Since we knew you couldn't wait to see what luscious flower was next on her list, we introduce to you.......

So, I asked Jan Marie, the garden lover and one of the owners of Flourishes to give us all a little lesson on these beautiful buds. For starters she said these flowers come in vibrant shades of orange, red and yellow. Here's what else Jan Marie had to say.....
"Nasturtiums are part of that home and heart kind of garden. They actually became popular in victory gardens during World War II. When pepper became scarce, families started to grow Nasturtiums because it is an edible flower with a peppery flavor. It gave food the peppery taste that their dinner table was missing."
There's your little history lesson on this beautiful and easy to grow flower!Since the design team did a little research on its own, they've created some gorgeous cards with this set and are all offering up a bit of a sneak peek today before this set is available Friday! FYI: All of the new releases will be available in the store starting at 10 PM CST-- right after our release party in the Flourishes Forum on Splitcoast Stampers! The party starts at 8 PM Central -- so mark your calendars!
Want to win this set? Simply leave us a comment telling us your favorite summertime pastime!
Now hop on over to see what our DT cooked up with these fiery colored flowers!
Christine Okken
Cindy Lawrence
Faith Hofrichter
Julie Koerber
Latisha Yoast
Laura Fredrickson
Leslie Miller
Stacy Morgan
Thanks for stopping by. We'll see you back here tomorrow to unveil another fabulous Marcella Hawley set and to announce the winner of our first sneak peek giveaway. See you then!
My favorite summer passtime is camping. I love to sit by a stream and let all the cares of the world float on by. Thanks for the chance to win. Ann lind
My favorite passtime is eating ice-cream by the beach.
The new stamp set is great!!!! I am looking forward to place an order, hopefully all the stamp sets I want will be in stock!
My sister has a swimming pool that is very private, so my sons and their friends enjoy swimming a lot
during our hot and humid midwest summers! Many thanks, Cindi
This new set is just stunning!!
My favorite summer passtime is swimming in the sea. Really refreshing in the heat!
My favourite summer hobby is fishing and camping with my hubby and our pup Cyrus the Wonder Dog!! (I accidently out fish my hubby every time!! LOL!!)
I guess I like to hobby with my hubby!!
Lesley :)
Favourite summer pastime - gardening. When we didn't have one of our own I used to go and help my mother with hers.
Love nasturtiums, I have often grown them and can never pick a favourite colour or variety. They just say *summer*!
I love to have my morning coffee on the screened porch and listen to the birds before heading off to hike in the mountains.
My favorite summer past time is tending to my garden. Thanks for a chance to win.
My favourite summer passtime is to sit in a park and relax. I don't have a garden any more, but I do remember when we were growing up. We always had nasturshums in our garden as they were very easy to grow.
My favorite summer pasttime is sitting on my deck while reading a good book!!!
My favorite summer passtime was sitting on the glassed in porch and having breakfast while listening to the waterfall in the backyard. We always had something new for breakfast...eggs, grits and ham...pancakes with fruit...even oatmeal was a treat with fruit and we used real cream in our oatmeal...of course the conversation in our family never stopped. What a great memory you gave to I am off to see the new set :)
I can see the flower images becoming a problem for me... The are amazing! We love to spend time up on the lake in the summer. 20 or 30 of us at a time on a beach on the lake, eating, playing games, eating, swimming... did I mention eating. LOL!
Can't wait ot see the rest of the images. -Molly B
My favorite summer passtime is sitting on my porch relaxing, talking to hubby, and looking at my flower gardens with the butterflies, etc. This year my garden won't be too pretty as I have broken my foot and can't put any weight on it for five more weeks. My hubby cuts grass but is not a gardener. LOL. We will still be able to watch the butterflies tho. BTW, love the new flower stamps!
My favorite passtime is sitting by my pool looking at my flower garden. I just love flowers. Thanks for the chance to win. I just love the stamp set.
ohmygosh I can't believe we were right ROFL........ (tuesday chat).
This is the bomb!! I LOVE these little flowers, they are a constant fixture in my greenhouse and I love picking the colorful blooms for a dinner salad, just looks so cool in a mixed salad. Friends are always amazed when I decorate their plates with the blooms and then they can EAT them! picked at the right time you get an unexpected hint of honey taste as well from the juices inside, "bee happy" !!
I enjoy cookouts and hanging out on the front porch. We live out in the country and have a beautiful view.
