Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Royalty Through Loyalty

I have to tell you, as the owner of the finest stamp company around, it has been such an honor to "crown" some of the gems in our business this month. As we blow out the candles on our second year, we have had quite a few customers who believed in us as we opened the door on this company. Many of those customers have stuck with us and are by our side today. There are no words for the gratitude we feel towards these fine ladies!

We knew when we started our birthday celebration, we wanted to honor those loyal Flourishes fans by "crowning" them as Flourishes royalty! One of the ladies we crowned exclaimed recently that she loves her crown so much, she wears it to clean house! We love her style!

Today, we have a few more crowns to hand out! We've polished them up and they are ready to go. This time, we are honoring those customers who have been with us since the beginning, are still with us and in fact, probably own most... if not ALL... of the sets we've released! We can't say enough about their loyalty!

We hereby crown these fine customers to our royal court!

These fine ladies will join Lois Bak, our "Queen" along with royals Liz Williams and Linda Lucas on our Royal Court! Ladies, we'll be sending some special goodies your way. We hope you know how much we appreciate you! Since we were trying to be sneaky and not spill the beans before the official crowning, if you'd like to send our DT Coordinator, Julie Koerber, your photo, we'll be showcasing our entire royal court at the end of the month and would love to have your pictures! Please email her at with your photos!

Thanks for stopping by! Stacy Morgan will be joining us Friday with another Flourishes Focus, this one is all about de-stressing she tells me! ;-) Be sure to come back and see what she cooked up!


  1. Whohoo... Congrats ladies... I can't wait to see you with your *crowns* on. :0) enjoy your day!

  2. Congratulations to these Regal ladies!!

  3. Contrats to you all ladies. Hope to see faces to those crowns.

  4. WOW Was I surprised to get a crown :D. I love Flourishes stuff and am so pleased to be chosen.

    Thank you Flourishes :)

  5. Congratulations Mary, Margaret, Karen, and Karen! Isn't it great to be recognized for your addiction?? I mean, loyalty to these wonderful products!!
