We promised you to have a Parade of Cards as the cards started rolling in for our Cards for Troops.
The drum major for our Parade of Cards for the Cards for Troops was our ever loyal Lois Bak (Clownmom). Hers were the very first to arrive.
So drum Major, Lois lead on with these cards:
This last week has been awesome for our Card for Troops project! We have literally been blown away by the generosity of some of you great stampers.
Last week we received a large box of cards from Janet Lemmon. When we cut the box open there were two smaller boxes inside - each was packed to the breaking point with card and envelopes. Now I have not counted the number of cards this generous lady sent, but I am going to tell you she was generous.

Here are a few of the cards that Janet so kindly sent to us. This lady is certainly part of the bugle division of this parade. She is sending a loud and resounding message to our troops that we care about them. Thank you so much Janet!
No parade with a band would be without a drummer in the band. Amber Shaw is that stamper for us. Today, we received a medium size Priority mailing box and inside this box, it was stuffed with 215 cards, envelopes, each in clear bag protectors. This lady is truly dedicated to this mission. To date, she told us she has alone stamped 35,000 cards already. She plans to send us another box in the near future.
Here is a sampling of her cards for you to see.......

Our own Senior Design Team member, Stacy Morgan also chipped in and today we got a large envelope filled with cards and envelopes. Many of here cards that are part of the Cards on Parade today are one's that she has designed for our releases. I think she must be a flute player for our parade, each of her cards is delicates and detailed to perfection.

Each of these ladies names will be put in for the drawing of FREE SETS that FLLC will give away just for sending us cards for our troops.
It is not too late to clean out your stash and send them to us. Our troops will be thrilled to receive a wonderful card made by you for them to send to their love ones. Then you could also be in the running to be a winner as well as our troops.
Now on a personal note, I would like to say that I am so proud of the quality and generosity of these ladies. FLLC has about 600 plus cards as of today. My own grandson will soon depart for his second tour to Afghanistan. Any of these card I would be proud for him to send home to us. Such quality, such love, such creativity, such a selection. Remember these may be the only cards available to our troops. We ask that you send a envelope, but postage is free for the cards trip back to the US from the troops.
Won't you help us in this great cause. It is not too late to purchase you Patriotism On Parade set for FLLC. A portion of the proceeds will go to the Wounded Warrior Project. I told you we only have winners here at FLLC.
Thanks to you ladies that have sent cards so far. I already have some that have arrived for next week's parade, come on join in....be on parade.....send us your cards.
All of the cards that we have received show the care and creativity of each of these ladies. They will make us all proud to cheer our troops onward.
Won't you join this parade? Share some of your creativity with our service members so far away from home and love ones. There is plenty of time and I will have another parade of cards as more roll in......You could be the next person to have your name in lights. Clean out your stash, make some up if you don't have extras. They can be for any and all occassions....remember it's hard to find a Hallmark or American Greetings store in Iraq or Afghanistan! We would love to have your cards to send off!
Thanks in advance.
Polymer Hugs,

PS..Monday edit...Mike & I traveled to Harrisburg, MS yesterday to see an uncle of mine that is very ill and hospitalized there. Just on the outskirts of town we passed Camp Shelby. I mentioned to Mike that I thought that was where our grandson was training. We called him when we got to the hospital and sure enough he was at Camp Shelby and would love to see us. We spent some time with him and I am glad we did as he told us that he is on his was...peveribal " I can't tell you day or time, but I will be "in country" shortly." We hugged, took pictures on the cell phones ad Mike reminisced that he had remember other times like this in his life. Please pray to keep Matt and all of our troops safe. This is a real war that has touched too many lives. God speed.
wow you girls have gotten a lot of cards if you have 600. Whohoo... So glad we have such great stampers who are supporting out troops with cards!
Hi Jan Marie and ladies...I just sent another priority box of 227 cards off to you yesterday.
There just isnt a better cause than doing something kind for our men an women serving our country to keep all of us out of harms way.
Many blessings.
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