest and add a little extra texture. You can use lots of different materials to distress to - use the distressing tool, use some scissors, take some sandpaper or a sanding block and rough up the edges. Most importantly - use your imagination!

The other members of the Senior DT de-stressed with a little distressing! Click on to see their creations....

Christine Okken
Cindy Lawrence
Faith Hofrichter
Julie Koerber - D.T. Coordinator
Latisha Yoast
Laura Fredrickson
Leslie Miller

Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to check back Sunday for another treat from our Limelight Designer Makiko Jones!


  1. Wonderful Stacy! Each card is gorgeous and the distressing adds fabulous interest to it's design!

  2. I love all 3 of these beautifully distressed cards! The lace and charm corner adds such a perfect touch! TFS!

  3. Beautiful cards ladies - you are all so very talented and skilled :D
    Keep up the Great Work!

  4. Alle drei Karten sind superschön geworden, phantastisch.


  5. Each card is so pretty with the different embellishments!! I love how you distressed the card -- absolutely fantastic!!

  6. Beautiful cards Stacy. Just taken a look at all the other ladies cards and they are all fantastic.
    I'm not one for distressing at all, I don't think I've ever done one, but now I will give it a try. Thanks ladies.

  7. Beautiful cards Stacy! I have never done the minimal distressing and it looks soooo cool to just do the corners! I'll have to try that!

  8. Thanks, Stacy for showing us the three degrees of distressing you used. I had to improvise my distressing because I could not for the life of me find my distressing tools. I just used sandpaper.