I LOVE to lay in a low beach chair right down near the water , reading a good mystery, listening to the shore birds and the sound of the waves!
When I think of my favorite summertime activity, I think back to when I worked at resident camp in my teens and 20's. We had such great times. I loved building campfires, and sitting up late after the kids went to bed and talking. The S'mores weren't bad either! Thanks for inspiring that happy trip into some great memories.
My favorite summertime passtime is reading a good mystery by the pool. Just vegging away on a summer's day! Thanks for the chance to win.
summertime to me is front-porch sitting and rocking with a cool drink and good conversation, watching the world go by one breeze at a time.
Your new floral stamps are beautiful, but then all of your flower stamps are my favorites!
I love outdoor activities during the summer: camping. hiking, picnics, playing games, even relaxing and reading a book on the deck. I just prefer to be outside rather than stuck in the house during nice weather. Love the card. I just love flower stmap sets.
Marcella's designs are always a delight, and this is no exception. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful set. My favorite summer pastime is traveling -- even if it's just a day trip to some close-by destination.
Love the new set favorite summer passtime is walking on the beach and playing in my flower garden..
My favorite summer pastime is camping with my family. I have a new summer activity that I am really enjoying, kayaking, I am loving it. It is so peaceful to kayak around a beautiful lake and take in all the wonderful wildlife. The set looks great! Thank you for the chance to win.
I am loving all these new flower stamp sets. This new set is no exception! Love it.
My favorite summer passtime is laying on the beach with a really good book until the sun goes down!
Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite pastime is sitting on the beach with a good book. If I'm not on vacation, it would be visiting local points of interest and eating outdoors.
Definitely, a favorite pastime of mine is gardening. Love this stamp!
My favorite summer pastime is walking down by the river early in the morning when it's still cool outside - I like to watch and listen to the birds and enjoy the scenery!
Love the new flowers!
My favorite summer passtime is sitting in the yard watching my grandkids catch firefly and running and jumping and trying to catch "that one way up there" and all the giggles that fill the air!
I love lying in a hammock with a cool drink and not having anything to do!
I love to be out in the garden early in the morning, then a refreshing shower,dinner, and a good book to finish the day.
Ad K.
Beautiful flowers! My son who has autism LOVES to walk. So he and I spend many hours outside doing just that.
T. Blue
My favorite summertime pastime is just being able to walk to the mailbox and not have 14 inches of snow to go through. Here in my area(near Holland) of Michigan we get over 100 inches a year and this last winter we were hit hard.We also get snow up until the end of April and into May.It frosted 2 nights ago so old man winter is not giving up his hold easy this year
GREAT card I loved the colors.
My favorite summer pastime is picnics with my 9 yr. old daughter. We have 100 yr. old oak trees and we sit under them and drink lemonade and "girl talk"! Love these gorgeous flower stamps - keep them coming! -Mary R.
Oh what a beautiful flower stamp set to add to my collection. Sure hope you pick me!!!
My fave summer pastime is going to the beach. I love the smells of the salt water, the feel of the hot sand, and the smells of the Elephant Ears!!! so fun... I can't wait to go again!
Oh, these are so gorgeous ! My favorite pastime is biking and then stopping for gourmet ice cream !
Believe it or not, my favorite summer passtime is canning and preserving the produce from our garden and the farmer's market. I feel so rewareded when done. My hubby is the gardener and I am the preserver.. Thanks for a chance to win one of your lovely sets.
This set is just stunning. My favorite passtime is getting together with family and friends and grilling out. Thanks so much for a chance at this sweet giveaway.
Sitting on the deck with a glass of wine and watching the water and hearing all of nature.
The flowers are awesome.
well I didnt think you could top the sweet pea stamps but this is just as nice love it. My fav pasttime is to garden so this is right up my alley
Wow, I'd love to own this set and many of the other sets too - LOL! This one is no have some great artists!
I have several summertime pasttimes...going to the park with the family, going to the beach, and camping! I also love going to fairs and the rodeo!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Alma =)
Nothing compares to the Elegant botanical stamps Flourishes offers, and this is another fantastic image to add to the collection! I guess my favorite summer passtime would be being outside, gardening or reading, but I don't do it enough!
Oh I love the look of this stamp! I love the flowers of summer and love spending time with flowers, dogs, and sons outside in the sunshine.
My favorite summer pastime is anything that involves water and the outdoors! Love the new Nasturiums set!
Nasturiums are the first flowers I grew as a newlywed!
My favorite summer pasttime is visiting the Outer Banks in North Carolina -- I want to retire there! It has changed so much since I was a child, but I still love it! I'm thrilled to see more artwork by the wonderful Ms. Hawley -- these flowers are so gorgeous with all the detail! Thanks for the chance to win a set!
My favorite summer passtime is sitting with my husband in the screen house watching the flower gardens we planted grow!
My favourite summer past time is to sit under the shade of a tree or in my balcony with a good book and a tall glass of lemonade. Totally, a lazy afternoon!
I'm loving the sound of the new stamp set. Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite summer passtime is lying on a beach. Like they say "farniente". Nothing better than earing sound of waves. Thanks for a chance to win these gorgeous flowers!
while i feel like i should say something productive, like working in the garden, etc, really my favorite summertime thing to do is nothing! sitting under a tree and reading a good book for hours is heaven to me!
My favorite summer passtime is heading up to northern AZ to get out of 110 degrees and relaxing in a more doable 80-85! :)
Growing up my favorite summer passtime was catching lightning bugs after dark. We must have done that a thousands of times!
Now I enjoy reading a good book on the back porch
My favourite summer pastime is swimming, lake, beach or pool and then sitting and reading a good book.
One of my favorite summer pastimes is tending to my flower gardens. In Alaska we have a very short but intense growing period. I have 8 window boxes of nasturtiums on my balcony every summer! I LOVE this stamp set! Thanks for the chance to win it.
My all time favorite summer pastime is laying on the chaise lounge in the backyard in my swimsuit with a big straw hat, a stack of stamping magazines and a gripping novel, and a large glass of iced tea. Thanks for bringing out more floral stamps; I am still enjoying the Sweet Peas. - Charmaine
My favorite summer pasttime is camping, because then I have a change to do my other favorite summer pasttimes of hiking and photography!!
I LOVE the new stamp set and would be ticked to win!! Thanks for the opportunity!
Summer....buzzing bees, chirping birds, law mowers humming, children playing....swings creaking....just listening to all of this is a great thing to do...and being thankful to be alive to experience it all. Love these flowers....they ramble everywhere but are so bright and cheery.
What stunning stamps. My favorite summer passtime is fleamarketing. Love to watch the people and hunt for those bargains. Thanks for the chance.
My favourite summer passtime is sitting on my lounge beside the pool and reading a good book. Thanks for a chance to win this pretty set!
my favorite summer passtime is playing outside with my boys.
One of my favorite summer passtimes is camping, near water to play in, such as a river or lake. I love being in the water.
-MaryB of Milpitas
I am basically a listener or a quiet person so I love sitting out on our deck with the kids and grandkids just listening to them gab!!
Another beautiful flower set. One after another! My favorite summer past time is going to the beach and sitting under an umbrella playing scrabble. That is my idea of a great summer day -- breeze, ocean smell, sounds of the waves and kids playing!! Can't wait!!
WOW! Love your dt's artwork & this new set! My favorite summertime passtime is swimming!
well, however you say it, they're beautiful!!! fave summer pastime? eating sno-balls, taking the kids to the pull and grilling out!!! and ***pleas*** pick me!!! haha!! i have to try, right?!!!
What pretty cards. My favorite summer passtime is taking the grandkids to the BIG swimming pool.They have so much fun on the slides etc. Thanks for a chance to win this set.
outdoor fun, BBQ's and beachdays... Catching fireflies & home grown fresh garden veggies
Wow! Another great flower set!Favorite summer past-time? Just spending time with my boys.
My favorite summer activity is camping. We spend time at the Jersey shore and at Raystown. It is so relaxing. I love this new set. Thanks for the chance to win.
My favorite summer passtime is sitting in our back yard, looking at all the activity in the 4 flowerbeds my husband has, with a book and tea.
I just love nasturtiums! I always have! My favorite summer pasttime is reading. I work for a school district and can get caught up on all my reading and do extra reading with my little one!
I would have to say being by the ocean in summer is tops for me, like swimming, fishing, walking along the beaches. A beautiful flower set again Marcella.
I love going to our local farmer's markets- fresh basil and ripe,local tomatoes, YUM!
Thanks so much!
Wow! Another beautiful set. Oh how I would love to win this. My favorite summer pastime, or should I say one of many, is blowing bubbles with my granchildren. Hee Hee, guess I'm still a kid myself.
Jean ~
My favourite summertime pasttime is sitting in the backyard reading and watching my daughter play. Thank you for the chance to win.
My favorite summertime pastime is actually working in the garden! The floral stamp sets are just beautiful and hope to add another one to my growing collection of Flourishes stamps!
I love to eat grilled burgers and chicken from the grill! Other than that, I'm pretty much an indoor girl during summer and hide in the air conditioning since I can't take the heat. Thanks for the chance to win such a gorgeous stamp set!
My favorite summer pastime is sitting out by the pool and cooking on the Bar-B-Q ! I love this new set.....
My favorite thing to do is putter in the yard- but also enjoy boating!
My favorite summer time fun is just being off of work. I get to relax and gear up for another school year. Summer is a time to rest and start thinking of new lessons for the upcoming school year. I love the new stamp set.
My favorite summertime activity is camping - friends, family and simple food over a campfire. I'll pass on the bugs and wet or hot weather though!
I love fishing, hiking, and camping during the summer. Being out in nature is one of the best things about summer.
Do you mean my favorite summer passtime apart from stamping? Sitting down by the river at the end of the garden, under a willow tree, reading a great book! Thank you for the chance to win great blog candy!
Anne. dinkuminkum at yahoo dot co dot nz.
I am so surprised that the nasturtiums are unknown to some. I love them, grew up with them, and I am growing them !
One of my favorite summer pasttimes is bonfires with the grandkids - hot dogs, smores. So fun!
My favorite summer thing to do is to just be able to sit out on the front steps and just watch things go by. Love these flowers.
thanks much
My favorite summer pass time is fishing and viewing all the blooming flowers. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful stamp set.
I love this flower set. I am a sucker when it comes to buying stamps like this one.
Summer is great in South Florida. The seasonal crowds leave and we can have full use of our beaches and parks - it's great!
My favorite summertime pasttime is gardening . . . so this set is right up my alley!
My favorite summer pasttime is working in my garden. I can't wait to get out there and get all muddy and grounded in the earth. I love Nasturtiums and can't wait to get this set! :o)
I just planted my nasturtium seeds in the front garden. Did you know they are also edible and are an interesting addition to summer salads. They have a slight peppery taste. Guess I will be ordering again this weekend. Love the florals.
I love to see what everyone does with the new sets released. This is a great set and appreciate the opportunity to win. My favorite summer passtime is golfing. If it's too hot to golf then fishing.
These are beautiful!
My favorite garden pasttime is sitting on my porch, looking at my beautiful flower gardens, watching the birds and all the wildlife, and hearing the sound of the waterfall below my property. It feels, looks, and sounds just like I think heaven will be.
My favorite summer pastime is sitting in my air-conditioned stamp room stamping. It's a lot like my favorite winter pastime, except for the air-conditioning part.
My favorite summer pasttime is definitely traveling. Especially to cooler climates than where I live. I love nothing better than dipping my toes in a cold, mountain spring or just breathing in the air of a Smoky Mountain morning. Mmmmmm - it's time for a vacation I think!
Fishing first, and then just sitting in the river with a cold drink to relax. It just doesn't get any better than that!
Oh how I love nasturtiums! I just planted some along with my tomatoes this past weekend!! I absolutely adore these flower sets!!
Hiking and enjoying the lake in the Adirondacks is my favorite pasttime to date, but I think we are going to incorporate camping this year. I haven't done it since I was a kid and me and my hubs would love to introduce it to our boys now that they are old enough to enjoy it!
My favorite summer passtime is biking through the woods by the river or creek. I love the sound of the birds. It's so peaceful. I remember growing nasturtiums many years ago. They were always so bright and cheery. I hope I win!
My favorite summer pastime is reading on the beach!!!
I love your new stamp set. My favorite summertime activity is reading - on the deck, at the pool or at the beach. Thanks for a chance to win this great set of stamps.
My favorite summer passtime is reading a good books. Thanks for the chance to win.
What a gorgeous set this will be! Can't wait to get my hands on it. My favorite summer pastime is going to the pool with my grandsons! Thanks for the chance to win this set! My fingers are crossed!
my favorite summer pastime is going to the farm market. I love to look at the fresh vegetables, fresh flowers and listen to the music as Is stroll by each offering
Hands down - camping! In the RV! Love this set! This flower is a staple in my flower pots every year!
My favorite summer passtime is grilling out & making homemade ice cream!
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